NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

The solution here is to be a healer! And take those healing nerfs like a baws! Oh wait that’s not fun is it? Or is it?

Idk some healers clearly wanted to heal more. They got that with healing nerfs. The healer dps is also so pitiful now.

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Yeah, I’ve always mained a healer since I started playing way back in the day, but I haven’t touched the game now for about a month, still subbed, just wasn’t enjoying playing my Discipline Priest, which is my favorite. I love healing, but the way everything is now, it’s just not enjoyable to run M+ anymore, it’s just a stressful mess. I’m a decent enough healer, but people are just randomly getting chunked to under half health constantly, then affixes, mechanics, trying to help DPS… It’s just to much on your shoulders constantly, to the point where I just stopped playing. I like a challenge, but the constant stress of yo-yoing health bars on top of everything else, is too much. I play to have fun, and I wasn’t having fun anymore, I’ll be back, just want to see some changes in the right direction.

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There’s your problem. There’s no incentive to do a 19, especially on a Monday night.

By contrast, I pugged some 25s and found healers in a few minutes. In droves.

You have to understand the metagame. I know, it sucks in the world as a solo dps, even as a member of Exodia, but you’re drawing the wrong conclusions here.

Right now, healing and damage are both too high relative to health pools, but they can’t really change that at this stage without people breaking out the pitchforks.

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but I don’t get this complaint since m+ scales all the way from +2. Surely, there’s a place that you find comfortable.

Last season, you topped out at +16 (There is one untimed 19 I guess), but now, you’ve timed 19s even.

I’m sure I could have pushed a lot more, I just wasn’t enjoying it anymore, no reason to run lower dungeons… M+ is bout all I care to do at all anymore. I don’t play games to get stressed out.

I’m just saying it’s not that m+ has changed but rather you have. It’s not a fair comparison if you were comparing last season’s 16s to this season’s 19s with damage profile and time to react. There’s also the time element, that 16s towards the end should be easier than 16s now.

Why do people pretend the literal timer is what causes people to leave groups? There isn’t a timer in raid yet I leave half my H Sark PUGs because I can tell a group is clearly not up to snuff and I don’t like wasting my time in a group that MIGHT complete in over an hour when I can get into one that will finish in 20 minutes.

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hell, I’d wager timer causes people to stay. It’ll be timed anyway, might as well stick around.

Nah it was good healers should heal. The only thing that was missed are the bad designed talent trees.

Paladin and evoker are currently the only ones which can handle burst damage profiles in short intervalls perfectly. Druids are a mess atm. Slow ticking hots do nothing in m+.

It’s way to easy to blame the community.

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Because if people are doing content 77% harder (850% at 26 over 480% multiplier at 20) then the people in the lower end can’t blame the spec. It’s not a hard concept to understand that it is entirely a “skill issue”.

I don’t have any problems handling burst healing profile in short intervals at all

Mistweaver with high mastery tops people off very quickly

Blaming the community is an easy way to out oneself as not understanding m+ in general.

Some things m+ is not:
Time trial/speed run
5 man raid
Well tuned

Some things m+ actually is:
A team effort, you win or lose together
Great way to make friends who like to m+
Extremely choreographed
Comp dependent

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The issue is people look at overall for hps which includes all the time you are spent twiddling your thumbs and thus drags your numbers down A LOT. Uldaman is probably the hardest dungeon to heal by quite a bit because of the bosses all being throughput checks yet your OVERALL hps is going to be in the toilet since all the trash is just tank damage assuming people actually do mechanics. Almost 40 minute key with 20-25 minutes of it being a dps rotation on trash is going to make you look bad in overall despite needing to do near 6 digits for fights like Emberon and Bromachm

I agree that all those factors are needed in >m+20

Lower keys are face roll and you can most of the time clown like crazy and time the key :smile:

You 100% should focus the pelters anyway. Yes, you will do the pack overall faster cleaving off the Breaker (since it has more health), but those Pelters will live way longer. It’s better to remove one pelter from the double pulls by burning it even if it means you lose cleave on the other since having both alive is what causes deaths. The timer is never the issues in NL so doing a pack 10 seconds slower is “whatever”.

In a perfect world though you just bring a SPriest and skip all the double pelter packs anyway.

I think tuning is fine - it’s plenty accessible as is, if by well-tuned you mean everyone is viable for top end, then yes it’s lacking. M+ is too accessible compared to other high-end content.

I like doing DPS and being expected to contribute to it as a healer so :dracthyr_shrug:


And I’m not I’m simply pointing out WoW healing is unfun and if that doesn’t change I’ll go heal elsewhere I do not care if FFXIV isn’t perfect I care that it sounds a lot more fun then WoWs healing and I’m actually expected to contribute to DPS.

