No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

Okay so here we go around the circle. Again.

It doesn’t affect you. It never did.

However what you’re proposing actually would affect other people. It’s hypocritical. Stop being the Gear Karen.

And if you’re in the same position as that guy in the other thread who’s mad because he had to run delves for a couple weeks because his guild told him he had to do it… Then that’s kinda your problem. It’s a game, not a job.

I still think you’re just trolling though


If I’m aiming for title, it doesn’t affect me? Are you serious? Not to mention, competition for group slots.

People are only affected by delve nerfs if they do more than delves. And if they do more than delves, why is the ability to skip content so prized?

Curate your groups. It isn’t hard to check someone’s IO.


That’s what makes this so funny. This guy wouldn’t be able to hit the decline button fast enough if some guy with his delve gear and no IO, and probably doesn’t even exist applied to his group to “skip content”.

But that’s still not good enough. It’s just wild

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You’re acting like people playing at the top level wouldn’t spam delves if delves gave mythic gear.

So delves drops DO affect everyone else because people bring them out of delves.

It becomes homework. much like Torghast.

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If your here trolling this topic to death, you’re not at the “top level”

I don’t think those players care about this stuff, at all, because they are far beyond it after the first couple of weeks.

You’re still here arguing with anyone who will engage


It impacts the demand for lower M+ carries. Since people can skip the lower tiers of M+ the only demand for carries is for people that can manage higher tier carries. Middling and lower skilled M+'ers that can only do single digit carries are losing out.

People are arguing for delves to get mythic track.

As it stands, it’s a 1-2 week annoyance for better players. And is bad game design, drastically impacts lower skill players.

Yes it is, as well as the Befouler’s Syringe weapon too. Delves offer a pretty good damage proc package to some classes/specs if you build around right.

The problem is this makes the assumption that there is a clear distinction between those who run delves and those who run grouped PvE content. While there are certainly players who only run delves and world content for which what they have access to is no concern to me, there are also players who are using the soloable delves to farm gear they need to then queue for higher level content they don’t have the experience to be successful within. Even if I will never invite them to my +7 because of their lack of experience, them queuing creates more noise for me to sift through to find players who have demonstrated they have been successful in similar levels of keys prior.

Unless delve gear becomes like PvP gear where there is no practical crossover from one mode to another, it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. And today, delve gear is a clear outlier between effort and reward.

But what of the experience of the player who chose to gear through delves because they are easier and faster who now is getting decline after decline? And the few times they aren’t decline, they contribute to failures in groups because they have no idea how the dungeon works.

Sure, this is on them. They should have the self-awareness to realize that even if it’s less efficient, they should still spend time in lower level keys as they’re gearing. But self-awareness is one of the least common human traits. But when the limiting factor for most players early in a season for key pushing is gear, and low keys aren’t always very engaging when you are skilled enough to complete higher, it’s hard to fault someone for choosing the gearing method that can be completed in 10 minutes solo with a guaranteed drop as opposed to spending 3 times as long with some risk of not completing due to other players for a 40% chance at an item.

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A couple of things. You speak from your perspective, without putting yourself in others shoes. So your opinion is anything but subjective.

Delves do interfere with mythic plus. Running delves is the quickest way to get gear at champion level for little to no effort. Which is the gear you need to get into mythic for the average player.

Sure you could just run mythics 1-4 to get the gear, but that means you might get 1 piece of gear for roughly 30 minutes of your time, assuming no one in the group is a chad in gear that far out levels your gear. But really you get roughly 1 piece of gear for every three mythics you run.

So by default delves are quicker and because of this they are connected to mythics.

As far as the people who don’t do mythics but love delves are concerned there is no reason that you need champion gear, when you can do all world content fairly easy in lower gear.

Your complaint is I want some of the best gear even though I don’t need this gear to do said content.

Where we differ is I look at it subjectively. I think all gear should be heroic or mythic. Or better yet all gear can be upgraded to the highest tier but you only get crests from different sources which will level it up to different item levels.

So you get lfr / delve gear at 580 it can be upgraded to max item level. But the crest to get it to let’s say 600 only drop from lfr / delves / mythic 1-4 to get it to 615 you have to do normal raids / heroic raids / mythics to max upgrade you have to do mythics / mythic raid.

Or some variant of that.

Guys… we’re all on the same team…

Can’t help but feel this thread is devolving into delves and delvers good vs m+ and m+rs bad. And visa versa :weary:

Ding ding ding! Winner.

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The only people I’m against is the ones wanting delve gear nerfed. There’s no reason for it other than it hurts their fragile egos.


It deserves to get nerfed if vast amounts of people were able to get Delves+8 done with pre-season gear while rewarding near KSM level rewards. It has nothing to do with “fragile egos” it’s about taking a step back and thinking about how one content impacts another. In this case it negatively impacted M+ and Raid.

Isn’t this exactly what IO was made for.

yeah i get that for sure but i don’t think there is a lot of those people out there tbh. I did delves early on to check it out and get some gear but i stopped doing them eventually, but i don’t really think much needs to be changed with them and certainly not the loot rewards. Maybe ill check them out in 11.1 again but its not really my cup of tea but there are a lot of players that have been enjoying them. thats no threat of what im doing in game at all imo. or at least thats how i see it.


I guess if they want people to unsub.

People are going to unsub no matter what. It was a mistake for it to give rewards that high for something significantly easier than other pve counterparts.

Not in those numbers.