No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

Except, first hand accounts of low skill players who decided to NOT do m+ because of lack of rewards? (2-6 range has none, and reaching 7 takes… a bit.) So they quit.

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So long as delve gear is still good enough to keep progressing within delve tiers, I see no issue.

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So it’s your assumption that, in the absence of delves, these players would have slogged through a game mode they are unsuited for or otherwise dislike, and not simply quit sooner upon reaching the endgame and finding nothing interesting to do?

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If delves had lower ilvl, people would’ve played longer.

Delves need progression, within delves.

Her we go again.!!! LEAVE OUR DELVES ALONE it has nothing to do with mythic plus …

It’s like saying drinking a wine cooler is a gateway to drinking vodka…one has nothing to do with the other.


Absolute troll response.


Played delves longer, maybe, assuming that they progressed to the same heights. Don’t see how it would help “people trying to transition from delves to m+” in the slightest. Kick the problem down the road far enough and the gulf between delver ilvls and mplusers grow to the point transitioning from high delves to low m+ happens after mplusers are geared to the point they won’t run low keys.

More to the point, if someone is putting m+ off as long as they feasibly can, maybe such a transition shouldn’t happen at all? They clearly don’t want to play m+, but feel some tickling in the back of their heads telling them to “progress”. Not the healthiest reason to dip into the toxic cesspit called m+. Want more people to play a mode? Make it better on it’s own merits, not the least crap option out of other crap choices.

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+2 gives gear. That’s motivation to do +2.

+2 requires doing mythic plus.
That demotivates doing +2s

Then, they are unaffected by the delve ilvl nerf.

If you only do delves, then delves remain unchanged. Everyone else benefits from a natural game progression path.

The people adversely affected are those using delves to skip content. (Why should that option even exist?)

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Correct. Mythic plus would be completely unaffected by nerfing delves. Therefore, there is no reason to nerf delves.

At the same time, deleting m+ wouldn’t affect delves at all. So there is no reason not to delete m+

Except people play m+.

And you’re right, if you only care about delves, no reason for m+ to exist.

People are motivated by gear.

Delves dropping such high ilvl, and people choosing the path of least resistance means people utilize delves, then get bored in other areas.

And if World quest gear was super op,. you think anyone would do delves? (beyond maybe a week?) By this, I mean enough to turn current expac into legacy content.

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Sounds like other areas are boring, then. Maybe that is something that should be fixed? Delves are great fun and are immune to player toxicity because every player can and has complete control of whom they interact with. Can you truely say any other game mode?


Without power increases, many people find things boring.

Entertain my hypothetical. World quests now drop gear that is equal to the power of four expansion from now.

What will you do?

Everything is still scaled, to current content. (So you would be soloing mythic bosses probably.)

How long would you play?

As long as I am having a good time with friends. Easy.

That’s not answering my questions. What will you do, how long will you play?

Delve loot and mythic raid loot will be a downgrade compared to world quest gear in this scenario.

What you want a number pulled out of my bum? 4

No, I mean, will you run delves when you trivially one shot everything on t11 with world quest gear?

Will you solo mythic raid bosses? And if you do, how long?

Will you be running m+9000?

Will you take gear off for proper content?

Maybe! I have a vast capacity for making my own fun, as long as I am doing it with friends. If you remove the social aspect completely (protip: playing with randos isn’t social), then I wouldn’t be here.

So you could say

That’s a non-answer.

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