NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile

Keep in mind that on General Discussion, people who raid Normal are considered “hardcore” and “1%”. As the slime cat thing has taught us.


It is honestly an issue for me that I also forget if you even touch a m+2 you are a “hardcore” player as well.

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Or even M0.


I don’t see how you’ve come to this conclusion. There are private servers out there with videos demonstrating how they’ve modified existing zones with built-in features to do so.

We have instancing, we have the garrison instancing which is mildly customizable and it saves based on every player, the mod tools that exist to paint on the world would be more than enough to place and save chair_doodad_001 or something similar.

I’m not saying it wouldn’t be a lot of work to create the appropriate framework to bring all of this together for a playable feature, but to say the engine doesn’t support it is a fallacy.

At the moment the only thing that doesn’t support it are the accountants.

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WoW isn’t even a game where you can drop items on the ground and have them persist. You can only place ‘conjured items’ like totems, that disappear as soon as you walk out of range.

The only persistent things they’ve been able to do are like the garrison holiday decorations, which were all 5 fixed points and 1 or 2 choices for each. We’ve seen similar set-ups with the garrison archaeology display, the Archivist vault in Korthia, and even the Stitchmaster cosmetics for Necrolords, this expansion.

WoW isn’t just Mr. Potato-Head (3 options each in pre-determined spots), it’s even MORE restrictive than Mr. Potato-Head. At least you can put his shoes on his face.

The only thing WoW’s coding can handle is Garrison 2.0, which the housing lobby has already declared unacceptable.

So there you go.

That’s the problem, though. That’s all WoW can handle and the housing lobby has said UNACCEPTABLE. They shot themselves right in the head.


Is ffx paying you?

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That’s not because the engine doesn’t support it, it’s because that’s how its designed.

But you can:

  1. place items on the ground. That exists with toys currently
  2. Have customization in an instance persist, because Garrisons already do that.

I’m curious how you arrived at this conclusion, simply because it’s how it landed 8 years ago. Are you telling me their servers haven’t been upgraded? That the code hasn’t changed in 8 years? I assume Dragon Flying was simply baked into WoD…

Just because something happened one way once doesn’t mean that’s its limitations. I mean every other MMO does it, even SWTOR, which feels like a clunky version of WoW.

I mean Ion even came out and said it’s possible, it’s just a lot of work to get right and the only reason he gave why it hasn’t happened yet is because of the investment into such a big “expansion feature.”

His quote:

“Player housing is topic that comes up a ton around the team. Tons of support for it across the community and within the team, it’s something many of us would love ourselves. Putting together any of the package of features for an expansion, it’s a mix of what thematically suits the expansion, what’s going to appeal to different types of players, but also what would be required to deliver that feature at the level that players expect and deserve, and what would we have to give up to make that happen… and player housing is a big one. It’s a big project, a big undertaking, and I would argue that if we were to do it, it would probably have to span multiple expansions – it’s a large enough feature just from the art.”


Lord of the rings online had better player housing longer than Final fantasy MMO has even existed lmao.

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Ion always tells people what they want to hear.

Surprised more people haven’t noticed.

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Absolutely nobody who wants player housing wanted to hear excuses as to why it isn’t happening.

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You’d rather he said “next expansion” and then it didn’t happen, I suppose.

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Your mental gymnastics are admirable, I’ll give you that, Brewa.


The gymnastics are from the people who keep insisting this can happen, if only the {insert whatever meanie is blocking it} would allow it.

It’s not going to happen.


The problem with Garrison 2.0 is that people remember that Garrisons were or what they lacked. I feel that Garrison style housing would be the basic system for WoW housing. Yes, things will be static but even that could allow for many options if they treated most things like the statues.

I play a Homescapes in it you play puzzles in order to decorate your homes/ outdoor spaces. Everything is static but you can choose what type of chair you put in the chair space. The type of lighting, rugs, and etc. I feel that WoW housing would be that way and if you mix in different themed buildings people can express themselves in different ways. The basic systems already in game, they just need to be expanded on.

It’s certainly doable.

Another problem is that there is no unified “we want player housing” block of opinion.

It’s divided among:

  • People who want real estate out in the world.
  • People who want a TARDIS-style thing where the houses overlap, like the MoP Farm and WoD garrison.
  • People who want a housing zone all to itself.
  • People who want a freeform system where you can place things anywhere.
  • People who want an attachment point system.
  • People who would accept a mister-potato-head system like garrisons.

No matter what Blizzard does, 2/3 of those people will be dissatisfied.

It’s a massive No-Win situation for Blizzard.

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You have nothing to be sorry for, your opinion on the matter really doesn’t carry any weight with me and you haven’t really provided anything from a reputable source that would sway my hope for such a feature.

It was a fun discussion regardless and I’ll still hold out hope for it. If it happens, great! And if it doesn’t, well, their loss IMO.

You really can’t justify that based on a small percentage of people who occupy these forums and reddit. A lot of people still use their garrison happily without making a commotion about it.

They could steadily add customization inside the garrison and that in of itself would be a victory for a lot of players.

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Everquest has housing too. But you can pay in advance with different currencies. When the rent is due and you don’t pay up, even if you have a current sub, your house and everything in it will be mailed to you and you will have to re-purchase your property and start all over. Not a fun system unless you spend your time and $$ keeping your property paid up.

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The same can be said for almost any new feature in the game. Just look at the Dracthyr as a prime example. Just because some people are not going to like does not mean it should not be added to game. Even the Vulpera monk that you are playing had plenty of people that are dissatisfied about monks and Vulpera being in game.

Blizzard not going to make everyone happy. It is stupid to even have that as goal but not trying a popular idea because people will be unhappy is just as stupid. I don’t think there is a unified player opinion on anything in WoW.


Ngl, when I read about Island Sanctuary, I immediately wished it was something WoW had. It just fits the whole Dragonflight expansion so dang well. An entire hidden island suddenly discovered dedicated to playerhousing, letting your pets and mounts roam around, unrestricted planting and farming, little dragons chilling everywhere…

Gosh, when you really like stop and think about it, WoW has so much dang potential as a social and PVE focused MMO not just centered around Mythic+/Raiding and it’s such a shame they’ve been operating at such an anemic level of repetitively recycled content types reinforcing the same 3 tropes.


I was just watching a video on this island. It’s freaking huge.