If you play Solo content, people can’t peer pressure you into keeping your sub up.
I just need 75 more runed crests and I’ll have all my delve gear at i619
idk what post cap is for a thread but psure one of the mods uncapped the thread cuz someone was interested in seeing the feedback
anyway, still not interested in playing m+ or raids rn
and if Ion is reading these…
May we please have more gilded crests drop in delves?
I only got 24 and I need a bunch more to cap my gear before S1 ends and I want to use my S1 gear in S1 stuff,
Thank you for your time and consideration.
So I don’t chase achievements much anymore but I also have a newborn at 10 weeks old right now. That limits my playtime at the moment. However I have solod a couple of 9s and I’ve done a couple of 10s. Anything over that either requires a geared out tank or a group and I just don’t have time to be looking for groups for that to. Currently I run 4-5 m10s and I raid on tues and Thurs. I don’t have time to be chasing delve achieves right now.
This is what I don’t understand out of all of these arguments. Why in the world do you need gilded crest if you aren’t going to progress into harder content? I’m not knocking anyone for not wanting to do m+ or raids. Everyone enjoys what they enjoy but there’s 0 reasons for you to have gear at hero track or better if you are only going to participate in the absolute lowest content available. There used to be a substantial difference in gear between those that choose to only do the easiest content and those that choose to do the hardest content. I’m glad there’s more incentives for casuals to play but this continuous expectation for casuals to put in 1/10th the effort as those that are actually earning the higher rewards is a bit wild.
There’s a lot of overlap between “casual” and “collector”. I, personally, only want 135 gilded crests per character per season to unlock the mythic transmog. I am so tired of pugging H. Court on all the alts that I can’t even properly express it. Twice this week I almost died nodding off during the donuts.
No, I don’t think so.
Games I play casually in, I’m not collecting everything within them. Like I play diablo 4 for a few weeks out of every few months.
This is gonna come off as rude and I don’t mean it to be but it seems you want to cosplay as someone who can do the harder content but not actually do it. I understand many people enjoy collecting all of the different transmogs but I feel like obtaining that mythic transmog should be worn as a badge of honor showing you actually put forth the effort to obtain it…and not just do soloable content that requires the bare minimum effort.
But why do you even care?
None of the loot karens have been able to answer this question yet, maybe you can enlighten me?
Well I care because we are having a discussion. Encouraging players to be as casual as possible and obtain better rewards for doing so, is a big reason so many people raid log every week. Log on for the nights you need to then zoom off to play something else. It’s bad for that game.
Setting aside our disagreement to address this particular point: congratulations on the new family member!
Now, back to our disagreement…
You’ve just admitted that high Delves are challenging.
But that doesn’t affect you. At all. People will still raid log regardless.
So for me, I wanted to craft that engineering gun for this hunter. But if I want to make the best version of it possible, I need 90 gilded crests. Why? I have 18 so that’s never gonna happen.
Needless to say, it’s pretty disappointing that the game is trying to shove me into content I do not want to do for CRAFTING, of all things (which has already been made unnecessarily complicated and annoying, but that’s a whole other discussion)
Does me crafting that item at the best possible level affect you are anybody else playing the game? It’s just annoying that it’s even like this.
Because the ability to craft something, doesn’t mean you are able to do so? What if someone doesn’t do any content above weathered? Should crafts only require weathered? Should the ability to make better gear not exist?
Yes it does.
Because everyone else will also have access to it.
Let’s envision legendary items. Does the existence of legendary items impact the game? SL they were crafted.
I find it funny that even though you get one choice of a Hero piece of gear a week from vault, you will not get it much higher than 619 because you will lack the currency to get it any higher.
So who cares if you get a 619 piece in your slots. You’re not getting it higher without doing other contect.
Don’t even bring up maps, you are not getting enough of those to matter anyway.
So people advocating for removing the Hero track from the vault for delves, it makes no sense to me. M+/Raiders can get their stuff to 636 or so?
Either way Blizzard will decide what we get.
Because not everyone is good enough for 636. Delves affect lower m+ drastically.
I care little about the opinion’s of other people. I’m neither impressed nor unimpressed by the people who do the harder content. They are simply people who find entertainment in different ways than I do.
I collect the mythic transmogs because they’re there and it gives me something to work towards other than “number goes up” which I find unsatisfying. If they want them to be that special then they’ll have to make them less accessible. When the best I could get was heroic, then that was my goal (usually). I did unlock one mythic transmog in DF by doing m+ but that was unbearably tedious. I’ll never do that again.
I’m also not suggesting they just hand them out as a participation trophy. I’d like for them to create solo content that is difficult enough to justify a steady trickle of gildeds. I’d be surprised if they could do that with delves given the fundamental limitations of the game mode. My hope is that horrific visions will fulfill that function but that will have to wait until next season.
Thank you for the grats and yah at some point they become challenging. I’m not soloing an 11 as a enhance shaman. I’m sure there’s some b’dass shaman out there that could but it ain’t me. There’s also a hard stop on the rewards you can get at +8 delve. M+ follows this same formula. I’m not trying to state delves aren’t fun or there isn’t some aspect of challenge at a certain point. I’m simply stating that solo content is exponentially easier than group content and, in my opinion, should net lesser rewards. As I’ve stated before, rewarding equivalent gear for solo content would have very negative effects on m+ content. Whether people enjoy it or not is irrelevant. Most players doing high end mythics are the min maxers of the community. If there’s a quicker way to obtain gear we are going to do it and ignore the harder way. Like it or not wow, and nearly every other MMO, have a very real competitive aspect to them. The competitive aspect > the fun aspect. That will never change. That doesn’t mean m+ is bad. That means it needs to offer better rewards because it encourages group play > solo play.
I killed one of those trolls yesterday.
M+ can get Mythic track, Delves cannot, M+ needs to stop pointing at delves and solve its own problems.
M+ IS the problem.
Delves are NOT the problem.
People need to quit trying to block and funnel players through the m+ scene when clearly, as seen in the delve popularity and m+ unpopularity, that the playerbase doesnt want to be forced to do m+.
There are countless issues to this problem that have already been addressed in the thread such as loot chance/guaranteed, wasted group time/solo speed, toxic players/solo, 1hr/30min, etc…
Personally, i always hated putting so much time and effort into something for only a chance at a piece of a random loot and 1 piece i actually needed only to be forced to run it 20x + vault to ever see the piece i need.
Now that i am older, and seen 20yrs of wow, no ty. My time is far more valuable then that.
Nice! I thought I could take a one star version but he killed me and I had to travel SO FAR to get my stuff back lol. I did end up killing him though.