NO housing in WoW! Meanwhile

I’m so sorry that I voiced my view point like anyone else can.

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. At around the same time you learn that language is fluid and constantly changing.

Thanks for your attempt to sound intelligent but show you actually lack knowledge about basic linguistics.

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Hello, I see you replied to my post. In this case, it hasn’t! The irony in your second sentence is spectacular!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Fat, lonely guy energy.

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Clearly I’m not the only one who likes the idea of player housing since I didn’t even start this or any of the other threads. It is called letting Blizzard know what some of their customers would like to see. If you dislike it, then you can always scroll on by and not act like the jerk you accused someone of being.

OP name and race match perfectly.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t worry though, some exercise and good, clean calories will get you back in shape in no time!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

If you enjoy that game more, go play it. If it has features you value more than what wow offers, go play it,


If sharing a differencing opinion makes me a jerk, then you’re one, too. There’s so many jerks on here, so go and reply to them instead of singling me out.


Here is an example of you acting like a jerk

You might disagree with people, however, there is no need for your to be rude. As I stated, if you disagree with people and are annoyed by their discussion, then scroll on by rather than resorting to rude comments.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Please be nice, its bad enough that he is fat and lonely, he doesn’t need a weird fox creature with goggles yelling at him too! Maybe try sharing delicious, low calorie recipes with him instead!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

What he said had nothing to add to the discussion, he is trolling.

Nice try, tho. I’m beginning to wonder if you’re trolling, because you 've made your points, and we heard them. Nobody shares your ideas, yet you keep on asserting it. You can’t accept that it will never happen, and that’s okay if it doesn’t.


This is a fallacy. If nobody shared the opinion, then this thread and all the others like it wouldn’t have been made. Nor would the lead developer bother to make a statement about how much work it would take to put housing in. So clearly more than I share this opinion.

BTW, never say never. You might be surprised at what developers will add when they lose enough subs.

Yea, a topic praising another game and trashing this one… are you forreal? If he wants the milk of FF14, maybe he should be over there and leave us be… the majority of the player-base, probably does not care in the slightest about housing.

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We had housing it was called a Garrison but people hated it.
What would a house do differently other than a place people go and hide inside
Honestly im more against housing now. Imaging oribos or Orgimmar or Stormwind with player housing.

They would be empty ghosttowns.

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Keep on talking about housing when it’s useless and it DOESNT provide anything useful or fun to the game to the game. Also, in order to make a game fun is to add entertaining content in the outdoor world and a alternative way of gearing like ranking up your gear via the open world activities and stuff. And, provide outdoor mini games / puzzles for prices and achievements and which Dragonflight promise it would have (outdoor content and 4 mini zereth mortis but gearing part I don’t know).

Housing doesn’t provide fun but more toxic drama like in FF14 and I highly doubt anyone would want that and also it’s resource intensive. And a massive undertaking it would possibly span multiple expansion (realistically) so yeah in my own eyes it’s a waste of time for something better than stupid housing.

One last thing, we had “housing” and it’s called garrison and it didn’t received well so yeah we aren’t gonna have anymore connections to “housing”.

shut up, meg.


Hello Fooki,
My name isn’t meg, it is Kiwi. I’m assuming you were trying to make a rude joke of some kind. Just please be aware that in doing so, you violated the social contract you agreed to. You’re welcome.

Ion did say it’s a huge project that won’t just show up in one expansion. It’ll take a couple more years maybe but I have good faith that them absorbing that new company and Microsoft looming overhead, they’ll start working on it.

He also said the team is HUGE on wanting to do housing, I figure they wanna do it right after the Garrison debacle.

Microsoft deal didn’t went through (yet) it’s still being investigated and then and might be approved.