No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

So in this made up gotcha scenario, you don’t get your BiS gear all at once but one item at a time. Is this for every WQ or just one per day?

Getting stronger items = progress.


Every WQ, get an entire set in a day. Why not?

Moar gear the better, according to you, regardless of how people go about attaining it.

Just changing the rules up as you go. I like it.

Yup. I’ll get geared and still have fun. I’ve pretty much reached my gear limit on multiple characters right now and I’m still here, having fun.


So gear isn’t even required for you to have fun.

Whoo!! What a revelation.

I have the gear. If delves weren’t a thing, M+ was in the horrible state it’s in, and raiding still requires a committed schedule, I wouldn’t be subbed.

You’re reaching.


You left out half of the argument that’s contextually important.

No rebuttal to the other half?

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Why would I give you a rebuttal to an argument you created that isn’t addressing mine?

Yup, just another “elite” that wants to keep any gear out of solo player hands. Have a good night.

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Even if we go by what you said of players “deserving” it how does that counter the argument that it’s too rewarding? It doesn’t. All you are doing is creating circular reasoning.

Like I said you are incapable or arguing in good faith. I asked you and multiple other people to actually counter my argument and substantiate it. All you have done so far was 1) not even be able to state what my argument was without leaving half of it out and 2) not provide a counter with anything of substance and just circular reasoning. Saying they “deserve it” isn’t substance since anyone can say that about anything for any reason.

See how you make assumptions and argue based on circular reasoning when I stated multiple times that my goal isn’t to get gear out of solo player’s hands? You argue in bad faith.

But note: you suggest that delvers should have to do mythics or mythic raid to upgrade their gear but do not suggest that people in M+ (mythics) should have to do mythic raid to upgrade theirs.


You counter the argument that it is too rewarding with the simple truth: it isn’t.

That isn’t circular. It’s just the fact.


Again, that’s not my argument. Try again. Reading must be hard or you guys are all intentionally leaving out half of it.

It’s a video game. It’s an entertainment product/service. Some of you people take this game WAY too seriously.

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More circular reasoning lmao.

At this point just say I’m right and you don’t care. Like what are you even doing? You have proven time and time again that you are just incapable of staying on the topic of the argument and needing to create strawmans or circle around without actually addressing the point. More so, you failed to even restate what my argument was.

You’re not though. You just don’t want solo players to have access to gear without having to group for it.

If I’m not then why is it so hard for you to counter my argument without going off topic?

Again, I literally addressed this like 2 posts up. I never said this and even quoted myself for you. Lmao.

I guess when your last-line of strawmans fall through then you just have to keep repeating it.

Just admit to your elitism and we can move on.

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