Curious why people need to rush to get all the tmog when current. Me? I just go back a few expansions later when I can solo Mythic raids and collect it. Which with an alt army, and all the changes they made is fast, easy, and painless
That’s what they say.
Even if you look at the Crest acquirement source they don’t even tell you you can get them from delves… especially Runed lol.
Tinfoil hat time but I doubt that’s an oversight.
When I do it that way, it’s too fast. With all the warband changes, I’d be done in a few weeks and I’d be bored. This being a game, my goal is to maximize the number of days I am able to keep entertained.
That’s why I am working on leveling up my toons to 80. So far 20/64 are level 80, the rest between 70-80. It’s a process
Season 2 of M+ the team is looking at the encounter and reward system of lower level runs, they are aware of the people having a bad time trying to get into M7 after gearing up in Delves, so they are looking at making lower level M+ gear more lucrative so people don’t feel the need to jump into M7 with no experience.
Sounds to me like they are gonna leave Delves as is, and work on M+ adjustments.
I wish one is giving higher score for lower keys so I could get KSM with +5’s and not even have to do up to +7 lol
I think it’s a good move, M+ is a pain right now, looks like they are gonna try and work it out.
As they should, don’t think it’s a good idea to nerf one of your main selling features in the expansion.
Agreed, a ton of people do Delves, it’s not a hornets nest you want to be kicking.
BlizZard is unwilling to do that with M+ or raid gear either… They only do it for PVP gear.
Having gear scale for its own content is only done for PVP gear currently but they do not want to make PVE gear like that because they view PVE gear as a means of being able to cross over to other content.
Rewarding and fun gameplay is key to success
They are talking housing right now.
No player power tied to it.
Not a lot to say right now except they want to hear what people want and don’t want in player housing.
Right now it seems to be them kicking ideas around and see what sticks.
Even if they did nerf it, I don’t see those ppl stepping into M+(I know I’m not). That would just mean Blizzard never saw it as another end-game pillar and wanted to use it to prop up M+ which is dumb.
M0 should be doing that not delves considering the structure of dungeons from Normal to Mythic is adding on mechanics. It just wouldn’t make sense.
I feel like this is a key issue.
I’ve tried to gear though Mythic+. Spending hours and getting zero gear drops is extremely frustrating (and when something finally drops its for a slot you already have). It makes the whole thing feel like wasted effort.
The fact that I know I’ll get something, even if it’s not what I’m after, makes delves feel like they’re not a complete waste of time.
People would probably do more Mythic+ if they were guaranteed to get a drop at the end. The logical gearing progression would be to do delves for a few starter pieces then farm Mythic+ since there’s no time gate on it.
The issue with that seems to be that Blizzard hates giving players things for “free” and would feel compelled to nerf something to “balance” the increased Mythic+ drop rate.
Ya but I agree that Hero should be the limit to gearing from Delves.
If people want better, then they should go into group content.
This is me, who only does Delves, saying this.
619 is plenty, we don’t need any more power.
But I cant get angry at hypotheticals and blame other people for my speculation if I actually read what was said.
But yes. Combined with not saying anything about nerfing delves, and only really talking about the entry point into M+, I expect M+ is what will be looked at.
Well rage is the fuel of the forums.
Maybe the next season of M+ will have M0 starting at like 606 ilvl and let the people that want to jump back into M+ be able to do so and work their way up from there?
I dunno, just thinking.
Dear Ion,
You are the most out of touch Game Director we have ever had.
Under your leadership the game has become - for the most part - devoid of fun content for anyone who isn’t a sweat farming, Sock using Elitist Jerk since you tried forcing Heroic raid groups into Mythics, then fixated like a scripted event on M+.
Please, admit you’re not the right man for the job and go back to designing raid encounters, you’re good at that.
Again, people do not do content they outgear. I am 608 on this character and all this character has done really is Delves. Why would I do a M0 for 606 gear? I wouldn’t.
Well the 606 number was just something I threw out there. Blizz would have to look at the average gear level among players and set it accordingly.