No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

I do not want to do M+ content anymore and it is not my track to go raiding, so there is no reason the delve reward content has to be touched.


To the vast majority of players, its our only content. And when Blizzard stops giving us things to do, we unsub.

It’s up to Blizzard to cater to the sweaty elitests, which they have done since the first of original cata, but especially since bfa, or to give us filthy casuals more content that doesn’t rely on spending half the night begging for keys or negotiating over loot in a raid about who needs it more.

So many hardcore raiders and muthics players are DONE with the toxic parts ofnthe game. And when we run oit of things to do, profits suffer.

Its not that they should take a single things away from you. They need to pay some extra people and give the rest of us content and not nerf whay we have to soothe your egos.


And that’s fine you don’t want to do m+ content. You shouldn’t get m+ rewards then. There’s a big difference in difficulty between m+ and delves. You shouldn’t expect to net the same rewards between the two.

I don’t think a single person in here has asked to get M+ rewards from Delves.

There have been players asking for myth track items.

So… Let me understand this correctly … Op wants better rewards from delves. Delves offer champ and hero gear… Better rewards would require mythic dungeon content. Itso facto you want mythic + rewards from delves. Didn’t know I needed to spell it out. Brb let me go get some crayons.

I am OP. Show me where I said that in here.

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Sorry came back with the crayons. You said no one stated…not you stated. So I was referring to the OP to show that someone did state that.

Show me where someone said they want M+ rewards.

Someone may have asked for gilded crest or Myth track gear. I’m not sure. But M+ and Delves have their own distinct gear. Nobody is asking for M+ gear to drop in Delves.

It’s a good thing delves don’t give M+ rewards then. Whew! Problem solved.


When people ask for M+ rewards they are not asking for the same identical loot. They are asking for the same equivalent rewards in terms of either item tracks or crests. A big part of the drama was demanding Gilded crests from Delves even though D+8 is no where near M+8.

You can get gilded crests without ever having to step foot in M+ or Mythic raids currently, so I don’t understand this argument.

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You do realize this entire thread was asking for higher item level loot from delves right?

Where are you getting guilded crest, in a reasonable amount, without stepping into mythic content. Please enlighten me. Other the then terrible conversion for 90 for 15, I can’t think of 1 way.

You can get 2 gilded per bountiful.

I’m loving mythic plus. But Brann is at level 50 and those last few levels are looking like a massive chore.

Not that I was for this argument, but people were demanding Gilded crests from end-of-delves runs.

That seems reasonable for T11 runs, although I don’t care one way or the other.

I don’t get M+ rewards, I get delve rewards which honestly are not that great. I usually get transmog over useful things. You have your lane, I have mine, your loot is yours, and delve is mine.

What you are really upset at is you think the grass is greener over here when in reality, I got ol’ grand daddy purps.


Really, tell me how to do that.