No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

Looks like you just figured out how to instantly not get taken seriously.


Ideally, xmog. If not that, IO. IO is not limited to Mythics — could also be PvP. It’s meant to display class mastery from one player’s perspective.

Or they just use it to wave their epeen. Showing off how much maturity is left in them.

So buff mythic gear drops then? Or raiding gear? Cause that’s perhaps the outlier solution to this “generous” gearing system.

Just putting this out here…

But maybe give m+ gear the pvp gear treatment, make them have an higher ilvl for m+ content only. This way they can adjust it’s gear lvl so that ppl that actually wants to m+ don’t feel forced to do other content without m+ being the must go to for higher ilvls for other pve content. Then we don’t have to worry about delves and m+ competing for gear progression.

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Raids and delves complement each other nicely so I don’t see much conflict there. Given that they both have weekly limits, it isn’t hard to do both. You also need to half outgear the content in order to reliably get invited to raid pugs. Delves help get that process started. People may not be running as many normal raids but that is probably because they are too busy running heroic. I doubt they’re sad about it. The primary conflict is with m+.

The driver of the conflict isn’t a reward disparity or difficulty disparity, it’s a convenience disparity. Many players moved from mythic raiding to m+ because the logistics of organizing 5 people is significantly less than that of organizing 20. Delves have no logistical burden at all.

Even if delves were objectively more difficult and offered slightly worse rewards, many people would still prefer them just to avoid the group finder.

M+ is so inconvenient and uninviting that they’d have to nerf delves into oblivion to make people choose low keys. From the other angle, they would have to buff low key rewards so high to make people willing to face the group finder that it would destabilize the high keys. Blizzard is unlikely to do either.

Even if they gave low keys a guaranteed drop chance I don’t know that it would be enough to overcome the annoyance of pugging.

They would need to make some major structural changes to m+ to overcome the convenience gap to make low keys enjoyable as a pug. Given their emphasis on guilds and communities, they may not be willing to do that. They may prefer to just let the low key pug scene die and make m+ the exclusive domain of guilds and premade groups.

I’m looking forward to seeing what they attempt to do. Are they willing to go big or are they just going to halfheartedly tinker with the rewards?

Mythic gear is treated as PvE gear and is based around 90% of the game. PvP gear being the 10%.

No thank you.

M+ does not comprise 90% of the game. It is considered an end game pillar the same as pvp, raiding, and now delves.

There is a sigment of m+ players that wants nothing to do with the rest of the game. This enables them to do so. It also benefits raiders/delve players.

PvE gear. Not Mythics.

Mythics gives PvE gear.

And there should be gear just for m+ that scales up for m+ only.

This way we don’t punish ppl that don’t want to m+, and ppl that wants to compete in m+ only can continue to do so.

M+ isn’t the only pve outlet and not 90% of it. It is a small fraction of pve that is available.


I’ve already told you that Mythics doesn’t make up for 90% of the game. PvE gear does.

Unless you have a proposed stat to use exclusively for Mythics, the main stat of any class already takes care of that.

Exactly. Why punish people who wishes not to play it just for your entertainment?

The outlets of getting gear should not hinge on one mode. And there has been ppl that don’t want to do other modes for pve. There is also caveat that m+ rewards too much for pve and has no limits. This hinders other pve modes to compete. Now that the balance shifted to not just ppl whom don’t want to m+ to raid, but also they are considering punishing delves just to get m+ player numbers up for no real reason.

Also just for you to know, pvp gear can be used in pve content, just at a lower ilvl. That is what i am reconmending for m+ players. This way everyone that seeks to enter raiding is on equal grounds, & players that seek m+ only can just focus on that without raiding as they apparently hate to raid.

Edit: this also will force players whom wishes to m+ to do it’s lower lvls, as the ilvl from the gear there will have more value in m+ then delve gear.


Raiding gear has needed a gearing overhaul for a while now, so that should’ve happened regardless of delves.

For M+, I think it was a mistake to completely remove all keys from 2 - 11 in DF S3. They should bring back 2 or 3 of those levels; that would give them a difficulty that’s more in line with T8 delves which could have the same rewards.

Sure, but a big part of that was the key changes in DF S4. Low M+ keys are simply not very low, relative to the average player skill level in WoW. It wasn’t nearly as rough getting into a chill key with those levels in the game. That’s where they should look to resolve this.

But it also makes it more difficult for anyone who wants to play multiple game modes to do so since they have to grind for a gear set in each form of content.

If they wanted to do multiple modes they would he frinding it irregaurdless. Pvpers that pve’s does this currently.

Espaicially what i hear for m+ requiring different spec builds (namely ones that focus more on AoE) needing different stats for min maxing anyways.

I sent you a Bnet request

that weird. i quite enjoy it.

I didn’t say they wouldn’t do it, I said it would be harder. I suspect there is more crossover between multiple PvE modes compared to PvP versus PvE, though there certainly is some crossover.

There are many specs that don’t have different stat weights for single target versus AOE.

But even for those that do, there is a massive difference between not having the optimal set of stats and not having a relevant item in that slot by item level. For most specs and most items, main stat is going to be the most important thing when dealing with major item level differences. If you have a 39 item level deficit in one of the main stat slots, that’s going to be a much bigger hindrance to your performance than if you have crit/mastery when you would prefer haste/mastery.

I mean it genuinely is. Delves aren’t even remotely difficult.

Telling people that a T8 delve is the same difficulty as a WQ is nowhere near genuine. You’re not even trying to hide it.


It’s not but it’s nowhere as difficult as other content that drop equivalent gear.

Honestly. I swear I am being truthful. They aren’t even remotely difficult. There isn’t a real challenge in any of them. The only one that may be a little more difficult, maybe inline with a normal dungeon, is zekvir. The rest are cake.

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