NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile


Them firing off things FF14 has that WoW doesn’t without UNDERSTANDING why and context is being willfully ignorant.

Yes the sky is blue, but it will rain and possibly thunderstorms.

I’m not debating that the sky isn’t blue, but I am adding that there may be rain and thunderstorms soon.

Sounds like you need to switch to FF14 and dump Wow

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If WoW copied FF14, then FF14 copied me, I thought “housing would be awesome” way before I knew anything about FF14 LOL and I design my house in FF14. But many people have empty houses as a status symbol in FF14. A lot of empty houses just cos they have the in-game currency to buy it and the sub to keep it. /shrug Each game has their problems.

Age really isn’t an excuse here. WoW’s engine might be dated but there are games that existed before WoW that had player housing (Galaxies, City of Heroes, OSRS, etc). They’ve had plenty of time to figure out how to implement it.

Also, WoW does have a foundation for player housing in the form of garrisons. I think garrisons were pretty polished and felt intuitive to interact with. The only problem is that they were shallow and lacked any sense of player identity.

Age is an excuse when you factor in the build of WoW vs FF14.

I’m not sure what there is to discuss. Ion laid out IMO [and it’s rare for me to agree] what we’d miss out on if they did undertake the project and why they aren’t doing it for now.

All fair points by Ion.

If people don’t like it, they can keep on voicing their displeasure into the void or go play FF14 if they really want it that bad.

Ion is a chronic liar. He says many things that are “just not possible” only to backpedal on those things months later. He’s only looking out for himself rather than just being honest and saying “it’s not really a priority for us at this time.”

I don’t deny that player housing is an arduous task to undertake. I’m saying that WoW has been around for 18 years and if they haven’t figured it out yet, then they either have no intention of implementing it and are blowing smoke to assuage a discontent playerbase or they’re a lot more incapable than I originally thought.

Yes chronic liar and I’m not here to win anybody over since I only came here to point out that OP is baiting people. This is gonna be a circular argument so I don’t feel like wasting more time. I made my points clear, you don’t agree so that is that.

So you agree with the crux of what Ion said, good to know.

And no, this is a different team then even that of when Garrisons came to pass.

They know more or less how to do it, but when you are not focused on said idea and instead are focused on other new expansion things… that takes a back burner so as to flesh out and work on said idea.

He never promised it would come, he just said that they still want to do it but DF ain’t it.
It’s not blowing smoke, it’s being realistic… people just ain’t accepting it.

Draenor go play and get a garrison that is wows housing available to all who seek it plain and simple

I could care less to be honest lol… Garrisons were neat and hoped it’d go forward but I’m just stating the obvious of why housing ain’t here but some don’t want to accept the truth lol

[you replied to me it seems so it’s why i’m replying back]

I agree with the sentiment but I don’t agree with him because, as I stated, they’ve had 18 years to figure it out and if they haven’t figured it out yet then they are either incompetent or they aren’t going to do it. I’m assuming the latter because I don’t think they’re stupid.

So, you know, maybe the feedback is justified.

See, circular argument.

They aren’t sitting there for 18 years thinking of doing player housing. Ain’t on their priority list. You are in the wrong game if you think that is… and that ‘‘majority’’ want it.

I’ve told you a list of things, and you still wanna be stubborn about it then not my problem. I’m tired of wasting time on the forums when people just wanna do the merry go round on topics like this lol

I mean, if the demand for player housing has Ion talking about it and being asked about it in interviews then I would say a not-so-marginal amount of people do in fact want player housing. I won’t say majority because we don’t actually have a statistic that proves that, but it’s clearly a large point of contention for the community.

Which is kind the issue and why more players are talking about it, right? It’s not a priority yet every other game offers it so maybe it should be.

And I’ve also told you a list of things. I guess we’re both stubborn.

Didn’t we have garrisons? WoD was the worst WoW expansion because of it too…

Needs some RTS style battlegrounds.

No it shouldn’t. Forums make a small percentage and the streamers asking get a question or two from someone or want housing themselves.

Just cause one game offers something, doesn’t mean another should have it.

Retorts to my points of why we still don’t have it, even from the horses’ mouth, you just are spouting off head in sand repetitions. I get it, you don’t want to accept it. And I’m not here to win you over so have a nice day. This is as pointless as it can get at this point. One big circular song and dance that goes nowhere… wasted enough time as is.

Again with the “forums are only a fraction of the population.” You guys do understand that the forums are the designated place for feedback, right? Just because people don’t talk about it in-game doesn’t mean that people don’t want it. I guess then that Blizzard should similarly not listen to the alpha feedback since the forums are just a fraction of the population? Ret paladin trees are a mess but hey, the forums saying that doesn’t mean it’s bad, right? They’re just a small percentage, after all.

Except it’s not just one game, my guy. Just about every other MMO worth looking at has player housing. Of WoW’s major competitors (ESO, FFXIV, and OSRS), all of them have player housing except WoW.

All you’re doing is regurgitating what Blizzard has fed you without actually looking at the broader picture. Many other games have player housing, WoW doesn’t. Even if it’s difficult to implement, it’s pretty clear by the demand for it and the amount of other games that have it that it should be a priority for Blizzard to incorporate. Saying “it ain’t a priority, chief” is exactly the issue people have.

Amen. I’d rather see pvp bg’s overhauled or some bugs fixed…etc. My player “housing” is where I’m at when I log off lol

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