NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile

lol no we’re not. They told us in shadowlands, crafting was gonna put craft back in world of warcraft.

Crafting in DF is going to exist as bad luck protection for raid gear pieces that haven’t dropped for people. It’s gonna piss a lot of people off to know that they aren’t going to be able to craft BiS for themselves without raiding (And they shouldn’t be able to.)

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You’ll be surprised to find that, despite what many on the forums claim, item level is not that important of a casual/solo reward structure.

Don’t get me wrong, I like getting stronger and seeing a higher piece of gear drop. But cosmetics are generally far more important. More people hunt mounts, pets, and xmog than they do specific gear upgrades. Even folks that play at a higher level.

Housing, professions, etc… It’s all about customization and working toward specific goals within that field.

Dragonflight is adding quite a few new cosmetic sets to craft from what I’ve seen so far. There’s profession talent systems as well, and folks that do want to craft higher ilvl gear can do so with appropriate content drops.

So, I don’t know how you could claim this is anything but a huge revamp. It’s the most work they’ve ever put into professions, and it looks great so far from the POV of someone who always made that their end game until WoD kinda trashed it.

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Can already bet this person is the same person who made the LGBT+ thread as well to try and convince people to play FFXIV.

As someone who has played FFXIV, it’s just not my cup of tea. Both of the player bases are the same, one just hides the toxicity away into Discord, and didn’t that game also have a big deal with a billboard?

Whilst I won’t dog on the game because while I did play it, it was decent. But it’s not WoW. And you shouldn’t try to dog on WoW to make people play FFXIV.

It will have the opposite effect.


Wow, sub forever or lose your house. That’s bad design and exploitive.

LOTRO lets you make payments ahead of time, say if you’re taking a break


Who is “we”? If you want housing, go play FFXIV. I’d rather have more dungeons and raids.


It sounds like they’re basically returning it to how crafting worked in the first few expansions. I’m interested to see how it comes out. My favorite expansion with respect to crafting was WotLK because the buffs were good but normalized so there wasn’t an obvious best profession.

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Yep I totally agree with that. I’m doing Shadowlands Dilettante right now, trying to grind out the Abom Stitching and finish the Ember Court, and it’s actually really interesting. It’s just most people didn’t bother doing it. The Garrison did have some stuff in just for the sake of having stuff in it, like the fishing shack was cool. But in 2022 I don’t know how it would work.

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Player housing would be great. But you know what would be even greater? A construction guild/build zone.

People building things with stuff they acquire in the world in a sandbox area. Then they can package it because the zone gets reset after 24 hours.

Then you can place your “house” or “object” in certain acceptable areas of the world for others to interact with…and they persist like a toy but for hours if needed.

I was thinking of Harry Potter The Quidditch World Cup Camp as reference. People can line up tents or homes before a raid, RP, stage a mock war between two groups…etc

The interiors could be magically larger too.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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We could have both, really. There’s no reason for them to give such ultimatums, not when the game is as profitable as it is according to quarterly reports.

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While this comes off as trolly… right down to the character race…

It’s not wrong.
Blizz… you can even take garrisons and drastically improve them.

It’s the same thing as Torghast… you got it wrong the first time. It doesn’t mean you need to throw out all that work thats already done…


Xiv has loads in both categories but ok, keep using strawmen to cover for Blizz and turn away the casuals.

Lord knows a massive mmo can 100% survive on the hardcores alone!


I’d love for game development not to be a zero-sum game but judging by the recycled content in S4 there are some fairly serious resource restrictions at Blizzard. This may be due to all the projects they keep partly developing and then abandoning.

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Level 10 Character: Check.
Mentions FF14: Check.


So go play final fantasy. Enjoy your island.


Ive seen plenty of campaigns where the players owned homes.

In my campaign im currently saving to purchase a home/high end apartment in the city.

In the campaign im running a player owns a wizard tower.

How is player housing in DnD weird? Dnd is only restricted by the DM and if yours wont let you buy a house they arent very good…

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While I’m in your corner of wanting player housing, this is a silly argument, I think. It’s not like Shadowlands failed because they focused on “hardcores”, it failed because all of the content was far below the quality we’ve grown to expect from this game. And it followed on the tails of an expansion that was also in that category.

Usually when they drop a lackluster experience, the one that follows is grand. It didn’t happen this time.

They frustrated the hardcore players away with their systems and reward designs just as well as they did their casual base. Many of whom did find solace in FFXIV, which is great, because that game does deserve attention.

But a lot of us play both, mostly for different reasons. Housing won’t make or break this game, it would certainly benefit from it as providing such invested RP tools keeps people logging in during content droughts (as FFXIV has shown), but it’s absence is not the underlying problem with the game.

The reward structure is, IMO. Everything is so heavily based on RNG rather than the ability to work toward it, from gear to mounts to the synthesis features in Zereth Mortis, you’re gambling your time away for a chance at… nearly everything. It stinks.

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Yea ff14 knocks WoW out of the park when it comes to solo content

WoW has better endgame


WoW’s engine cannot handle the kind of housing people ask for.

And what WoW’s engine CAN accommodate, the housing enthusiasts have already decreed as completely unacceptable.

So there will be no housing.

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So? Who the hell cares what other people think about that particular reaction except you and 7 people apparently. So what if they say that. They copied it off several other mmos with player housing. May as well say all mmos are copies of the first mmo…? Lmfao

And the answer, coming from someone who ISN’T you, is YES. Yes we do need it. Still being a bum after over a decade of subbing hits kinda hard.

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Speaking of using strawmen.

How’s that working out for you?

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