NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile

True it’s obvious but they shouldn’t be made in the first place. I can understand the frustration of the person you quoted.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. At around the same time you learn that “funner” isn’t a real word!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

There is nothing wrong about them being made, it does not break any rules and it’s clearly a popular topic going by likes and engagement with these threads.

WoW literally got popular on “borrowing” idea’s from other games, novels and movies. Asking them to continue to do that with features other games have and do an amazing job with, is a good thing in my opinion. Why do you think we are getting dragon flying? It’s based on a mount system from other games, and made into it’s own better thing to fit with WoW.

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Except these threads are only made to put down WoW and to troll & get a reaction. Which Does break rules. None of them go without any sort of constructive criticism.

And additionally I wasn’t talking about the borrowing WoW does it’s common knowledge we all get inspiration somewhere.

If you don’t like a thread you can just mute it and move on. I do that with all political threads among many others. I think the discussion in here has been pretty good despite that the OP was clearly a troll.

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Housing is useless and waste of time and resources and not worth my time or anyone time and plus FF14 housing has a bunch of drama connected to it sure go ahead deny it all and think it’s all perfect with no flaws.

And I love it when people love to claim that FF14 is a superior game with no flaws and is flawless and has more better things than World of Warcraft when it doesn’t. Also, World of Warcraft has better art assets and zones and design and dungeons and raids and music. I doubt anything in FF14 can even out compete World of Warcraft.

World of Warcraft has existed way longer than any FF14 expansions and will outperform that game when Dragonflight comes out. That’s a promise.

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One word.


While that is true, it is exhausting seeing these threads spam posted at least 4-5 times a day.

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Nobody said FFXIV is perfect lol

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People sure as hell act that way. Maybe less so now because the honeymoon phase is over but that mindset still exists. It mostly comes from ex-WoW players who have an axe to grind against the game. Most FF14 players don’t think about or care about what is going on in this game at all.


My own island?

That sounds so COOL!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Most people don’t act any way other than “Hey, this game does certain things really well, maybe Blizzard could learn a thing or two,” which they already have considering the profession system that is just an imitation of FFXIV’s profession system. Maybe some are more aggressive than others, but I think the sentiment is mostly the same. You’re caught up on trolls rather than the people who actually make valid points.

We should be happy FFXIV even exists. If not for it, Blizzard would continue to have a monopoly on the MMO genre and WoW would probably be worse off for it. Competition begets change. It’s not unreasonable to play both games, see what one game does right, and then point that out in the other game when said game clearly struggles in that area. FFXIV is a flawed game and nobody is stupid enough (unless they are trolls) to think otherwise, but it does many things well that I think WoW would greatly benefit from especially in the way of casual content.

Plus, nobody is going to come here and complain about FFXIV, which a lot of people do. Another reason why you may think that people consider FFXIV to be perfect is because people only come to the WoW forums to talk about the game’s more well-received aspects because… well, it doesn’t do WoW any good to talk about the things FFXIV does wrong, now does it? Why would I complain about FFXIV on the WoW forums when I have a place to do that? I’m here to highlight what WoW can do better and FFXIV serves as a great benchmark for that kind of discussion. If you think everything is all dandy in FFXIV, you’d be sorely mistaken. While many people would agree with the state of FFXIV being solid, discontent is still commonplace.

I think FFXIV could learn from WoW, too, and they are. FFXIV is adding what is essentially their version of M+ in the upcoming patch. I know M+ is a controversial addition to WoW, but I think its problems are more implementation-based rather than a flawed concept at its core. I find M+ to be cool and I think it’s sick that FFXIV is doing something similar.

The thing is, FFXIV players are very much aware how much they owe to WoW. If not for WoW, the ARR reboot of the game would have probably never existed. Yoshi P went out of his way to make his team play WoW when he was tasked with rebooting the 1.0 version of the game. In that sense, FFXIV is one of the few games worth mentioning when discussing what WoW can do better because so much of its design is intrinsic to WoW’s previous design philosophies.

I don’t really understand the desire for player housing or what it would do for the game. Assuming they don’t add mission tables or things like that I don’t think I’d have anything against adding some kind of player housing.

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I think it’s two reasons:

  1. Player housing is a great way to express yourself and the achievements you’ve accomplished in-game. Since FFXIV is a relevant discussion topic, I’ll go ahead and point out that one of the many things FFXIV lets you do with player housing is put your achievements on display. It’s an interesting way to show off beyond just the gear you wear. It adds to your sense of identity in the game.
  2. It adds to a sense of belonging in the world, as if you’re setting your own mark on the game’s landscape for everyone to see. The sense of co-existence with other players is very appealing to many players who focus on MMOs. I love the idea of running around in a world littered with other players going about their daily activities. It makes the world feel so much more alive and player housing is an extension of that.
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my only thought right now is… wow.

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Troll aside…

Hrothgar, Viera, people who can’t actually get housing because they refuse to listen to their players, healers, tanks, and savage raiders would like to know what it’s like for SE to listen to them.


Okay, well only you seem to want this and cares about a dollhouse, so what are you doing here?

Nothing could be more irrational, than whining on a WoW forum about how FF is “better” and WoW should be like it. After saying how WoW was bad to copy everyone. Leaving your condescending remark because not everyone agrees with you, makes you look like a jerk.

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LOL No, it’s not. You just want that to be true.

How is it not “modern” because it lacks one feature because not enough people give a fart about it? You do understand that most things that make up these games today are a reflection of requested content, right?

I am willing to bet that I’ve been logged into RPG’s before you were a sparkle in your daddy’s eyes, and player housing was never a “thing” in any of those games. EVER.

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Why would they listen so long as we keep paying them to ignore us?