NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

Im not running the super highest keys but ive been running alot in the 2-10 range on various characters of all roles and i dont exactly see this supposed healer abuse epidemic. Pugging for ksm last season as a healer i got like, one guy who complained about my healing and he got immediately shut down by the group. Can someone please show me actual examples of healer abuse?

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less healer abuse, more angry people because X went wrong or if people dropped group.

Ran into two groups with these issues.

One which I filed a report for since person started insulting me after I hearthed since one of their friends dced mid key.

Another was the tank pulling the gnoll + hyenas that people tend to skip on Tyrannical even in Brackenhide, and due to limited fight space, I aggroed the pat and group wiped. Left group, and they 4 manned the rest after about 20+ mins. Disappointed that I didn’t receive any aspect crests, probably a bug or maybe because I was in another key already by that time.

its too stressful to heal…M+ is much more fun on dps or tank…

my GF watches me play and just says “i have no idea how you even know whats going on, theres so much happening on that screen”

i agree, its an odd feeling to die and not know what killed you because theres so much happening… feels bad.


game has to be fun and not be a second very frustrating job without salary…


Every single affix is a group problem to be overcome by the group.

Healers have pulled a massive victim complex in DF by being asked to actually heal in dungeons rather than dps for 80% of the key.

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Healing being garbage in FF is one of its biggest complaints.


Yeah from what I’ve seen no not really either that or there’s like not much complaining about the game :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

It’s not, though-- well, maybe late season. Early season, pugging is like a rocket ship for your dungeon score.

Are you forgetting what I posted only a few hours ago? There are SIX MW healers in M26, 6 out of every single MW in the entire game across all servers including EU, US, OCE, TW and KR.

SIX total MW and you want to sit here and tell me “Yeh it’s fine, if 6 people can do it you all can, I BELIEVE!!!”, that’s a lame excuse and shows you don’t understand anything.

Six MW healers in M26+, 633,127 total healers, that’s 0.00095% of all healers. That’s not OK. Even if you look just at MW healers overall, it’s still 0.01% of all MW who are doing M26+, that’s still not OK.

Oh so you can’t read, that’s fine, let me repost what I already posted:

I was not kicked, I chose to swap mains.


We don’t care about this game.

problem is this “premade group filter” addon. I haven’t played with people below 2700 rating for many months because it’s not worth it. especially now that every 20s run is almost always ++. and I just want chilled weekly.
in the list I see almost only people with 3100-3400. it’s even about some sausage keys like 17.

actually, mage is very popular class at the moment. very strange… because as a mage, spriest, aug you should actually be promoted quickly for 2 weeks.

And again, for like the 1000th time I have to say this, why would I play a class that is obviously weaker? Why would anyone play a class that is obviously weaker? Just look at the stats, monk is currently the least represented tank spec in M+ overall, they are the least represented in all key levels up to M13, and from M14 upwards, they only edge out warriors and somehow druids in the M20+ range.

From M25+ they are again on par being the least represented tank spec with warriors, there is a reason why no one is playing them.

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I do because I love WoW and I want it to be better but right now it is not and it’s primary competitor FFXIV becomes more and more alluring every day as I lose faith in the WoW team :dracthyr_shrug:

Healing is too hard atm to me. They always seem to bounce between either “heals are effective” and “you shouldn’t be able to fill the bar, just keep them alive”. Issue with the latter… too many things in dungeons are nearly one shot or outdo the heals to a point of no fun.


Infinite scaling kind of causes this to happen no matter what.

Nothing does any real damage in a +2, but basic math of infinite scaling will force that damage to be very high at some point.

Lol I don’t have a job because I don’t have the experience, I cannot get the experience because I don’t have a job.


The issue is a lack of pug healers, specifically. There are lots of healers, we just don’t pug high keys.


Neltharions liar is a dungeon I avoid like the plague as a healer, that avalanche spell just wipes in +19 and it gives you one second to get out of the danger area… now as a healer not only do you have to run but you also have to pull miracles to help the dps who did not manage to get out in time


But we would pug higher keys if you didn’t need a PHD and a specific premade group.

And not even higher keys, I ran an M22 Naltharus the other week before the nerfs with a pug healer, we failed time, got to the last boss and the healer left, they just could not manage their CD’s and deal with the 4 packs per chain pull and because they were pugged, not on Discord so we could not talk them through it.

And that was only an M22.

You can see the avalanche cast before it goes off and the ground effect appears, you can time your move before you have to move, anyone who says otherwise is not looking at the enemy cast bar, or does not have an addon that warns them when to move and is only reacting to the ground effect.

The only times I get hit by that spell is when I am zoning out or running into another avalanche.

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That’s the thing. There are very few mechanics like this for DPS, and to a lesser degree tanks. DPS aren’t going to wipe the group if they don’t manage their CD’s correctly. Even tanks with subpar CD usage can be carried to a degree.

Healers can wipe the group if they just look away for 3 seconds at the wrong time. Many people can’t handle that kind of pressure and stress.