That’s not the concern, though. This entire thread is making a false equivalence between Blizzard indicating there is a problem with the crossover between delve/M+ means that all players want or should want to do so.
The problem is that as much as you may want delves to exist in a bubble, and perhaps you even do treat delves as if they are their own bubble, they are not. The structure and rewards of delves has an impact on other game modes because players aren’t confined to just delves.
To be clear, I don’t think delves should be nerfed. The solution should be M+ structure and reward changes IMO. But that doesn’t mean delves aren’t currently an outlier to the general premise of level of effort = level of reward that has existed in WoW for its entire existence.
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Yup, gone are the days of wasting endless amounts of time just to feel sweaty.
this has already been covered also
until TWW release m+ was in the same place as delves as far as effort to reward
I mean at one point players were farming +2’s for pretty close to the best gear in game.
m+ just needs a bit of restructuring so theres an “on ramp” just as Ion has said.
delves are fine, just needs better drop rates for gilded crests.
Right. If Blizz is concerned about M+, they need to only touch M+ and not mess with other game modes. And of course, trying to coerce solo players into M+ will not go well.
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That’s not possible.
The ramp exists, just people do not use it since delves give far better rewards. Or they use it, and hate every second.
Bringing m+ down to delves difficulty will be equally disappointing.
Isn’t the M+ community generally in agreement that the key squish substantially increased difficulty and ruined M+ for those who enjoyed lower keys?
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That’s removal of content, a completely different thing.
And no, we’re not.
My husband used to do M+6 or thereabouts. Since old M+10 is now M+0, he basically can’t do mythic anymore. And heroics are a lot harder now since they are the old M+0.
How this was in any way supposed to make mythic more accessible, I will never understand.
It’s not supposed to be more accessible. They removed multiple levels where people can freely stand in stuff. You can argue that is bad, but that’s the intent. Cause it’s too similar.
Considering it’s helping to tear the M+ community apart, of course it’s bad. That doesn’t mean bad changes need to be made to Delves just to appease the whiners from the M+ side.
Even if easier keys were re-added, it doesn’t change that people will move to “the wall.”
Delves is like LFR, free loot just because it exists.
LFR doesn’t give heroic raid track, that’s the difference.
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Terrible comparison.
LFR doesn’t have difficulties where heroic track is very useful. Delves do.
People have been clowning on Zek’vir at like 550 ilvl.
So no, that’s not an argument.
*Citation needed, especially for the ?? difficulty. Oh and of course, after Brann was heavily nerfed.
Lowering ilvl competition, 548.
They linked a video with someone who has a 639 and a bunch of 619s as their evidence
Yeah their overall ilvl is 548 in the video, but that tends to happen when you have an empty slot and random blues/greens sprinkled throughout on a tank spec.
Some items are higher ilvl yes, but weapon/shield aren’t, and one slot is missing, I’m sure someone can do a deep dive and find out “ackshually, this is 560 ilvl.” Haven’t done so, but it’s not the same as low ilvl cheese videos.
Your supporting evidence for “don’t need hero track gear for Zekvir!” was “here’s a video with someone using hero and myth gear.”