NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile

Blizzard can’t even give you the store transmog you purchased, do you really think they can figure out how to give players some housing?

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I hate to point out the obvious, Garrisons are still available as I recall. Best to settle for those until we get a dev team with some actual talent that can do housing properly. Honestly, do you really want this crew doing it?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Like, literally no one is with you on this. The one other person left lol

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So, shiny new Zandalari troll that hasn’t leveled yet, is literally named “Ffxiv” creates a thread that’s an ADVERTISEMENT for FFXIV.

You getting paid?


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Yea, this is honestly a head scratcher. It’s a feature that has been wanted and asked for FOREVER. Yet still not implemented. I am kind of shocked at this point that this easy (not resource wise) win hasn’t been made to happen. Study what the best part of all the other games is and put Blizzard polish is on it and make it happen.

I mean the game has a Pokemon light game but still not player housing/Guild housing. Just baffling to me.

So go play FF14 then and stop talking about it on a WoW forum.

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All I can say that I have definitely seen more than my fair share of ex-WoW players who switched to FF14 or other games still ripping WoW every chance they get, as if they were personally wronged by the game or Blizzard somehow. Maybe that doesn’t happen here but I definitely see it elsewhere online. I don’t think you can attribute all that to just trolling.

And like I said, the “my new MMO game is perfect” mentality can likely be attributed to the honeymoon phase, just the same as what we go through with every new expansion around here.

I think everyone who pays attention to what Yoshi P says knows this. But there are many other FF14 players who simply don’t care and are just going about their business in game. And even if you told them they probably wouldn’t care. They might have never played this game or even thought about it.

WoW copying the good stuff from its chief competitor would be a good thing though

I agree, everything in FFXIV to me felt like it was more geared toward the story and cosmetics. Everything else, the combat sucked. FFXIV felt like playing barbies except the barbies wield weapons.

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Yeah, he was. He was referring to the meg from family guy.

The housing system of SWTOR is almost perfect. Instanced property. Purchased with in game currency or real money. Decorations earned in game or purchased with real currency. Downside is you can’t choose where the hooks go. Otherwise it’s great. No reason WoW couldn’t do a carbon copy of that system and not see great success.

Revamp and expand garrisons. Allow racial and class themed structures. Allow decorations earned through gameplay achievements either through crafting or boss drops. Allow a hall of fame where we can display collected gear sets and legendary weapons. The technology is there.

No one needs housing I doubt 95-98% even wants it.

Calm down Meg.

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Many people who switched to FFXIV have been playing WoW for years. While I understand that it’s just a game, spending years of your life (whether that’s on and off or consistently) in a game just for the developer to make mistake after mistake after mistake that essentially ruins the core spirit of the game is pretty upsetting. While I can agree that the aggression is sometimes excessive, I don’t think it’s exactly invalid, either.

That said, if they’re coming here (or anywhere) and making exaggerated remarks about WoW and FFXIV without framing that into a foundation for conversation, rest assured that they don’t want to have a conversation. They just want to flame WoW and its players and make you upset. That’s trolling. You should ignore those people. However, those that come here and actually articulate why FFXIV does things better and make valid points should be afforded the respect of being listened to at the very least. I don’t think the success of FFXIV should be discredited or ignored simply because we have a handful of bad faith actors who want nothing more than to stoke a flame war between the two communities.

Eh, I’m not entirely too sure about this. Yoshi P is very close to his game’s community. I would be surprised if there was a larger sect of players who didn’t pay attention to what Yoshi P says than there are who do.

I’m not exactly sure how many people want player housing but considering it has been a commonly recurring topic on the forums since 2004 (when files for player housing were revealed to be in the game), I would say a not-so-marginal number of players do want it.

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shut up, meg.

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Ahh yes, FFXIV players…

FFXIV is a strange game, Apparently it’s so good that instead of playing it and enjoying it you keep coming back here to complain why we aren’t playing it and try to drag us to it.

What I think? I think FFXIV is a Mental Illness because people seem to be compelled to come back here and bicker about it.

Id prefer they used the ESO housing model.

Ff ad bots be like

AND…if it were added, Id bet good money that that 95-98% would do the content to get a house lol. Which would be the point. Blizzard likes to TELL us what WE want. It’d be no different if they added housing. Im sure everyone did the farm and the garrison at the time. Make housing a minor part of the storyline when its put into the game.

yeah, those were fun and interesting… this housing stuff does not. i’d rather run circles in dalaran.