No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

I realize it plenty.

Which is why welfare epics should be kept at a low ilvl. It devalues other content, and the only thing accomplished is people being bored with higher ilvl.

So only people doing M+ and raiding should see some form of progression? Everyone pays the same sub and should feel rewarded for their time invested. You just want to feel superior to people to don’t / can’t do higher level content.


I’m kinda the opposite, I prefer M+ over Delves. I literally only did Delve’s because of the gear – it was easier to get than doing M+ at the start of the season.

Either way, Ion’s quote is a bit grating. Like other people said, the problems they created with M+ shouldn’t be translated to Delves. They should just fix gearing in M+ and make it comparable to delves.

Delves were really unfun for me so I would rather they not repeat this seasons mistake where delves were hyper efficient for early gearing compared to literally every other option. They really should increase the amount of loot dropped from m+

They don’t need to change the loot. They just need to not let people stockpile keys. If we all only get 4 keys the first week of S2, we’ll be done with delves the first day and still have at least 12 slots to upgrade in m+.

Anyone who decides to stay in delves for weeks to gear up without touching m+ will have the same problems next season as this season and they’ll deserve it.



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That’s one interpretation. It’s not how the game has worked for the past 20 years. All of us who have been here have seen every single sliver of max level solo content nerfed into the ground, either giving zero loot, forces you to do group content to finish out storylines, or is capped at very low ilvl.

When ion is talking about transitioning mythic players out of delve mentality, it sets off warning bells. Because it means he not only sees delves as a stepping stone, but that he means to get people to stop doing delves. If mythic players continue to do delves, making mythic gameplay less attractive… im curious what you think Ion will do.

Because i bet anything you dont think delves and their loot are on the chopping block if the mythic players can’t get their keys done because no one wants to play that part of the game anymore.

Welfare epics are always lower ilvl from TBC till now.

I think this is nothing more than paranoia, imho

One of the reasons that I didn’t do M+ for the past couple of months is indeed (partly) delves. But not because delves were better, but because the transition people had from delves to M+ made M+ incredibly inconsistent. Normally at the start of the season, once you get ahead you can expect your groups to be pretty consistent in terms of skill level. But because everyone was full champ gear and some heroic, the logical stepping stone next is to fill out heroic gear. Which is +7s, which was the old +17s. And there were many many players that just don’t have the ability to do that, which made M+ not fun.

Making delves a stepping stone into M+ is the correct move, but that doesn’t mean that delves have to be a bad source of gear. It just means that the gear from delves to +2 to maybe +4s should be the play, and the difficulty should be somewhat smooth for it. Otherwise, we’re sacrificing M+'s fun for delves. If it was just M+ loot, that’s one thing. I wouldn’t care if M+ gave NO loot, and you could get it all from delves. But the way it is right now makes it so that delves make M+ worse.

Or treat it like delves where the loot is locked by a number of keys you get per week

The reason why I dont do M+ is that is to Meta. Try creating a group and getting invites from a class that is ranked below A. Doesn’t happen unless you are a tank.

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I agree… lmao

Yes and if you were normally someone who did get ahead then you shouldn’t have any problem doing it this time around either. The player pool in +8s at the start of the season were absolutely there in terms of skill. Don’t forget that at the start of the season RIO shows their previous season’s score to give you an idea of their capabilities.

I pugged to KSH and Devastation is Bottom 1. Literally the worst. You can totally do it. But it definitely takes a hot minute. The issue was consistency rather than meta stuff. Even at the start of the season I was seeing people playing meta classes be garbage, off-meta be godlike, and visa versa.

Reminder that the topic is about changing delves, and the issue was delves was it was ruining M+ consistency. It had 0 effect on the meta.

That’s not what haphazard means. Risky, sure. Prioritizing near term benefit against long term cost, absolutely. But it’s a clear, intentional, strategy that can be very effective. But that’s not what haphazard means.

Sure, I can agree with that. Even when zergging you do have a very strategic build order. I guess haphazard would be less orderly.

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My point is people run Delves because it takes, a “Hot Minute” to get into M+. People don’t want to transition to M+ for that reason. Changing Delvers isnt going to fix that issue.

What, having fun and gearing the way they want to? Oh the countless horrors…

People can do whatever they choose but they have to face the consequences of that choice. I was referring to people who were, allegedly, gearing to a high level in delves so they could skip the low keys then getting obliterated when they got there. I don’t think that many people were actually doing this but, even if they were, it’s their own fault and not a good reason to go changing the loot in m+ or delves.

People who stay in delves because they like delves aren’t a problem.