NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

Monday, last day to get your vault. Procrastinator’s around the World of Warcraft scramble to do their dungens for the week except one problem, NO HEALERS. I have a + 19 Neltharions Lair @ 2570 rating I have been trying to do all week but NO HEALERS. I que and find 2 dps and we wait. After 10 minutes we find a tank, 30 minutes of raging about no healers goes by and everyone leaves, 46 minutes in que for nothing… So I search Neltharions Lair in group finder and start scrolling down an endless sea of groups with only dps, every 11 or so groups have a tank but no healers, at the bottom is groups with all dps and a tank, only one with a healer and its for a +9… This has preety much been the case since I returned in Shadowlands and Blizz decided to nerf healing going into this season… Last straw pulled. I will be taking a break from the game but I BEGG the community please talk some since to Blizzard and find for them a solution to this never ending problem. I even tried to heal in the first season of Dragon Flight, and for me a dps its both not fun and very hard, impossible with the nerfs…


Solution: Stop abusing healers=everyone profits.

I permanently switched from Resto and stopped doing endgame content due to the abuse of healers–you reap what you sow.


Well, at least they have said that they do not plan on doing the 25% “nerf” again next season.

Blizz listened to the wrong people (the healers shouldn’t DPS crowd) and it has made the game horrible for healers…and everybody really.


The good news is that people do not abuse healers in high keys. In fact, sweet people have defended me in high keys if someone was raging. In a higher key, everyone knows that of course the healer could have played better, but that’s because everyone could have played better. There is not a single key, even at the highest level in the world, where every player uses every single global optimally.


What were people doing to abuse you and make you stop healing?

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healers get blamed & called lots of names if the run is a fail. it’s also very likely the death(s) aren’t the healer’s fault.

nothing new i guess


good tanks and dps can help a group power through a run that would otherwise fail or be just awful. good healers don’t really have the same opportunity in most cases.

i don’t think healing is necessarily harder than it’s been, but it’s much less fun to me these days.


Solution #2: roll a healer


You’ve never been in dungeons. Even non mythic where people overpull and the healer has to concentrate and saves the day? I’ve been in more than a few

Heck i’ve even been that person a few times


I just got KSH for the first time ever and I’m playing one of the worst healers in M+.

I am however in a community for it and I don’t pug. I stopped that years ago.


in trivial content, sure. in like a 20? not really. i definitely notice strong healers and compliment them but i think that’s the exception rather than the rule!


Healin’… when I shoulda been buyin’…

Wait, that’s “Stealin”. As you were.

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I was only standing in the fire for like 5 minutes and I only took 2 frontals and 1 tank buster, what do you mean you couldn’t heal me thru that little bit?

is a joke if not obvious


Healing this season is a mix bag for me (as a healer role alt, I main tanks)

I have healed this season in Hpala and RShammy alts, and for the most part, groups that do wipe are because of 2 reasons:

  1. A dps decides that he is the tank now and adds another pack into the pull and wipes the group.

  2. Dps & tanks don’t dodge any of the avoidable mechanics M+ has to offer.

While I do admit, most of these experiences happen at low key levels (2-14s). It is quite infuriating seeing players automatically think that they being death is because the healer failed, instead of they being magnets to all the avoidable damage posible.

However, at the 16+ level, most pugs dodge all the ‘swirlies’, frontals, and interruptible dmg from my experience, and use their defensives/health potions when needed. I may have been lucky, but that’s how I’ve experienced M+ healing this season.


This is what happens when Blizzard nerfs all healer healing across the board and makes dungeons a pain.


As a returning WoW player and healer I can say this is a community made problem. There’s a ton of healers like myself that do not play Holy Paladin and that get spam rejected. I could push 25+ or higher keys, but I simply do not get invited to keys past 23+. Even then, getting into a 22-23+ key is very hard and I end up having to just call it quits and play alts or something.

So the next time ya’ll piss and moan about a healer shortage please remember that spam declining the non-Paladins, and even inviting the “metas” only to your own groups is what’s killing the M+ pool. :slight_smile:

I already hit my milestones, took me a few weeks after I came back to WoW, but I hit all 20+ keys and around 2900 IO very fast so I have no real reason to play anymore other than a rating push, but I find myself less and less motivated to form my own groups or spam apply these days.


Yeah…pretty much this… if folk stop abusing the healers you wouldn’t have to deal with a shortage


At what Keystone + do we hit this pool of healers to choose from? I would never in a million years decline a healer for not being a holy paladin and my alt is a ret paladin with almost all 20’s, is it that all healers are so desprately needed they don’t even apply for keys unless its like 22+ or something? And then all of a sudden there are so many healers to choose from people get picky???

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i get insta invites as holy pala everywhere and dont push score this season after 3k.
and then i wanted to check what is this aug thing is. and can confirm this. there is kinda no healers around. i wait 20-30 min to get at least 1 healer in queue. this is kinda joke. and now i have brak 20 and dont even wanna waste my time to find a healer.

prob is holy pala has hardcore playstyle if you want to push it to the limit and he has very big impact on gameplay. its kinda same with prot palas before brainless nerf. this was THE carrier tank if you can support the group.

most people play horrible. maybe they give up or what ever


You were running a dead key (19) That explains a lot.

Do 16-18 or 20+.