NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

As a healer myself I can tell you there are many groups I won’t even apply to… So here are a few things that I usually look at when trying to find a key, all of the following are red flags that might cause me not to apply to a key.

  1. The group leader’s IO/experience is too low for the key. (If it’s an alt from a higher IO player then that’s ok).

  2. The comp is missing some key component like Brez, Lust.

  3. The comp lacks some required or heavily desired utility for the dungeon or affixes.

  4. It’s a though key to complete that week… If it’s one of those bad affix weeks I might just look for the “easy” dungeons just to fill my vault.

Those are the ones that come to mind right now… Well I guess there are a couple of others but are more much niche and specific for the dungeon or the healer I’m playing, not really worth going over those.

If after a few looks I don’t find anything that I wanna apply to I just post my own key. Oh also now that I think about it I might not even see a +19 if it’s posted since I usually filter by either 21 (to see 20,21,22) or 17 (to see 16,17,18).

So for example if it’s Nelt Lair, aside the usual Brez and Lust I’d probably be looking for Poison dispels and probably a comp that is not too melee heavy.

Oh and also, having an Aug evoker gives bonus points to any group since they make the healer’s job so much easier… Not required by any means but it will make me more likely to apply to that one.


I’ve gotten a lot of abuse during Shadowlands as a healer main, so I don’t pug anymore. The 25% nerf only made it worse. Right now, I only do keys with my guild and my m+ community, where people get the boot the minute they are toxic to someone.

If the community want healers to queue, stop abusing them, stop being toxic, do mechanics and use your full toolkit to help the team. Stop with the “this thing is a healer/tank/dps problem, not mine” mentality, and help each other with whatever you can.


Maybe when every single M+ affix isn’t a healer problem we’ll have more healers.


This is what you get when the community doesn’t stop being abusive to healers. I stopped healing after being told to off myself because I couldn’t heal someone who decided to stand in fire for the entire fight. Maybe think about being nice to them and take responsibility when you make a mistake.


Making friends helps. Oh, and I realized that I had to heal to be able to dps too.

No one would invite me as an augmentation evoker to 17s. (Which, I have 0 rating, even with linking helping things.) Queued as a healer - got an invite eventually. Think was 424 ilvl at the time. Did that for a while then got bored of playing with bad players and queued as augmentation into 20s.

Got accepted, timed, and did more 20s.


The community cant solve the problem, its the developers fault 100%.
If the problem is because healing isnt fun or too stressfull, thats up to the devs to fix.
If the problem is other players being toxic, again, thats up to the developers to fix by adding commendation rankings at the end of group play, better reporting and acting on reports (ie, rehire the thousand+ customer service personel they fired), and removing things that make people toxic in the first place…like timers.
No player is responsible for anything, the developers are, in essence, gods of this make believe world. They can change all of reality to funnel players anywhich way they choose.


If the problem is because healing isnt fun or too stressfull, thats up to the devs to fix.

No, because players want different things, and m+ is an infinite difficulty system.

If the problem is other players being toxic, again, thats up to the developers to fix by adding commendation rankings at the end of group play, better reporting and acting on reports, and removing things that make people toxic in the first place…like timers.

Timers make things fun, and I have no issue leaving groups over it.

No player is responsible for anything, the developers are, in essence, gods of this make believe world. They can change all of reality to funnel players anywhich way they choose.

They can also design Diablo 4, which I’ve played far less than diablo 3, even the subsequent seasons. D4’s major difference is that Nightmare Dungeons have no timers while Greater Rifts did.

We arent talking about Diablo, this is World of Warcraft. They arent even the same genre of game.

Yes, because you are a toxic player. If the devs had a commendation system in place, you leaving groups over the timer would eventually keep you from getting into new groups and ruining other peoples experiences.
Again, its the developer’s fault that you are permitted to continue toxic behavior. They could prevent that, but choose not to.
Ask yourself why the /ignore function doesnt ignore entire accounts and only individual characters. Sharing accounts is against the ToS so every character on an account is the person you are trying to ignore. An account can have 50 characters so, in essence, the ignore function does nothing…that is the devs fault.


I’m implying removing timers isn’t the fix that you imagine that it would be.


With the changes to healing and most pugs treating every affix as healer/tank issue, no wonder most healers refuse to pug.


I think that’s less of an issue. Gear is too plentiful now, and a healer only needs 50? keys until they’re done with crests. (Math might be off.) Anyway.

Once people don’t need stuff from keys, activity drops.

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Then we would see the same shortage of tanks and is not happening.


Thanks for this, I really needed a good laugh today. I especially like the “bottom barrel of the player base”. That was a good one! Of course with your super high rating (oh wait, you don’t have one) that must make you the absolute dregs eh?


We do have a tank shortage though, as such that they’re magnetically attracting each other. Healers queue for groups with tanks, and tanks queue for groups with healers.


The community has tried talking sense into Blizzard but they do not listen and tbh if things don’t change at all will probably move to FFXIV start healing as a Sage on that game and play WoW super casually :dracthyr_shrug:


If you want to play FFXIV, go play FFXIV. Don’t try to turn WOW into FFXIV. From what people recount of FFXIV, sounds horrible.


Have been currently leveling a Arcanist with plans to swap to a Scholar at 30 wanna have my backup plans ready :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Not trying to do that so :dracthyr_shrug:

Yuh no it’s really good only downside is no Vulpera :dracthyr_cry_animated:


How are you supposed to stop Blizzard abusing us?


Aren’t you implying that if Blizzard doesn’t nerf stuff by like 50% or wherever you’re personally comfortable at, that you’ll pack your bags and leave because you can’t achieve what you want to achieve as things currently stand?

Be the change you want to see OP, begrudgingly become the stoner healer that carries the group as you trash talk them.

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