Low’ish chance of 2 gilded in the caches.
I’m not upset lol. I’m just stating delves are fairly easy content. You should expect to get less loot for doing solo content. Let’s say blizzard did give equivalent rewards to m+ though. Why would anyone ever hassle with getting groups together, slogging through pugs, or dealing with other people if they could just go solo some content and get geared up. It would destroy m+. So you asking for equivalent gear is more harmful then you realize.
I never asked for it, please stop lying. I’m very clear on my stance.
Sorry when I said “you” I mean the people asking for equivalent gear from mythics. I thought that was clear since that’s the discussion here in this thread. After all that’s what’s being asked. People want to be anti social in a MMO and get equal gear that the rest of us have to actually work for. I do delves also and I think they are great content, especially for starters gear or new players. However that should be the extent of it.
If that was what you got out of this thread then you should probably re-read it, especially my OP.
What’s being ASKED is to not screw with Delves just because people struggle in M+. Point blank. Plain and simple.
Sounds like exactly what I stated.
Never seen 1, ever. I’ve not run 1000s of delves but I’ve definitely run a lot between 2 characters.
I’ve seen it.
If that was your takeaway from this thread, then you’re either being dishonest or lack basic reading comprehension skills. No where did I state M+ rewards should drop from Delves. This is entirely a “We stay in our lane, you stay in yours” thread.
U sure about that?
Btw because I enjoy m+ content doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy delves. So not sure why this has to be a “stay in your lane” moment. I enjoy both lanes.
Saying “a better solution” implies that, if Blizz feels the need to screw with Delves, then they should do that instead of something else like nerfing Delves, and nowhere does it say M+ gear should be dropping from Delves. That’s just your dishonest take showing. The main purpose is “don’t screw with our Delves.”
That’s fine, I liked the old 8s-14s anyway. They should have NEVER squished the keys IMO
It’s not an effective means of farming them I think is what the point was.
It’s not supposed to be. Solo crowd have asked for a slow way to get to the top. This is it. Want faster, m+ and raid is right there.
It’s fine as it is. One piece of hero gear a week is fine.
I really do want some AI heroic dungeons. That would be so nice. Things die so fast in regulars it can be hard to actually get to use your full set of moves. I would like AI mythic 0 also. Does FF14 have AI heroics? (or their equivalent of)
I love the implications here that no one is doing m+ because they enjoy it, solely for the gear, and the moment they have an option not to play m+, everyone would abandon it in a heartbeat. If that is the case, maybe m+ is terrible and needs to be addressed in a better way than making people feel “forced” into that content?
Of course, I have seen mplusers levy that same argument towards delves, saying the only reason people play them is the loot and would stop if there wasn’t any rewards. My opinion there is, sure, once I got everything I could out of delves, I would stop doing delves. I would also stop playing the wow and unsubscribe until more delve related content was patched in. No effing way would I force myself to touch the toxic cesspool that is M+ and raiding puts me to sleep.
I’m at 619 and still Delve for weeklies, Brann XP, etc. Sounds grindy but it’s not bad and kind of fun because Delves are not the
But yes, once the fun ends, it’s either PvP or taking a break for me, and PvP isn’t exactly in a fantastic spot, although I do still need to grind some saddles.
Wow - do you not realize this is a game? Something most folks play for fun?