Blizzard wised up and started developing for their largest demographic. The few elitists that cry their little heart out will just have to deal with it I guess.
Show me the letter that stands for required grouping. I’ll wait.
Corruption was one of the worst systems ever implemented. Borrowed power systems need to be permanently removed from the game. Corruption was pretty universally hated so i am not sure what your point is.
I’ll pull your own trick on you. Wheres ypur data on that? Got a chart? Lmao.
Multiplayer. Multiplayer implies other people. Think back to the Halo days, though you are prolly too young. Multiplayer has always been associated with social team play. In a multitude of genres.
Pointing out facts could be considered throwing a fit. I’ll give you that.
Nope. Not true. If one understands the game and their class, borrowed power isnt necessary.
These generally change throughput of individual abilities, not so much a change inthe kit. (With exceptions) Which is fine to an extent. Having a random op system is not good for the game. It gives people a false sense of actually knowing how to play their toon.
Generally, borrowed power abilities that change the playstyle of the class change from expac to expac. Class adjustments generally stay for a while. Borrowed power is designed to compensate for players that can’t use the regular kit to do the content. Which is bad.
I’ve told you. You refuse to listen. I don’t really care what your opinion is at the end of the day, so I am not too invested in trying to get you to understand the concept of an implication of a definition.
I mean this forum is for discourse. So I am participating in discourse. Unfortunately your types are used to existing within an echo chamber and are incapable of understanding opinions as facts that generally disagree with your view.