NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile

How in the world do you honestly expect them to parse through feedback on Twitch, Twitter, and Youtube? You think the WoW forums aren’t emblematic of people wanting player housing but a few thousand random trolls on Twitch spamming the pepe emoji 30 times over shrieking “PlAyER HouSiNG” is? Youtube comments are no better being plagued with hundreds, if not thousands, of bad faith trolls who only exist to flame Blizzard. I seriously doubt Blizzard even checks Youtube or Twitch.

Unless you’re talking about content creators, to which I’ll just say many of them have already made comments about why WoW needs player housing.

Lol. I can’t with you… you think they don’t receive feedback in more places than forums… have a good one dude. :rofl:

Feedback can range from all places with social interaction.

Official forums
YouTube / comment section

I never said that. I think it’s possible but they are more than likely paying attention to the forums more than any other social media medium they have because it’s a more focused player pool. Whereas the Youtube comments section and Twitch chats are diluted with people who (perhaps don’t even have a subscription) may not even care about the game and are just trolling because… well, that’s what the internet does. At least with the WoW forums you can be certain that those posting are playing the game and have an active subscription. Any internet stranger can go to Twitter and make some comments about how terrible Dragonflight is going to be without player housing. Who even knows if they have a subscription? You think Blizzard is going to put more weight into that person’s opinion over an actual player?

Who needs an Island when you can have a Burning legion portal world you stole from a pit lord like lame

I think housing would do this game some good, but it is also dev time spent building everything out. Not just dev time but raw storage/processing time on servers. Probably a crazy expense compared to just putting in more static components like raids and whatnot.

As an FF14 player myself, I have zero desire to play the new content. I play these games for the raids and competitive aspects. If I want to play farming simulator 2022, I boot up Rune Factory, Harvest Moon, or Story of Seasons.

I’m also just a weird MMO player in general. I’ll gladly take housing over more raid content. I think the players deserve housing and I’m willing to sacrifice what I love for it.

Even swtor has housing.

We have a selfie cam, it would be so cool to have group pictures from doing stuff with friends/guildies. Mannequins for your transmogs, training dummies. God that would be fun

troll , named ff14 and almost no posts, lol and so many took the bait :frowning:

It doesn’t change their message and they’re not wrong.

Yes it does and yes they are.

Tell me how they’re wrong. Break down the original post and tell me how it’s wrong.

I would say that OP is probably baiting people, but regardless, I do think it highlights how FFXIV is leagues ahead in casual content. Players are essentially getting a whole new game with their patch while WoW continues to ape the same formula that has arguably been its downfall overtime.

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I was in the “eh, player housing ain’t for me” camp until my FC decided to band together and purchase an entire subdivision on a new realm in FFXIV. Watching everyone work together, discussing plans, building an entire 30-house neighborhood filled with features and creativity and fun.

Wow doesn’t have those kinds of community features and it needs them. NEEDS them.

WoW doesn’t have bunny girls, either. While I do appreciate a good bunny girl (my FF14 bunny girl especially), I’m not sure they’d work in WoW.

Right? So annoying, those who like FF better, easy solution, go play it and stop expecting WOW to be it. We tried player housing with the Garrisons. Not only did they have to scrap half the expansion to do it, nobody ever left their garrisons. And while I agree they were cool and still come in handy, I’d take a finished expansion any day of the week over player housing. Let’s see how many people are still playing FF in 18 years, hint, nobody. Not saying it’s a bad game, it’s not, but WOW is better, especially for those of us who have been playing forever. Nobody here gives a flying rats foot what FF has that WOW doesn’t. Such a weak argument.

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Well the OP being a troll, is stirring the pot, lists off FF14’s things done and continues to say Blizz needs to listen to the community. Ion gave his answer, you guys just don’t want to accept it.

FF14 was built with these things in mind and the capabilities to give it to you.

WoW is an old spaghetti game that while gets updated, and Blizzard’s slowwwwwwww development, has them in the disadvantage. So they weigh which will give them the biggest return and go that route.

That is already known since WoW’s inception. Ion admitted they need better and more casual content, flesh out the open world. But we as armchair devs need to realize the age of WoW compared to FF14, how it was coded, and the sheer scope of something like player housing.

It’s been brought up numerous amounts of time. Comparing WoW to ff14 and wondering why WoW doesn’t have the same stuff is like asking why my Honda CRV doesn’t drive as fast as a Porsche or have the same bells and whistles.

It’s actually 30 days. I look forward to having housing in wow and FF14. I love both games as they are more different than people try to compare, just because they are both the largest MMOs doesn’t mean they are the same by any means. Completely different kettle of fish.

He said it was possible, not that they can’t.

Nothing you said makes OP wrong, just they you disagree.

They have player housing in lots of MMORPGs. Runescape, Dofus, Black Desert, etc.

What would you like to see in your player owned house that isn’t already available in a Garrison?

Player housing is wack. I hope Blizzard never implements it.