NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

good luck heals take longer I stopping healing too reasons One is tank like DH pulling 12 or tanks just off pulling more low on mana still pulling more

This mentality is what is slowly killing WoW.


As a person who has healed extensively in both games, there is no comparison between the two. Go actually try healing in FFXIV before you throw a mantrum and claim you’ll go if you don’t get what you want.

WoW healing needs work, but at least you actually heal in WoW most of the time.


I hhave been tempted to heal many times, my hubby is the healer tank, but I see everyone having issues that makes me not want to try XD

Usually yes,but it will go of instantly if you have players stacked or any lag.Neltarion lair has few bugs ,one is avalanche going of instantly in some scenarios and on 2nd boss call of mountain will spawn under you and instant kill if you stand close to center of room.

I am swapping to DPS because healing just isnt fun this xpac.

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Healers are still around, though we quickly get snapped up into communities / groups via friends we make. Pugging for healers is not a pleasant experience and after running with a regular group, we don’t want to do so again.

It’s funny because the vast majority of the “healers shouldnt DPS crowd” were never doing the content. Just a bunch of miserable people who watch other people do things and then complain about the way they do it.

The only time anyone ever said anything to me about my DPS was guildies who wanted to push higher keys and we were already doing 19-21 keys at the time.

All my healers are at 70 and all but one need wyrm crests. I wont even pug 11s.

Tell everybody else to stop coming to the forums with their “healers are useless we don’t even need them”
Every day at least four of those posts go up because the new meta currently doesnt really need a healer, with a good group, for anything lower than like m+20 or something crazy.
Also, most healers are doing their dps alts on sundays/mondays

Healing (for pugs) is just a miserable experience in general and I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to do it. I completed +15s last season on a brand new tank within a few weeks, same for dps. I got heals to M+ and within 2 days never healed again.

The problem is 100% the community and the random clowns you have to “support.”

The number of healerless keys is essentially 0.

That a few streamers with very good and coordinated players, with specific classes with strong group healing cool downs, with a specific item (sporecloak), in specific low rot damage dungeons were able to create a video for clicks has 0 bearing on the game.

No healer keys just aren’t being done.

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Lag yes, but it never goes off instantly even if you stack, there is a very clear cast bar on very specific mobs between the first and second boss that do an avalanche cast that can, in most cases, be completely avoided.

You must be using weak aura i have not seen cast bar on avalanche it is instant and gives you about 1.5 sec to gtfo ,game does warn you of it inc.

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There’s a growing perception that healers just aren’t as valuable as other roles and the dps/hps meters are fueling that. At the end of a run you see dps doing 80-120K dps. The tank is doing 60-80K dps and 50K hps. The healer does almost no dps and maybe a little more hps than the tank. Whether the dps/hps numbers are meaningful or not, players look at that and think “why would I play healer?”. Triple healer dps so they’re doing as much as the tank and watch healer numbers grow.

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Nah it definitely has a caste time, which starts before the circle on the ground. Watch the breakers.


Usually to busy nuking guy that throws rocks at me but il take your word for it.

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The Breaker mobs case avalanche. Enemy cast bars I think is on my default in the UI settings but you can check.

Once the cast starts you need to start moving, the aoe circle doesn’t appear until the cast ends, which leaves almost no time to react.

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Targeting the pelters is a double fail because targeting them is what causes them to jump away.

The correct play is to target the breakers and cleave the pelters. Then you’ll even be focusing on them and see their avalanche cast.

I target what group lead marks as priority .

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