NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile

False. Like 4 of you have. The rest of us dont care.

more power to you. The garrison sucked. The farm was fun because it didnt consume the entire expansion. Which is how housing should be.

No one seems to remember Garrisons. You get one, work on it, Build things, hire NPC’s, decorate it with banners and flags, upgrade it and you are the only one that can go there unless you invite someone.

I am building one right now. It will take months.

I’d love housing… I’ve been waiting since the beta for it. A new profession of Woodworking so that we can decorate would be awesome. Be something fun to do, and I think it’d go well with an expanded Panda farm concept. I was originally excited about the Garrison, but it wasn’t what I was looking for.

I doubt Blizz would build a whole expansion around it, but a mid-cycle patch would be awesome some day. I won’t hold my breath, though. Blizz either has too many other ideas to implement for expansions and patches, or it’s not in the cards. Probably already would have been implemented if they really wanted it in this game.

i’ll be honest, I don’t understand the obsession with player housing when people (rightfully) HATED garrisons

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I’m fine with them paying a monthly WOW sub just to bicker about it on the forums. :wink:

Name: :white_check_mark:
Race: :white_check_mark:
Level 10: :white_check_mark:

Tribalism in the MMO space is cringe by the way.

I would like to see housing to come, however it will take a couple of expansions for it to be realized, however I don’t want that FFXIV’s acquisition of getting house being part of WoW’s housing (if it is going to happen).

It’s a feature I’ve never used except as storage in any of the MMOs I’ve played. SWG had a pretty cool housing system that was a part of a city system which was great because these were cities controlled by players. Usually a guild leader. The leader would usually provide you with a small house just for joining the guild. The problem was over time as players left the game you would have a landscape of empty houses which never went away because the players sunk so many credits in them. I know some players have said FF14 is very unforgiving about taking away your house if you don’t keep playing the game, but this would be the reason why. There is only so much land space available and if you aren’t playing the game then you shouldn’t be allowed to keep your space whilE other players are still waiting. All these problems you have to deal with which are eliminated if you never had the feature in the first place.

Garrisons are pretty cool and nice little side feature, but one I can certainly live without. The fact WOW has been popular for so long without housing while all the other “WOW killers” have fell by the wayside proves blizzard made the right decision.

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Nah, I’ve been playing FFXIV for quite awhile now and I have to say that it isn’t a honeymoon phase. Here are a list of issues I have with Blizzard:

  1. Trashed their NPC heroes, villains, and most important their lore. FFXIV has been very careful about treating their lore and NPC characters with respect, even if they get killed off.

  2. Blizzard went 9 months without a patch and did not bother to even communicate with their player base - and when they do communicate, it is one sided PR interviews with cherry picked streamers/magazines where no hard questions are asked. – Meanwhile in ffxiv, the producer of the game holds live letters where he not only interacts with the player base but encourages them to ask questions. Did I mention that he also promised his customers consistent patches (every 4 months), and follows through with that promise.

  3. Blizzard goes out of their way to make their grind really grindy with really low drop rates and terrible RNG. FFXIV gives you currency for almost every activity you complete so that you can just go and buy the piece of gear you want - Hardly any RNG is a nice feeling.

  4. And finally, in WoW, everything is mandatory if you want to be able to fully participate in the game. And if you are not “geared” enough, you are ridiculed and treated as if you’re scum, even in places like LFR, which should be the learning ground. While there is some toxicity in FFXIV, it is nothing like what is in WoW, and when people violate the ToS, FFXIV takes action. Where the WoW team says the toxic behavior is not tolerated, but has done little to change their reputation.

And before you all jump on me and demonstrate the fact that the toxicity behavior does exist and is tolerated by Blizzard, let me share that I only have 6 days left of my sub and then you will have to come visit me in ffxiv (where you’ll be welcome at my house! It is really cool looking!).

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Lmao i love the name

I don’t care about housing so whatever.

Player housing has been an extremely popular topic for the games whole life and one of the biggest features a massive amount of players have wanted. Get over yourself, if you hate these types of threads so much just ignore them rather than complain that they exist when even Blizzard has no issues with them.

Yes the op is a troll, likely farming likes, even so you can see how popular the topic is.

If I’m being perfectly honest… I haven’t heard about player housing outside of the forums, which is hardly even close to maybe sub 1% territory more than likely. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to add… I just don’t see it going well outside of the RP players who might actually care about that sorta thing. If I wanted to play house in a game, I’d play the Sims. That’s just me though.

It isnt. But then 14 is pointed more towards the experience, not the endgame. Those older dungeons are a fun reminder of the leveling experience. It also helps newer players not sit in que for hours on end.

Nothing in a video game has a point other than enjoyment. Not everyone enjoys the breakneck speed run mentality of M+, nor do the enjoy the stress. Not everyone raids. Giving housing with items that can be farmed from older content, and current/new content, gives the other types of players content to actually participate in, and even pushes them into content they may not enjoy.

Why would you see it anywhere else except the forums? Shouting about how you want player housing in-game isn’t exactly the best way to get Blizzard’s attention.

Dude, that’s not a good thing if it’s just the forums… because the forum goers are not numerous and not all of the small number of forum goers actually want player housing… so if we go by the forum, player housing is not likely to happen.

But I don’t really understand where you’re expecting requests for player housing to occur if not the forums. The forums (and by extension the subreddit) are how we communicate with Blizzard and how they decide what to change/add to their game.

You don’t seriously believe this is the only place they notice it, the subreddit and here… I get it those are some of the places, but twitch? Twitter? Youtube? They may not be the focus or where they’re getting the information and opinions… but there are far more than just this… social media man.

Both ESO and SWTOR also have housing

have fun with your woke garbage, wowfriends.