Yuh it does and if it doesn’t start getting it soon I’m out.

Not my experience this season as I’ve said organised group not much damage is being taken so very little healing and in random groups your not doing much healing cause people are being one shot.

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No, it isn’t. Flat out is not true. The group may experience the detriment of it, but only one role has the sole responsibility of dealing with every single mechanic in M+.

It has been repeatedly cited as to why people don’t play healer in M+, and why healer numbers in M+ are at a record low.

No it isn’t, FFXIV healers love the way healers are designed there, because they’re pseudo-dps with obnoxiously powerful healing cooldowns so that they never have to actually cast healing spells, just continue to dps and throw out instant party saves occasionally.

Again, boring false information. “INFINITE SCALING!!!” is the new buzz word for people who don’t think balance should exist at higher end.

Hyper extremes. Picking two wildly different ends of the spectrum to try and reference against one another. The issue isn’t between +2, and +20 - the issue is between +20 and the same +20 the following week being significantly more problematic due to healer mods.

Except it’s not. You can’t just look at a section of statistics that don’t fit your narrative and go “meh, nah. I’ll just ignore that.”

There was about 2 months this season with Prot/Ret/Spriest/Bdruid/EnhShaman clearing 20+ keys with no issue. It happened last season, as well. Don’t spread misinformation.

There is no visual way to tell if you are going to be targeted by Avalanche or not. Not everyone gets targeted by it.

This is horrible advice. At 25+ keys on Fort week pelters will two shot you, and need to be CC/bursted into the dirt or you die. Do we play the same game?

You have, what the kids call, “fried takes”. Your opinions are wild, baseless, informationless, and completely speculative about content that you quite clearly do not participate in.

You have a thread of 100 people saying “Yeah, I quit playing healer because healer abuse, and every affix in every M+ is a healer issue” - then spent… what, 30 replies frantically trying to “WHELL ACHKTCHUALLY” them all doing your very bestestest to misinformation people into your way of thinking.

You should take a break for a while. Edit: I’m sure you’ll reply to this, I ignored you though. :person_shrugging:


No, it isn’t. Flat out is not true. The group may experience the detriment of it, but only one role has the sole responsibility of dealing with every single mechanic in M+.

It has been repeatedly cited as to why people don’t play healer in M+, and why healer numbers in M+ are at a record low.

Just because it’s meta to do something, doesn’t mean it is the only way to do something.

No it isn’t, FFXIV healers love the way healers are designed there, because they’re pseudo-dps with obnoxiously powerful healing cooldowns so that they never have to actually cast healing spells, just continue to dps and throw out instant party saves occasionally.

If people love FFXIV healing, they would likely be playing it, and not complaining about how healing is different in World of Warcraft.

Again, boring false information. “INFINITE SCALING!!!” is the new buzz word for people who don’t think balance should exist at higher end.

Then how do you balance? Blizzard has never achieved parity, and likely never will.

Hyper extremes. Picking two wildly different ends of the spectrum to try and reference against one another. The issue isn’t between +2, and +20 - the issue is between +20 and the same +20 the following week being significantly more problematic due to healer mods.

Some people think just needing heal is a healer problem, it is really isn’t. If dps die, that’s a dps issue too.

There was about 2 months this season with Prot/Ret/Spriest/Bdruid/EnhShaman clearing 20+ keys with no issue. It happened last season, as well. Don’t spread misinformation.

Yea, maybe healing is too easy, you know? Can’t complain about it being too hard now.

This is horrible advice. At 25+ keys on Fort week pelters will two shot you, and need to be CC/bursted into the dirt or you die. Do we play the same game?

Except deaths happen due to RNG anyway. (If they all target the same person.) And yes, not targeting them is advice given by higher key people, maybe they’re running +29s.

You have, what the kids call, “fried takes”. Your opinions are wild, baseless, informationless, and completely speculative about content that you quite clearly do not participate in.

You have a thread of 100 people saying “Yeah, I quit playing healer because healer abuse, and every affix in every M+ is a healer issue” - then spent… what, 30 replies frantically trying to “WHELL ACHKTCHUALLY” them all doing your very bestestest to misinformation people into your way of thinking.

You should take a break for a while.

From reading wow forums, “healers” don’t want to heal or dps. And dpsing dying obviously isn’t a dps issue cause needing to use defensives is something they either don’t do, or always do regardless of damage profile, and it isn’t a burden on how they need to play.


Yuh this is what I’ve seen and what sounds fun to me I don’t want to feel like a babysitter who sits around playing wack-a-mole on health bars, I want to feel powerful and contribute to DPS as well but no can’t have that apparently because Blizzard are out of touch and don’t want to get with the times.

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