I didn’t mind the hijacking. It was the whining that came after that I have a problem with. The entire first page of GD was M+ players crying about why delves gave purple gear to solo players. The crying went on for so long that now Ion is going to link the whole thing together. The one thing we got for outdoors /solo players got taken away. They get buffed over and over, because THEY said they were too easy.
“We want Delves to be a whole new Pillar of Progression in WoW, parallel to Raids and Mythic Plus”
“We need to handicap Delves to funnel players into Mythic Plus”
Wha? Delves got nerfed over and over and now ARE way too easy. The fact I been able to solo tier 8’s on any class/spec with 570ilvl, something is very wrong. You didn’t have to do lower delve tiers to gear up to push higher ones. You just jumped into 8’s, got quick and easy Champion loot and 616 Delves. They were too rewarding for what they are. Now did I use them on many toons? Sure did! But that doesn’t mean I didn’t think it was free loot
YUUUP. Exactly this.
That wouldn’t work either. As we saw previously, when M+ is overly rewarding a lot of people don’t care to raid. This season I would say with M+ being so bad, a lot of people went back to raids for gear. They just can’t win/balance it. It’s why having so many gearing paths to the same goal doesn’t work. They wont all be equal, 1 will always be the easy path. That’s why they should be their own gear system like PvP gear, where you ones you enjoy, and you never have to do the do ones you don’t because gear doesn’t cross over
Excuse me? We don’t just zone in delves and sit around for the loot to drop. What do you mean by “free”? We worked for the loot. Maybe you want to be an elitist and pretend like you’re better than players who prefer a more casual content and don’t need to constantly run high level instances, but we do exist and we pay the same amount of money for our subs. What you think is easy will be harder for others. The gear from delves was there to make content easier and give a QoL to those of us who are casual. I don’t do Mythics, I don’t do raids. I just do my own stuff and farm.
It’s insane that a group of players will decide what causal players are allowed to get in this game when WE are the ones keeping the servers alive.
Have LFR reward hero loot and normal raid reward myth-track loot, problem solved.
the only reason at this point to do M+ is for the 2k mount for us collectors, otherwise without that carrot, it’s delves all the way
Casual players need to realize they wont have the best loot in the game, and if you aren’t doing the hardest content you don’t need the best loot. Casual players didn’t see Delves as a progression system where you do lower tiers to get gear, no they just cried tier 8’s were “too hard” until they got nerfed into oblivion.
Games should require SOME skill to get rewards. Like any game you have modes of Easy → Medium → Hard → Extreme…you want the extreme rewards while doing easy mode. Games don’t work that way, and for a good reason.
And this is why this game shouldn’t be run by Ion. Some elitist jerk catering to elitist jerks. Can’t even talk to these people because we’re plebs and don’t deserve any loot because we don’t do THEIR content.
Talk about condescending. wow. Don’t even answer back. I see what you’re doing. Your content is easy for you, it’s hard for others. Just stop. You’re just embarrassing yourself now. Bye.
FALSE. Again, WHY do you need high ilvl? Casuals NEVER explain this. I’m not even “elite” I don’t do Mythic raiding, I don’t push M+ for gilded crests. I know my limit, I cap my ilvl at 619(my limit of 8/8 Champion or 4/6 Hero) and I am CONTENT with my limit. You don’t see me crying I don’t have Mythic gear.
If all I did was world content, my limit would likely be 8/8 Veteran or 4/8 Champion gear, and i’d be okay with that, I wouldn’t cry about it.
Higher ilevel is justified with the existence of delves.
Delves are not designed to gear for raiding.
This is why delves is supposed to be its own pillar for small duos, solo players or small guilds.
Watching another Interview with Ion.
He said the goal for Delves was to give casual / solo players Hero gear, and they are happy with the way it has played out.
He also said they take pause with the idea of giving higher level gear beyond that because they don’t want to disincentivize group content.
Ok, so no, they aren’t going to nerf gear rewards, but they won’t give higher than Hero track.
Which is fine by me. If they dropped the loot to blue quality gear, I can assure everyone a huge chunk of the player base would quit.
Then make Delve gear not useable outside of Delves. Make it drop in ilvl in raids and M+. Delves to 606 then heroic raid was honestly quick, easy, and if you have a brain and want to gear quick and efficient then that was the way. I have like 8 toons over 605 thanks to Delves. 4 of which got to 619+ since I went to Heroic raid after Delves. Then I just got bored and stopped caring.
Now I just level alts and don’t even gear them at all cause I am too burnt out on Delves lol
Oh yeah for sure.
They know what would happen and with Daddy Microsoft looking over their shoulder, they are gonna be more careful.
Oh and he said Brahn is with us for the entirety of TWW, Ion said they were gonna give us someone new each season but they felt it was a bad idea because they knew people wouldn’t want to have to grind out the levels to get and new bot to level 60 and farm out the curios.
Makes sense, he did say in Midnight we’d get a different bot.
One of the main purposes of delves was to serve as a stepping stone into mythic+ for players who hadn’t previously done it. This is clear from what Ion is saying. I guess it was supposed to go without saying.
Transmog. All I want is access to Hero gear and exactly 135 gilded crests per season to unlock the mythic transmog.
That will take enough time to keep me amused but not so much that I will get bored.
If I was limited to Vet 8/8 or Champ 4/8, I’d quit playing. I wouldn’t quit because it isn’t a worthy goal. I’d quit because it can be done in a couple weeks and I’d run out of alts before I ran out of season.
Fine, as long as that applies to other content’s gear.
Classic case where Blizzard really needs to freakin’ stop tunnel visioning solo content as merely a funnel towards another track of group play.