No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

One solution would be to have M+ gear drop with stats that help players deal with M+ specific mechanics (like affixes) making it more desirable for them to chase after.


its not mythic+ people. its just the idiot in charge, which btw has never even played mythic+. actual good players couldnt possibly care less what delve players get.


I’m not avoiding M+ up to +7 because delves give better rewards.

I’m avoiding M0s through +7s because it’s not worth dealing with the levels of toxicity right now, and pugging is a freaking nightmare.

When I play with friends, we push WELL into the >+7 territory easily. It’s not about the rewards not being equitable, it’s SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT.

EDIT: If anything, if they want me to do lower keys with pugs, incentivize that. Better yet, work on ways to mitigate player toxicity, because the amount of crap you get in something as easy as a +3 is ridiculous. A new player who sees that will quit the game and that’s another -$15 bucks.


I really feel like youre missing the point.

The point was that delves and lower level mythic+ both lead to the same destination.

Yes you could get gear from delves to skip some keys, but if you prefer mythic+ you can still use the lower keys as a viable gearing route to get in to the higher ones.


I’m really confused about this comment, and it sounds like it’s based on this guy’s profile? I don’t try to hide anything, so let’s make this clear:

-This character has never completed a raid or Mythic+; Full disclosure, ONCE way back it beat Ulgrax on normal.
-I do 8 delves a week on him in an effort to complete all the delve achieves and I use their gear upgrades to complete higher tiers. I always said to myself I would go after Zekvir ?? when I hit 619 (which will be next week!)
-Once it has defeated Zekvir ??, it will NOT be moving onto Mythic+
-Until Season 2, I will likely be doing WoW classic instead

Why am I avoiding Mythic+?
Because I don’t enjoy Mythic+

It’s like being jealous of somone cause they have so many stars in hello kitty adventure land. I don’t play that, so don’t care about the rewards there.


I’ve said it once, and I will keep saying it. Ion is the main problems with the game.


It’s not a question of hiding anything, it’s a matter of hypocrisy.
You partake of the content you enjoy to the full extent of its reward track, realistically 619, not merely because you enjoy it but because it offers you relevant rewards.
That you continue to press forward on it for the rewards is wherein lies the hypocrisy, because you’re not only doing it for the experience. If you were, if your goal was to kill Zek’vir ??, you could probably do it right now. If memory serves I managed to do it before I hit 619, and the fight is more of a cognitive load check than an ilvl check.
And I feel I should clarify, this doesn’t mean you don’t also enjoy it, only that the rewards are relevant to your enjoyment thereof.


If they do end up nerfing delve rewards, I’ll probably just go back to afking in goldshire. Either that or playing less.


They created this problem by doing the “key squish”. No squish, the problem vanishes.


Ok, I can tell we have different ways of playing this game, which is fine, but please appreciate people can and do play this game differently.

I am choosing to postpone Zekvir ?? on purpose because I decided a long time ago that he would be my “end boss” and I would work to get all done, including achievements, before taking him on. It’s like in Elden Ring when I chose to get everything on before taking on the elden beast.

My interest tends to drop dramatically after I beat what I consider my personal “end boss”, so I try to get as much done before taking it on because I know I’ll lose motivation to do the rest if I don’t.

You see, my reward track isn’t about item level, it’s about getting achievements. I decided way back at the beginning of the expansion that I wanted to basically platnum delves and would leave Zekvir ?? to the end.


I wouldn’t tell people to play m+ if its rewards were inferior to delves. I’m telling people to do an activity, with equal rewards, because they enjoy it. That is different than stopping an activity once its rewards have been removed or reduced. The difference between refusal to do an activity with its rewards intact vs reduced is so evident, I have to assume you are being disingenuous by acting like you can’t see it.


Detachable Fang is a pretty solid melee trinket, and the Candle Confidant at a reasonable item level is surprisingly good as an option for casters.

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No he makes a really good point. Delves are cannibalizing the rest of pve content. Idk how it is supposed to be solved but delves shouldn’t replace early levels of group content. Extend the lower levels for casual players versus extending the higher levels for more invested players.


If your reward track were truly not about ilvl but achievement, then you wouldn’t explicitly wait until 619 to knock down Zek’vir?? as here you stated:

My not falling into the trap of being mislead thus isn’t disingenuity, it’s prudence.
If reward tracks don’t matter, if rewards don’t matter, then one wouldn’t stop partaking of content or leave their final goals off until they’ve reached the end of said reward track.
So, because they matter, telling others to partake of it merely for their own enjoyment while not myself so doing would be hypocritical.

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All they did was say that lower level keys are a viable gearing route for those who prefer mythic+ content to running delves.
Which is true and accurate.
You can progress from mythic 0 to mythic+ 10 without ever touching a delve.

Im not sure what youre trying to spin it in to but its super confusing :stuck_out_tongue:


As I said, disingenuous. There is a difference between doing something solely for enjoyment and doing an enjoyable rewarding activity. I’m suggesting that people who claim to like m+ should do m+ given that they have equal rewards to delves. I never suggested they should do an activity that is unrewarding but you are suggesting that I should.


Sure. How about you have to clear the delve in 5 minutes to get a myth track item.

Because I can clear a Tier 11 delve in about 5 minutes. What’s your excuse?

I’m specifically referring to their quote here:

And how it’s hypocritical to tell people to do something merely because they enjoy it while participating in content you enjoy for what it is as well as, as earlier evidenced, for the gear progression it provides.
If it were truly only achievement that mattered to him, gear progression wouldn’t, and 619 ilvl would be irrelevant to his goals all the more because he’s already outgrown the need for runed crests on his account.

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leave it to Ion to misunderstand the playerbase, at this point they’re not even trying to listen, they’re just doing what they want.


Yeah I’d rather do delves only because I can AFK and no one loses their minds. Cause I have family aggro all the time

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean: