No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

I will agree the reason solo content gets nerfed shouldn’t be M+ or raids, especially when the solo content is isolated from grouped content.

But it’s just an oversimplification to pretend like solo content when it has an impact on other content should never be nerfed. These things don’t happen in a vacuum. Personally I don’t think delves should be nerfed because I think the real reason for the disparity is an earlier change to M+; but that doesn’t mean there would never be a particular structure of solo content that has a negative impact on aspects of the game that shouldn’t be addressed just because it’s solo content.

No, it doesn’t. M+ pugs being a toxic cesspool ‘disincentives’ group content.


It’s only isolated if you can’t take gear outside of solo content.

That comes with the internet, but you’re still using it, and a forum too.

Delves looking better than M+ after those bans.

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Won’t have to worry about griefing bans in solo content :slight_smile:

What they should do is isolate their e-sports components from the rest of the game. Lets Delves progress into heroic Dungeons that then roll into raiding. Move M+ into its own space like Arenas and PvP, give M+ its own gear track separate from the rest of the game and let them just do whatever it is they do.


lol? so return to before legion and raid logging.

They already do. MDI and TGP are separate.

AI replaces the groups. Now its a group and solo at the same time.

Raid logging is fine if that’s what you want to do. it’s your money. But you could fish, or gather herbs, make cauldrons, PVP, grind rep, do old raids for mog, level alts, carry guildies through dungeons, carry guildies alts through dungeons, at least that’s what I always did. You could just M+ log run 2 dungeons and log back out too. But that sounds like a waste of money.

That guy is a straight up

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i like delves. i don’t like mythic+ cause i hate timers. OP, you get that :heart: of support from me.

…off-topic, but i kinda wish it was a thumbs-up, instead of a heart.


I love that gif, and I used to love gibbing that thing in that game.

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My most recent playthrough I saw a 1 star troll and I got arrogant, didn’t put a portal down and said “nah I got this” and got one shot…

It was a LONG trip back to recover my body lol.

Not everyone is ever going to M+. Not everyone PVPs. You seem to think that playing the way one wants is somehow a wrong thing. Get over yourself.


I’ve called out that person so much and shut down every argument, they’ve either got me on ignore or just don’t respond to me. Feels good to know I rustled someone like that lol.


Blizz please dont tie delves to mythic+. I am a solo player. I’m not going to do mythics no way. Even if I wanted to who would invite a player to a mythic 8 that has no IO score anyways. Please don’t mess this up for us.

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I wont do mythics other than with guildies, because i hate timers.

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So you’re upset because you intentionally misunderstood the point of what he was saying?

The only thing you lose is the ability to skip content that you don’t do.

It’s like raging they stopped a crossover promotion.

Of a game that you don’t play.