My bigger issue with it as a solo player is if you nerf my gear and make my item level plateau lower how are you then going to give me the same level of content without it feeling massively unrewarding? Because as they are now, Delves feel unrewarding. I feel like what I’m working towards is pointless, and what gear I’m getting from them is so piecemeal from RNG being a terrible distribution method. At least as they’re now, I have heroic raid skins to unlock even though I think the catalyst system is the biggest pair of clown shoes I’ve ever seen. Seriously, it’s a two week waiting period for no other reason than to timegate? Get bent Blizzard. Its kinda ok as it is.
I just think if this isn’t a rumor and it goes forward, we will just be repeating the same issues that have plagued Wow for years. The issue of not serving the casual players’ interests.
I don’t know about you, but I hate LFR, and I hate it being my progession ceiling.
This might not be the most popular idea, but it’s one I wouldn’t have issue with as a solo player- just nerf delve gear into the ground for m+ and raids, and leave it as is for solo/open world content.
Unless raiders have no issue with using it in raids. Then just nerf it in m+ so they don’t get their keys highjacked.
Fair enough. The biggest issue I’ve seen is that it’s used to highjack keys, so they could just nerf it in m+? I don’t know how that affects what you’re talking about though so idk
I understand why people are mad. But they’re mad at those people. Not me as a player. So I get punished because other people are empowered and ruining people’s keys? That’s my issue. If it was something like you have to do your keys in order instead of skipping the line would be an easy fix. You, as the player, have to do a 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, etc. Instead of trying to skip the line. Something anything. Just don’t ruin my fun because some other idiots can’t play the game.
I liked the original design idea of giving the player a foot in the door should they choose to up their gameplay. Not for morons to grief people.
Anyone with rep hits 80 and has a ton of keys from rep and the four for the week that’s enough to skip anything under 7, especially combined with the five enchanted crests you get from Storymode Queen and each of the four factions at rep level 24. honestly, I love it. I get to hit 80 and buy 561 greens. Craft some gear, then do my 12 bountiful delves through the week. No need to do heroics; no need to do low-level mythics with people learning keys.
At that point they might as well delete them because they’d serve no purpose. If the gear cap becomes veteran 8, it would only take a few weeks to max everything out and we’d be back to unsubbing because there wouldn’t be anything else to do, just like before delves existed.
I like having a goal to reach that takes longer than 3 weeks to achieve. I also like that it allows me to get gear high enough to pug raids regularly. Take that away and there isn’t enough to do to keep entertained.
To make matters worse, it wouldn’t even do much to help m+. M+ has far greater issues than a handful of delvers trying to punch above their weight.
This is my major issue with solo players. If delves are to be the equivalent group content for solo players, then the T8 delves should be as difficult as either heroic raid or a M10. IF THEY PROVIDE THE SAME REWARD. Since delves are generally trivial, they should only provide trivial gear. It’s really rather simple. Thats how this game works. That is how it always has worked. There have been many times where many players run raid, and do not recieve loot. This is normal, and good for progression. Feeling that it is “massively unrewarding” is simply a gross sense of self entitlement. Delves aren’t meant to replace M+ or Raid. So they shouldn’t provide gear replacements for M+ or Raid. If you want that level of gear, do that content.
It’s not good for the progression to feel unrewarded.
I know a lot of people on here drink the Kool-Aid, but if I pay to play a game and I get timegated or the rng sucks I quit the game. It’s a simple concept.
And of course it’s entitled. I pay them money. I’m entitled to enjoy their game. If their game doesn’t give me joy, I’m entitled to leave it.
Saying someone is entitled because they feel unrewarded in a video game they pay for is a mornic cop out excuse. If the game isn’t fun, we quit.
It does. The first four bosses in heroic are all you need to kill weekly to give yourself better potential rewards than doing four T8 delves as well as far more crests to upgrade.
Seeing as how we both agree that aotc isn’t hard, we’d have to agree that just doing the first four is even easier, yes?
The same way they balance things now. They just don’t.
Not elitist. Simply rather be rewarded for actually difficult content. And i enjoy playing a non trivial game for non trivial reward.
Because, you get better at the fight, and if everyone got loot, content would be fully completed in 1-2 weeks. Its much better for longevity of the game and community.
But people such as yourself are suggesting that the rewards you get from such non replacements be on par with rewards from the more difficult content.