NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile

And good luck actually getting said house in FFXIV. I’ve been playing since BEFORE ARR and I still haven’t been able to get a house in that game.

Plus if your sub lapses, there goes your house.


Has your goal been to get a house or have you had other goals ahead of it?

Ff14 housing sucks. Id rather not just straight lose it because i didnt get on for a week.


^^^ Better systems, better in game activities, and the story and lore are treated with respect. I would love to see Wow fix those aspects within their game. I like the lore of WoW and I’m sad to see it being destroyed in this manner.


Declare it haterade all you want, this system still sounds bad, even after the clarification.


I’d be 100% fine with this accusation so long as I had my house…


Why do people want housing anyways? Is it because they want to pretend theyre playing house or barbies? I dont want to hear “itll make the game better” i want to hear why itll make the game better

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Better or different?

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Just what I’m wondering. I want to crush Alliance rogues and floss my teeth with that stun spamming paladin’s bones. Not play dollhouse or SIMS.


I see it more of an extention of my character; like transmog.

Something I can advance and work on that persists throughout expansions and each new expansion could iterate on it further; adding new things.

In my head, I see them giving us a plot of land. You could put your mounts in a stable, (potential mini-game) plant crops for food (potential mini-game) cook food for adventures and raids (potential mini-game).

Playing house with dolls? I guess, maybe? But really player housing could be so much more than that.


I am. At least it has a clear progression path for solo players.


I already have a house in WoW. It’s a little farmstead in pandaria.


Maybe it was said earlier in the thread but I don’t understand the praise for housing in FF14. Last time I played it servers only had a limited amount of plots of land for players to buy, and the price on the lots were crazy high.

Lots were rarely available, and if you were lucky to get one you had to be active since after some time of inactivity (time after ending your subscription) your house would be deleted and the lot would go up for sale.

Wildstar was the game for housing; everyone got their own plot of land, and you had crazy amounts of freedom to build.


The apartments, while not perfect, are instanced, and unlike the housing plots, infinite. (I believe)



Last I checked, seems like FFXIV still has a housing crisis, and is still limited due to their instance coding and bids are not being registered. Not including houses going back to the system despite Players dumping millions and showing they won the bid but nothing in return, nor being granted a refund for their bid.

Would be more believable if op was mentioning ESO; where they have given players large near mansion style homes for free.


Better. Their player power systems are internal vs coming from external sources, so you do well without having to spend every waking minute farming gear only to have the RNG gods spit on you. Also, no matter what you do in the game, you receive the currency for gear, so you don’t have to do the same content over and over and over and over just to get the piece of gear you want. It is really refreshing and reminds me of the old days of Wow when there were vendors.


I don’t have the slightest idea what that means.


Vendors I do miss, so I agree totally on that.

Not everyone in ffxiv has a house.

In fact on Roleplaying servers, most people have trouble getting an apartment.

WoW is definitely not going to let that same thing happen. It also will take a lot longer for them to do, but they’ve expressed interest in it.

This isn’t accurate.

It’s a 45 day destro period that’s often paused.


What it means is that your player power comes from you versus it being borrowed power from sources like conduits, gear, etc., While you get power from gear, it is an enhancement, not a requirement in order for you to be successful at killing stuff.


They bribe you to do leveling roulettes and junk even at max level for currency, would be like having to run Ragefire Chasm at 60 for a few valor, only you go all the way back to level 10 and only have 3 moves again.

The roulettes aren’t always awful but holy shooot did you get sick of some of the dungeons/fights and pray to the gods for a change up.