NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

Absolutely true! And I would expect that at a certain point. I dunno if I’m wrong or something but here is my take on it. I could just be salty or a bad player idk.

Anyways nothing changed for dps and tanks. They went into season two with the same feel in the dungeon as they did before except maybe noticing less heals. They can help, use their self heals and they adapt quickly. Meanwhile, healers are experiencing the 25% nerf. They are playing the same characters as before but noticing they have to focus on the group a new way.

I went to doing 20s in season 1 to … I can’t even do 14s when season 2 came out. I was playing with a group of guildies too, not just pugging. They felt it was all the same and often made it out to be that is was my fault that we died as they charged through the dungeon per usual. Their skill and mine used to get us through this content with ease and now I can’t keep up. They would be like “oh we did interrupt that and did what we had too…so what went we wrong?”

Well… So this nerf… it only made my role harder. And with the expectation set from the previous season , just changing it as much as they did the next season was sort of crappy? It doesn’t feel as good to perform like crap in content you used to be able to do well in. And I mean the difficulty level… of course it will scale up and become all one shot and impossible as some point.

But they knocked me on my butt at a difficulty that I used to enjoy. Maybe it’s all numbers or whatever and I can just enjoy the difficulty I do well in, but the rewards aren’t what my friends want from those. The achievements also stay at the old difficulties.

I stopped healing, I just can’t keep up and have fun. The affixes and the nerf have pushed me away from doing something I typically enjoyed doing. I stopped after struggling for a little while for a few weeks after the patch released. I made new characters and focused on having fun, so now I have a healer I could play, but it’s gear is probably considered bad by now. I left the server that guild was on and removed them from my discord.

They went from not really asking so often if I wanted to join them again… to asking ALL THE TIME. Nobody wanted to heal or they would say… I can’t do the pug healers anymore they are not good.

But I don’t see the benefit of playing it ever again. I’m having fun as a dps, feeling like I’m doing more than managing a situation that is resulted by mistakes or unavoidable things. The only punishment I experience is numbers on a chart or the occasional death because I stood in stupid. :sweat_smile:

I’m not clenching my rear and praying my only emergency heal comes off cool down quicker because one extra mob got pulled.

The game is more fun not as a healer.

And people will disagree with that I know, but I also think others would agree it was a lot better experience last season too.


We got our stuff done and are oh so tired.

There probably is but i think it is called bot :stuck_out_tongue:

Healers get “abused” because bad ones are obvious now. You used to be able to get away with being a fairly bad healer who just rolled heals to get into groups more quickly. Now you can’t and they get called out for being bad at it.


once experience of abusing, teasing, & kicking result in “never again…”
being rude always ruining game play and 5 man is a such bad place for this!
personally I decided stop running all my 5 healers but raid is fine, because many eyes watching an d people being polite! that’s funny :laughing:

There’s a community element for the lack of healers, that’s true.

But right now, that’s not the main reason. There’s a design element that makes healing just not fun.

Healers right now feel weak in every sense of the word. The damage spikes are too fast and unforgiving, which means you need to be paying attention to the health bars at all times, leaving you little time to pay attention to the encounter. This, in turn, makes you make more errors.

They also feel weak outside of instances. Dealing with mobs in the open world sucks as a healer, so you need to switch spec. Switching spec, while easy, it’s not ideal. Healers should be able to do content with no problems.

They also feel weak when not healing in a dungeon. The damage you do when you don’t need to heal is laughable. Even if you vastly outgear a certain content and you want to help a friend, you can’t just carry the group like a good DPS or Tank can.

They also tend to feel squishy (I guess to compensate the fact you can quickly top yourself), lacking movement tools (I heal as a priest, though).

All in all, it feels like the only reason to bring a healer is to pass certain heal checks, but that’s not fun.


I try getting into +20s but im constantly rejected so I just stay in the 14-16 area. Its at least easy to get into a key in that area

A good bit of it deals with pacing, along with common things like interrupts, mitigation tools used by tanks/dps.

If you have that going, many healers are fine.

I can only heal so many dungeons in a week, lol. If I could clone myself, I would!

That being said, I’ve loved healing this season! Not all of us healers rage quit healing, lol. There’s quite a few of us that have actually thoroughly enjoyed it. This is the first time in a LONG time I’ve almost maxed out ilvl on every healer (Except monk, because I haven’t enjoyed MW monk since BFA and I miss Legion MW monk).

With good group mw fistweaving is fun with bad one it is huge headache.Like you can save 1 maybe 2 F-ups in row but then you run out of cd and its :healer?


Some of these replies are so laughable…
This thread will be worthy of the “Costco MASSIVE bag of Popcorn”

Thats funny b/c im a 2575 healer with 4 timed +20s and will get declined. Im not HPAL so I guess i shouldnt even apply. Then when I do get invited people stand in Thunder Clap, dont use a defense when they get a massive fortified dot, dont use any CC when spells are just going off. They say “why” or “fml” when they die. It makes me not want to apply for keys.


Keep paying your sub, that’ll show em.

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They really only need to do 3 things. 1 buff other healers up to holy pally not nerf holy pally, not just healing. Hpally takes way less damage and can keep SoTR up but monks with vers as thier 2nd best stat get chunked by everything without a spamable def skill. Armor class is such an outdated concept. Blizzard needs to find unique ways to make every class/spec just as survivable if they are also going to try to balance dps and healing numbers to be as close as possible. The difference between a unholy DK and WW monk is insane as far as taking damage. I’m not saying make dps and healers as tanky as tanks.

Make kicks and CC so worth using that dps have no choice. Like every cc/kick that stops a cast will buff the next dps ability and let it stack. Something that makes it worth it for a pug to do something other than the dps rotation because they will stand in stuff all day and expect you to heal them cause moving loses dps.

Do something to make ingame voice chat popular. Mythics need communication and typing is way to slow for something thats timed and based around a 1 sec global. Every other game forces you into voice chat and people use it. IDK why wow players wont do voice chat.

OR you go into a full guild group with discord to do the smoothest instance ever. The problem with this is non pug groups are already 100 times easier and if you make them too easy people will get board and gear faster than blizzard can make content.

WoW is a comfort game for me so no I’m not unsubbing and even if I did it would barely cause a dent in profits only a mass organised boycott of players unsubscribing would get their attention :dracthyr_shrug:


I healed a few mythics yesterday, what are you on about?

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Yeah, go to a game where you heal 10% of the time and spam 2 damage abilities the other 90%.

FFXIV isn’t bad, but healing in that game is garbage.


it dose help ff that it lacks a equivalent for M+

FF14 has like 30 healing buttons for every imaginable scenario… that you will never use lol


So basically WoW Healing if your in a group of actually competent players? Like fail to see your point like at least in FFXIV if you get a bad group you can heal them and keep them alive and if they die rez them meanwhile in WoW get a bad group they just get one shot and unless your Druid or Paladin ain’t no ressing them till combat is over for you.