NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

I heal sometimes. As long as people don’t blame them standing in bad and getting one shot on me :slight_smile:

You could just go play Diablo 4, and there are no healers there. And do Nightmare Dungeon 100?

prob close enough.

D3 kinda has a healer (monk.) Having played discipline priest, don’t think healing should become automatic for all.

I don’t personally like the ‘healer dps’ meta of FFXIV, but I understand why healers there do. It’s a lot more fun to be spamming Glare than it is to play reactive health-bar-whack-a-mole.

The primary difference is that FFXIV’s healing spells are actually powerful heals - whereas WoW most of your heals are laughable outside of big cooldowns.

Being able to actually heal people with your healing spells instead of playing a constant game of catch-up leaves more time to be offensive with your toolkit.

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It’s kind of funny how garbage your responses. Especially about the relevance of no healer keys. I mean why are people complaining about waiting for a healer??? Don’t they know that running a no healer key is super easy and common??? Lol.

The only legitimate one can be altering routes in NL at the very highest of key levels on fort weeks.

/cheers for the chuckles!

Are we playing the same game? Healers are way too powerful right now. We’ve moved back to place where you spend all of your time at 0 or 100%. The issue is health is too low for damage taken and healing numbers, so the only way to “challenge” healers is these twitch-reaction situations. You spend an inordinate amount of energy having the heal and the cooldown land the instant the damage does so the follow up doesn’t one shot someone.

That’s why healing not fun. People who play healers are (generally) not sweaty tryhards. That’s not why they play the game.


Eh, people who try hard exist for every role.

Grey parse dps probably gets walled at +10 for example.

Grey parse healer can’t do +20, blizz fix plz.

Or the super tryhards at +29, I got 1 shot without defensives, this game sux.

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Oh mistweavers still exists? Forgot about the pandas

All these dps are allegedly fine failing keys 20 and below because it’s never a dps issue lol.
(At least, per forum framing.)

I have to do another phase of insert boss because a dps died at start, this is cursed. (As a dps.)

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It’s almost like nobody wants to heal in a degenerate spike damage meta.


This guy gets it.

If you’re a dps player, take a moment to consider your favorite part of each dungeon in the pool right now. Think about your least favorite dungeon.

Decatriarch Wrath-eye, isn’t it?

Since it was your least favorite, reader, consider that last boss in Brackenhide. If you don’t have on demand burst on 30s or less cd, that boss sucks. If you lag/space/tunnel for a second, even in a 20, you can easily wipe the group by not swapping to the totem as a dps. You don’t play for your maximum benefit, you’re held hostage by the encounter design.

That’s every single pull as a healer. Damage isn’t even enough for you to use your entire kit. Kill scenarios are so tight you can’t afford to use anything that tops people up slowly. How much would you want to play the game if every single pull was Decatriarch? You can never combust when you want. If you happen to be a bad class for that pattern, GL getting into good keys.

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But then, people can heal where the damage spike meta doesn’t exist. (Which, is also present during DF Season 1 and yet historically? people played more keys in that season than ever before.)

I blame “lack” of healers with how easy it is to gear up. and wager healers are more likely to have dps alts than dps having healer alts.

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Clearly not.

Not true at all. Persistent pulse-based damage is some of the more prevalent content this season - via DOTs/room pulses/etc. Ex being every boss in Uldaman, every boss HOI, first boss Bracken, first boss Freehold, second/third/fourth boss UR, first/second/third boss NL, every boss TVP, every boss Neltharus… just to name a couple… all have either pulsing unavoidable “rot” damage. There’s very few “You do this, or you go 100-0” on that list… exception being like, TVP 2nd?

That’s not true at all, I’m afraid. I agree that healing is reactionary as a mechanic, but damage taken to health numbers is fine - it’s defensive cooldown inconsistency that runs into the problem at higher keys.

So wait, is it 100-0, or is it 100-50 50-0? Because you’re saying two different things here.

Healing isn’t fun because every single solitary affix in M+ is the healer’s issue, and it’s not fun having the game make your role, specifically - no one else’s, continually harder than it has to be.

I, for some reason, dedicated more energy to this reply than I should have.

At current (447), my Living Flame as Pres with 86% mastery, crits for 137k on a lower health-than-me target. I have 583k health. My i660 WHM with 73k health can crit Cure II itself for 300k. With swiftcast, I can do it instantly while moving. My Pres Evoker has 3 “group no die” buttons. My WHM has 8… Nearly triple. The point being: In a game of less health, healers are consistently more powerful in single-casted-heal usage, and CD usage… allowing for more fun avenues of play such as DPS/mobility/etc.

It’s not that “OMG SPIKE DAMAGE!” - it’s that you have inconsistent tools/number of utility responses to incoming rot damage that is then accompanied by spike damage across healers. Some healers have more buttons than incoming mechanics. Some do not. That’s not problematic until you start adding in things like Bursting, Afflicted, Incorporeal, Raging, etc. When you start adding a laundry list of added “uh oh spaghetti-o” mechanics that explicitly effect healers, the gap/disparity starts to show.

Then the healer classes that don’t have as much throughput/output/response CD’s quit because the content isn’t fun.

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Healing isn’t fun because every single solitary affix in M+ is the healer’s issue, and it’s not fun having the game make your role, specifically - no one else’s, continually harder than it has to be.

DPS are somehow immune to dying, do not have defensives or healing potions. And can play every m+ boss perfectly regardless of how many phases there are.

If I’m alive during a fight with other people dead? That’s a me issue right now, regardless of what role I’m playing.

It’s on me to excel if I want to continue the fight instead of resetting and doing it over once more.

We are not playing the same game.

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Apparently, it’s too much to ask healers to heal, but not too much to ask dps to dps. I guess dps like pushing buttons, but healers hate healing.

Else, so what if combat goes on one minute longer than planned.

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Only someone who has never healed in their lives before would have this take.


Or you’re incapable of accepting opinions different from your own.

I tend to reject stupid opinions, yeah.


same. I’m not interested in the opinions of others and their experiences anyway. i make my own

Yuh like want to heal sure I love healing but I also want to do respectful DPS like tanks can and have my DPS matter as well as my heals.

What I don’t like is being a baby sitter playing wack-a-mole on health bars trying to keep health bars topped and dangerous debuffs and/or dots dispelled.

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