NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile

Naw. That’s not a troll. Totally legit

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Again though, that is assuming they want it to be in the next expansion, they could work on it in the background over the course of 2 or 3 expansions, with a smaller team that wouldn’t detract from other things as much, and then have it launch when it’s ready, instead of insisting that they don’t have the resources or that it would cost a raid tier or something.

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Well let’s be realistic. A group of players, no one can judge how big or how small, has been asking for housing.

When you say “your community” you are claiming to speak for the player base. That’s not a claim you should make if you can’t back it up with proof.

As I’ve said a number of times about Bellular and Asmongold, you are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to mine.


Nice, looks like if you enjoy housing there’s already a home waiting :heart:

Little warning though with the island, you’ll still need a house since they decided the gardening and such will be limited to island exclusive stuff.

Good thing houses are easily available for everyone though, eh?

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We already got Blizzard’s version of player housing. Garrisons were originally billed as “Player Housing, Warcraft style”.

It was very unpopular.

I wouldn’t mind seeing them make a better attempt at it in a way that isn’t just an expansion specific gimmick, but I imagine they’re not keen on revisiting an unpopular feature.

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Maybe I guess. In theory that sounds somewhat plausible but there could be challenges with having a longer term project like that going in the background while the game is heavily in active development. Or they could simply feel those resources are better spent elsewhere. Regardless there’s no reason to believe any of that is going to happen.

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I don’t want player housing, my free company in FF14 has a house that I have been in once, cool but superfluous.
That said I 100% believe that Ion was just saying that to either scare people off the idea or because they just don’t want to do housing. No reason a large gaming company can’t do both a raid tier and a housing style content at the same time either in development or as the same patch content.


Literal troll named “Ffxiv” with 2 posts and you guys feed it.


Yeah I tend to lean towards thinking they just don’t want housing in WoW, and that the garrison was their attempt at doing a similar feature that didn’t work out.


Exactly this, they are using that as some weird excuse.


I did like garrisons specifically in the context of WoD, outside of that they’re massively disconnected and bland. WoW isn’t a game that needs a housing system, it’s not been built that way.


If you never want to see other players again, sure do another WoD. We already did that though and it sucked at the time. I do like going back to the Garrison, but at the time the forums were all saying that it took the MMO out of RPG, and it did.


This is because the housing system has a finite amount of block. It allows ppl who are playing the game to get a chance at a block.


Part of that though was because of all the conveniences that the garrison gave. If it didn’t have an AH, Mine, Herb garden, Bank, Crafting buildings, and was a purely cosmetic thing with no player power attached, people would still have to go into the world.


Yeah and every dungeon cleared as a guild gives you a guild portal to it. So everyone can meet at the hall and enter an instance to farm. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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But then people will be screaming that there is no point to having them at all. And considering the dev time it’ll take, you bet it’ll be a box feature. A box feature with nothing you actually need. Players on this forum will never be happy.

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I’m pretty sure the garrison was at least a version of player housing…


If you don’t log in the house goes on a 45 day timer to the housing plot being reclaimed. That’s six and a half weeks. You also keep the house and items inside it and only have to repurchase a plot. You also reclaim 80% of the plot’s value.

Of course you can use the house as FC housing and as long as anyone from your guild continues playing it’s going to stay there. And you can’t lose your apartment, no matter what.

And then there’s the huge island sanctuary where you can live out your Harvest Moon fantasy…

The guys here who drink the FF14 haterade will truly say anything to make the “other game” seem less appealing, meanwhile here in WoW we have… hmm… uhh… choosing where to plop the garrison buildings? LMAO

And then, of course, the “you should quit!” arguments… :roll_eyes:
WoW wouldn’t be in the state it is if people stopped listening to this advice.

They both have great things going for them.
It’s just that one also doesn’t have crazy scandals, terrible PR, and could build a house out of their game of the year awards.


And that is a larger problem with Blizz IMO, they have an issue with designing content to just be content, and conditioned players to believe that everything they add needs to have some sort of power attached to it and not be there just for fun.

