No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

Funny way of spelling M+


Mythic dungeons are stressful zergs filled with very aggressive and demanding players, and they know it. So they’re trying to make other people play it, so the pool of people doing mythic dungeons expands.


That only happens when you come into a game mode you’re not prepared for. And then we have to teach you how to play in it. All so you can chase another 6 ilvl worth of upgrades. For people that wanted casual content to come and go as you please you guys sure are chasing hard

You missed the part where delves do not grant rating.

So you can still filter the delve players.

So you STILL have no reason to complain.


No, have mythic plus use the tools they are given to ignore players who have geared without learning mythics.

Like you already do.

Yall keep thinking we want to do your content. We don’t. If you are seeing bad players with rating, that’s not on DELVES. Leave our content alone.


We don’t think anything tbh. Ion thinks it bc he has access to the metrics. Keep speculating tho

I don’t care about delvers not doing m+ or doing m+.

I care about M+ players doing delves.

Mythic+ is the most methodical grouped dungeon mode, and it’s not close. You’re welcome to your opinion on the kinds of people in the mode, but absolutely no description of zerg would apply.

The very same can be said of M+ as it has made much of the playerbase toxic to varying levels.

… what do you think zerg means? its literally a synonym for rush


Zerging is charging in without regard for tactics, dying repeatedly. Both of which are bad for mythic plus because they result in a bricked key.

Yes, and that’s just unequivocally not how M+ is run. At least not any group that is attempting to succeed. The presence of a timer prevents teams from wasting time in between pulls, but it does not mean groups are mindlessly rushing during their pulls or combining pulls in a reckless fashion; most groups simply wouldn’t survive. It’s not that I don’t understand what zerg means, it’s that successful M+ groups aren’t zerging the dungeon at all.

Why? If their rating is low, its low. Dont take them! If their rating is high and they have some delve gear, who cares? They have the rating, so take them!

If you’re mad that the format sucks and that you want people to only have the option to do mythics, because if they ever discovered that they could play some other way, and might enjoy it more…that’s on the designers for making mythics as unfun as possible. Not on delves for not sucking the fun out of the game.

To the other guy:
Ion observing the first two weeks of data before delves were tuned to be more punishing for people who couldn’t solo them as some sort of mythic skip device is a bad omen we want him to drop. He’s done this crap before and needs to recognise that delves are okay to keep as solo content and that they are not, and should never be a replacement for low keys.

They do delves, they have high ilvl.

Now, I need to do delves, to also have high ilvl.

It’s competition for invites.

Making own group limits key choice.

I can’t change characters or accounts, or at least I don’t dare to, seeing as how I am locked out on my desktop on both accounts, where I am being told I have no characters and no subscription.

Good work by your lords and masters. I’m not the only one.

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Considering how some people seem to only pay for the forums, it really wouldn’t surprise me if people are able to post without an active subscription.

I can’t imagine why you say that. It’s not true at all. But then, you often post things that are demonstrably false.

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Citations please.

Your biggest issue is that you just don’t understand what ion was saying, much like the op. He said delves was great for solo content but he saw a population of those ‘delvers’ going into m+. Now of course those people weren’t entering at +2 and working thier way up which naturally would give them experience relevant to their keys but rather tried the ol skiparoo right into +7. This is what he wants to prevent, for the health of m+. So he is giving gilded to delves so they can get upgrades, in an effort to say ‘those interested in m+ have at it if you want, but there will be no free 619 so you can just go into harder content unprepared. This crowd he is talking about is not you or the op. You guys are just solos so the only thing changing is you get a chance to get gilded in delves now. Grats btw. Hope it helps you guys understand

Well it’s obvious at this point I’m not going to get the crests I need to cap my hero gear before S2 starts.

I still have no interest in playing m+ or raids.

I hate them even more now actaully.

I appreciate the increase in gilded crest drops on S2. Assuming I’ll be able to get geared well enough to farm T11’s for them. If not then that will be pointless.

If in S2 I can’t cap my gear from delves alone and in a reasonable time I’m just going to bow out.

Delves and the solo progression promised from them is the only reason I’m playing TWW.