NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

What if we just abuse healers even harder and continue to blame blizzard?

“The beating will continue until morale improves”-Blizzard 2023


Warriors in 2004; “Heal me peasant.”

Warriors in 2023; “Heal me peasant.”



Well if the community asks really nicely maybe Acti Bliz will stop trying to send us to the hospital due to heart issues caused by unhealthy amounts of stress :dracthyr_a1:

probably not though

No I’m saying that if Blizzard doesn’t rework Monk and make healing 5 man content not a health and safety risk I’m going to be moving over to FFXIV simples :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I love WoW but I also love not being in the hospital due to stress.


Might as well raid log. They are adamant on MW just being a raid healer. I would’ve bailed on that class awhile ago personally Holy Paladin is S tier for both Mythic+ and Raiding and Mistweaver is only middle of the pack in raiding at best right now and absolutely bottom tier in m+. Yea I’d be livid.

I love Mistweaver Monk it’s my favourite Healer Only other Healer I enjoy is Prevoker but well can’t be Vulpera amongst other annoyances :dracthyr_shrug:


When monks are doing 26s, if you’re having issues with 20s, that’s a you issue.

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MW is really good for raiding, one of the top healers in terms of pure numbers. They also have decent Cds and utility, the only issue is that other specs bring the same thing, but if they are the only monk you are happy to have a MW.

You do realise there are SIX MW doing M25+ right?


from my experience MW is either really bad or real good. They dont really have an in-between. That’s why alot of people are reluctant to invite them

The my another MW and be the 7th

Healers have learned that running with consistent groups is the key to success at this point. The game has become incredibly unforgiving to fail damage, which was the point when that whole thing about healers doing damage kept cropping up (experienced healers told the people complaining this would be the case, mind you).

So now we run with people who are coordinated, who we know are going to work with us and not rage out, and who are going to address situations properly. Why pug? Just get KSH and relax. That’s the new healer life.


No thanks.

I stopped using monk in S1 after my first mythic raid kill, it literally took one raid boss kill for me to be kicked from tank back to DPS and then swap mains (at my choice).

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sounds like a you issue :wink:

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yes, and? If people are having issues doing 20s (which is what most people care about) It’s still a them issue.

So why note that people are doing M26’s?

“OMG guys there are two monks above 3.5K IO, you must be bad if you cannot do that”

Guys, it doesn’t work this way, just because there are a handful of players who are good enough and have the right premade group compositions to be able to push higher than others does not mean all of a sudden it’s easy.

And just because someone decides that the spec and class they are playing is garbage and there are better ones does not mean they are bad.

I got KSM and AOTC on my monk, decided there were better options and swapped, then proceeded to get KSH in S1 and S2. Why would I purposely play a class that is well underperforming compared to other classes?

No one here should be ridiculed deciding to play something that is stronger, easier and better for them.


So why note that people are doing M26’s?

Because it means that the class potential is vastly beyond what people need to complete content.

And if they’re complaining they can’t get the m+ title, then historically, that had a meta more often than not. Whatever balance or there lack of arrives by happenstance instead of careful design.

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Probably not lol

Mistweaver is not a PuG friendly healer and if a group wants a melee healer well not gonna take the Monk gonna take Holy Paladin :dracthyr_shrug:

Honestly surprised there’s 5 though was expecting 2 at most.


I’m not the 1 gotten kick by my raid team after 1 mythic boss :wink:

They didn’t get kicked completely they got moved from tank to DPS probably because not even Brewmaster is in a good place in Dragonflight and is just extremely squishy.

Because they’re a troll is why I’ve had them on ignore for awhile means I get to decide whether or not to engage.

Yup like I’m currently working on gearing up my Monk again after spending the start of the expansion as Prevoker like not geared to push yet and tbh probably better off waiting till next season before I do push as well things are quieting down now :dracthyr_shrug:


Start of season 1 yes but they fix the issue about half way. If people think Brew is still squishy until now they clearly dont know how to play it