No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

Do you know how math works? It’s one thing to game the ilvl, it’s another to artificially lower it.
If someone were artificially lowering the ilvl, they would use a mythic raid weapon.

They don’t have the ability to argue in good faith. They just know how to troll.


All of this. Mythics players are furious we should be rewarded at all, and likewise upset that no one is doing lower keys because delves are easier. Like, go do your own keys? There’s got to be 5 of you who want to do lower keys? Go do them?

But the issue isn’t that we get loot. It’s that they hate mythics and wish no one had any alternatives, especially their own fellow mythics-runners.


The only people who care are those who do that as their main content because they aren’t good enough for harder content… like, 75% of the player base?

It’s not the ones at the top, it’s people within the same skill bracket as yourself, that like m+.

Like you?

Again, like you?

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no tbh most of us really dont care about it at all. were just running dungs and enjoying it for what it is. how anyone else gets gear and what they get is really nbd. why everyone keeps biting on the 70 alt is beyond me


I already have ksh, and doing +12s. Does not apply to me. You need to seek out the 2-6 hard stuck players.

And people complaining the old 0-10 keys were removed.

So why are you here being the “defender” of the 2-6 key players? What investment do you have to be arguing so hard for delve gear nerfs? Be honest.

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I think giving rewards such high rewards to solo content is wasted potential. I only care about it from a game design perspective.

Like WOW could be so much better.

And it made low keys extremely boring for the 2 days or so that I was there.

It was designed the way it is right now for a reason. Your opinion means nothing to that reason.

It’s better for me right now. Your “vision” of better isn’t better for me. It’s not better for people who enjoy the things I enjoy.

Oh poor me!! I did TWO days worth of something I didn’t like. Change this system because I had to endure TWO WHOLE DAYS of something I found beneath me. I descend from my ivory tower of content to roll around in the filth with the common folk because it was best for my number go up’ness to get back in my ivory tower.

I hope it’s THREE DAYS for you next season.


Your vision involves defending higher ilvl loot for any activity, so I don’t care about your vision.

You don’t care about game design, not even a pretense.

Guess who’s vision is in the game right now? It burns you up.

The game IS designed better for me right now. A design choice lead to where we are in wow right now. It’s how they want things to be…designed. It favors me not you.

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Not yours :slight_smile: . You don’t have access to mythic track.

That’s cute.

I’ve never asked for it. I’m fine with the gear I’m getting. Have been the entire expansion so far. It’s been great.

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But you are on record that you would defend if it started at mythic track.

What does that matter? If they gave solo players access to even higher gear, I will not argue against it, no. I’ve stated that more than once. It’s irrelevant reaching and a pathetic attempt at a “well ackshually” moment.

It’s not the gotcha you think it is.

Sit back in the lane you claim to be in. None of this affects you, right? Except for those 2 days?

I hope it’s three days for you next season.


It matters a lot. That means you don’t care about game design, or balance, just number go up.

You can’t simply be a forever defender of the status quo and acceptance of Blizzard regardless of what they do.

If Delves capped out at champion track, would you be raising a storm to raise it to hero?

Hilarious to hear from the guy advocating neutering an entire end game pillar in favor of another. Real great design smarts there. If you think no one will play your crappy game mode unless literally forced to by removing all other options (Honestly, it’s a really pathetic stance), then the problem is entirely with m+. You really should be trying to find a way to improve your own issues, than go making problems for others.


To you*

Round and round we go. Same circular argument here we go again. To infinity and beyond.

They’re doing what I want right now. They’ve NEVER done this in the history of wow. YOU want to defend the status quo of the elite being the only people that get gear. I’m wanting that old status quo that you defend so fiercely to change. It is and you cannot stand it.

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