NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile

FFXIV’s housing is… questionable. Its great if you have one, not so much if you’re homeless but want one. Plots free up so rarely and everything is lottery based now so good luck with that RNG against 500 other people I guess. And I’m speaking as someone who has one because I rolled on a low pop server forever ago and managed to buy it before all the changes to the system. If I want to keep it (which I do) I have to keep my sub going forever. Take a break for more than 40 days? Bye bye house.

If wow were to do housing I’d personally like to see them do it more like eso (without the cash shop exclusives) where the plots are instanced and anyone can buy what they want, when they want.


Yeah, it was really annoying. Especially if you’re a new player. I wanted a house but first of all, I was extremely poor I had like 20k-40k gil on me. And even if player housing was added people would be complaining about the pricing. Saying how they can’t afford it. Or how their house is gone because they hardly login and threatening to unsub. Guild housing would be better IMO, if we wanted housing so badly we can either play the sims 4 or play FFXIV.

I’m not saying, I am against player housing or anything, it actually sounds like a lot of fun but I just can’t see player housing working in World of Warcraft, it just doesn’t fit. Now maybe, instead of housing we could buy an inn and share with friends, guildies, or whatever. Sort of acting as an apartment.

But having houses being instances would sort of suck though too, because you can’t be like “Oh, look how nice Rigatoni’s house looks.”


Didn’t Ion already said they were working on it but it won’t be out any time soon because it’s a lot of work and they don’t want it to drag down development of actual content? Like housing and farming stuff for your house can be fun, but WoW’s big draw is it’s combat system and end-game content. Sitting in your house is the opposite of what makes WoW stand out among other MMOs, so while they are working on it in the background, they don’t want to (essentially) sacrifice a raid tier or more to push it out. Blizzard would rather make sure they take their time and release it when they are ready to support it indefinitely.

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No they did not say they were working on it. I’ll paste the Ion interview below that I have referred to :

Player housing is topic that comes up a ton around the team. Tons of support for it across the community and within the team, it’s something many of us would love ourselves. Putting together any of the package of features for an expansion, it’s a mix of what thematically suits the expansion, what’s going to appeal to different types of players, but also what would be required to deliver that feature at the level that players expect and deserve, and what would we have to give up to make that happen… and player housing is a big one. It’s a big project, a big undertaking, and I would argue that if we were to do it, it would probably have to span multiple expansions - it’s a large enough feature just from the art. We saw that from doing the Garrisons in Warlords; frankly due to resources, we were limited to offering only the Alliance and Horde garrisons, while people were like “I’m a Blood Elf, I want cool Silvermoon architecture in my garrison, why can’t I build that?” That was the original “it would cost you a raid tier” joke, but actually it was kind of true - this is how many thousands of hours it would take to make that.

That’s what player housing has to be, if and when we make it happen, and so it’s something taht, you know the dream is still alive, something we want to do, but they’re not something we’re going to be able to do for dragon flight.


The personal island is incredible.
It’s a real shame though, since I’ve wanted such a feature in WoW for several years now.


OP name and species check out.


Me too. :frowning:

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Too bad Blizzard and the elitist community both want WoW to just remain dead and irrelevant with no innovation in sight at all. Oh well, one can hope I guess but it seems pointless. The replies to this thread speak enough volumes.


No it doesn’t… it was 45 days and that hasn’t been in the game for quite some time.

In ffxiv they treat their heroes and villains with respect, meanwhile in WoW, Arthas became 35 anima. :wink:

I would have settled for guild halls for the players, they could have used the garrison as a blueprint and I bet everyone would have been happy. But they haven’t even given any thought to that. It is sad.


Go play FF, then.


I am :smiley: And I have a house :smiley:


Is it that time again?
Oh well… If FF is so nice, then…


(post deleted by author)


Okay? Why would you want FF stuff in WoW? That’s what makes the two different.


I don’t think you want that :laughing:


Because it’ll make wow better?


No. It’ll make wow with FF housing.

No one cares about FF14, you like FF14 go play it and get out of our hair.

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Oops sorry you’re right, allow me to reword.

Because to them it’ll make wow better :]

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To each their own.