NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile

The difference in this case is that if I don’t want to play a Dracthyr, I don’t. If Blizzard does implement a housing system, all the people who wanted a totally different type of housing will be angry forever, because what they wanted is never going to happen now.

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Imagine if Blizzard designed their entire game around this philosophy. “Some people might not like this, so let’s not do it.”

We’d have… nothing.

Like, dude, we get it. Housing is either not a feature you care for, or you simply just like to argue for the sake of argument.

But nothing you’ve said in this entire conversation chain is a good argument for not creating this feature.

I don’t like Mythic Plus at all, and that’s a core feature in the game. Doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be expanded upon and developed more.

I did like the Garrison, I just want more to it. The biggest upset in the game regarding the Garrison was the power tied to it during the expansion. It became a mandatory feature for those that didn’t want to engage with it. That sort of design is a problem Blizzard keeps having.

But what it was isn’t upsetting people. It just needs to be more than what it currently is. If they updated the garrison a little every expansion and kept it relevant (not the mission table, that can die) then I wager it’d be a hell of a popular feature.

I don’t require them to tailor a feature around me, I doubt many people truly feel that way. I just require it to check a few boxes and grow with the game.


You’re missing the point entirely. See my post above yours.

I’m a builder by nature, I have construction projects in all sorts of games. You should see my refueling base on Minmus in KSP. In Star Wars Galaxies I was part of Pax Imperius, the guild that built the first city in the game.

I’m just a realist who sees the limits of WoW’s engine. There were games pre-dating WoW that handled housing just fine, but WoW wasn’t built with the things needed to make it happen.

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It is a lot easier to balance if the power comes form an internal source vs gimmicks that change each patch/xpac. One of the biggest issues WoW has is this constant tuning they have to do in order to try to achieve that balance, and they fail each time. The shifts of what “covenant” a spec should be associated with is a perfect example. It is why people can’t play the covenant of choice. External power sources also shift depending on what content you play, so you have to keep a bag full of gear. They over complicate things and create a annoying and often stressful grind. Where as if the power came from internal sources (and yes, it levels up as you level up), then the player doesn’t have these same frustrations. They can feel like they are accomplishing something when they play vs always worrying about if they are playing the right “meta” or chasing the RNG gods in hopes someone invites them to a group.

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I don’t want wow to have player housing. And given how badly garrisons splintered the playerbase and destroyed my friends list, I would prefer more solo-only players to leave and go to FFXIV.



isnt FF14 dead?


the supporters are posting in wow forums instead of playing the game that’s supposedly better… so…


Meanwhile, people got a better game.

People can play more than one game at a time, and people can also post on multiple forums at a time. I know it’s a hard concept.

don’t lie.

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Player Housing - and it’s variants, since the genre has evolved - is a core feature of MMORPGs, and an MMORPG that lacks it really can’t claim to actually be modern at this point, nor embrace the RPG elements of the genre in 2022.

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Yeah, FFXIV wasn’t my cup of tea either. I felt restricted like I was chained to something that I was not. I couldn’t be a warrior because it was a tank, I didn’t want to be a tank. So, I had to be a lancer. The raids didn’t feel hard to me. The races were all human, nothing unique, I felt like I was playing a doll house game. Yes, it had many elements that I liked, but overall, the game just felt wrong to me. It didn’t feelright.


I’m literally playing wow right now. I play wow while on forums.


So go play FF14


“Afk and self-segregating via personal instances” Island

Right, but tbf Blizz has a history of “borrowing” from other games. cough dragonriding cough Housing though is something a decent amount of players have been asking for. It would all depend on the execution

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FFXIV character wise was up my ally, but I constantly felt like I wasn’t happy exactly with how they looked either. I always wanted to mix and mash a race. [I really wish there was a more fox-like race that is kind of a mash between the Miqo’te & Viera.] But in general I couldn’t find myself being content. The classes really didn’t take any skill or challenges to play, and while everyone says the lore is great – which it is solid and good. It was REALLY awful during Stormblood. I found myself begging to just finish it already and be done, and by the time I was done, I was also done with the game.

I agree with the feeling of being in a dollhouse styled game. Everything felt too based upon cosmetics and appearance vs actual gameplay. Which I need a balance for both and unfortunately it teetered to one side.


Just don’t click those type of threads then? It’s not hard.

It was pretty obvious what the post was going to be about going by the title.

Depending on your server, you’ll never get a house lmao. You can also buy multiple houses at once. I’m not sure if they changed things to make it more fair nowadays.

be careful, if you look to outside sources to make this game better the community will get mad for no reason