I wouldn’t respond to that simp anymore. Anything you type at that guy goes in one ear and out the other. Its really growing pathetic.
The unnecessary hate that was displayed here on the forums, let alone this thread, pertaining mythics is proof enough that the “casuals” are getting spoiled. Proper game development involves proper balancing, otherwise if you hand a player the keys to a rocket launcher, there will be no game to be played.
See it’s a perspective thing. To me heroic raid bosses (first half at least) are very easy to pug and so I don’t see a problem with T8s being a half step down in rewards (champ drop/hero vault vs hero drop/hero vault, greater crests, and chance at tier means clearly superior rewards from H raid).
People see “hero vault from delves” and equate it to the rewards that H raids provide. Which they are not equivalent to and H raid is not that much harder.
And I am fine eith this route. The reward/difficulty ratio is just too rich for my blood. Either way they decide to attack it is fine with me.
This is good though, i prefer to have time to play other games while playing wow, without feeling like I am getting behind in wow.
I am with you on this. If for any reason they garrisonify the new player housing I’ll be out. I would prefer to not interact with it at all. If it impedes my ability to raid,m+, or pvp, then I’ll just play something else.
I don’t see this being the case here. Delves drip feeding people heroic pieces is not the same as giving delvers noclip so they can bypass the gatekeeping to high keys.
I geared in delves, did KSM, and while never getting an item upgrade I still went up 7 ilvl in a few days getting there just from crests.
Again, people just see “hero track” and equate that to other “hero track” content without looking at anything else.
Ah, so when we all told the solos to just do the group content to get gear, we were wrong because you shouldn’t have to play content you don’t like. But when we don’t want to do delves, but are forced to due to their efficiency, it’s a problem. Lmao. You people are hilarious. The self entitlement is steep in this thread.
Thats a HUGE DIFFERENCE you just planted on the table. Ofc they’re not the same.
But like… from what starting point? Going up 7 ilvls isn’t much if you’re in the bounds of an ilvl less than 580. A bit of a personal take, but you and I both know getting guilded crests is tedious.
But I’m still on the premise that perhaps T7 Delves and above should be responsible for providing crests, rather than the gear straight up. It still makes no sense to me that people can spend 15-20 minutes in a T7 Delve, get a piece of champion track gear, whilst in Mythics you not only have to worry about the PUG situation, it takes longer to complete the dungeon.
Honestly, this makes me sound like that extroverts in this game should be rewarded more than those who decide to hide in their shells. When in reality, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Its a freakin’ game.
That’s already where I am at with my 604 Warrior and my 599 Druid. I’m just unlucky, but it feels absolutely awful. And I know it’s supposed to slow down at a certain point, but I feel like everyone else is like 610 615 range, and I’m struggling to get past 600 spamming level 8s. I’ve also just never gotten the map that gives you the 606 gear. It has just never dropped for me at all. It’s like I get it rng and all, but this isn’t fun. And that’s my gripe with it. So to hear nerfs, it’s like, why bother?
Yeah the people that think maps are still dropping like they were in week 1 were the ones that hoarded every key they could find and then did 4 bountifuls/day for the entire first week.
They were champion geared in week 1, got multiple maps due to the early drop rate, and had 3 hero vault options to choose from.
But mostly haven’t been back to understand that this “hoarded keys and then got in on an early map drop rate” perspective doesn’t apply anymore.
It’s so bad. I get rng. I really do, but rng with no form of bad luck protection is terrible. And it blows my mind that it’s like, yeah, I ran 12 tier 8s this week and got nothing, but vendor trash and creasts. But to me, that’s a lot of my personal time wasted. Sure, I can use the crests to upgrade my gear, and I like that there is an upgrade system, but everything is so time gated. Everything feels like it’s wasting your time no matter what you do, and I get it. It’s a video game, but I’ve never played a game so much for so long to get rewarded with nothing.
Solo players have never had a progression path before now. Weren’t wrong. I did content I didn’t want to do for gear for literal years. Now the shoe is on the other foot and the tears flow.
You gonna hit me with the “I’m rubber you’re glue” line next lol