NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

I’ve been reading all these threads with interest, and I’m still not quite sure what to think. My comfort zone is the 10-12 range, and I haven’t done anything higher than that in Dragonflight. (Just for context, I did get KSM in SL season 2). I pug everything, so I can only provide perspective from that angle. Up to level 10, I feel like healing hasn’t been significantly more difficult than in previous expansions. On the other hand, 12’s have been noticeably more challenging than before. If that trend gets worse past 13, I just have to take other people’s word for it. I will say that overall group damage has been higher in my view, and some mechanics have been less forgiving than in previous seasons (looking at the first two bosses in Vortex Pinnacle especially).

As a pugger, one of my chief frustrations has been seeing one of the DPS doing significantly less damage than the other two, and in some cases even less than the tank. And I’m not talking about Augmentation Evokers. Very often this person is the one who assembled the group, and it’s more common than it used to be. Healing is stressful enough without having fights drag on 50% longer than they need to. Also I wonder why nobody uses crowd control abilities. If there is one ranged unit off to the side sniping us, for heaven’s sake, sheep it, hex it, trap it, or whatever. If you can spare 1.5 seconds during a pull to make the healer’s job easier, the entire run will go much more smoothly.

I also wonder if part of the problem is the new practice of rotating dungeons every season. In past expansions, we had month’s of practice to learn the rhythm of each dungeon and how to run them efficiently. Now we have to learn new ones each season. I think that could potentially explain why more and more runs have at least one person who doesn’t quite know what he’s doing.


Blizzard just became obsessed with “healers should heal” and “challenging the healers” but have no idea how to do that in balanced and intuitive way so they just blanket nerfed every healer by 80% and ratcheted up damage into the sky. Turns out people dont like extra stress with no reward beyond slightly faster invites.

Add on top of the horrendous class balance, super toxic community, and awful affixes and here we are, the biggest healer drought in modern wow.


We have a healer surplus at 21+ because anything that isn’t a holy paladin gets shut out pretty much.


who wants to play a healer with 20+ buttons?
and then also do dmg, install tons of addons, pay attention to the game mechanics in the MELE range. …and of course heal, instant decurse and KICK 1-2 sec casts! lol? :clown_face:
It hardly gets any more brainless and absurd.


And if you want to play aug, easier to hop into 20s than linger in low keys. (Of course, that requires gear.)

Fixed it for ya.

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Well if that is the case then I will try Holy Paladin healing on my ret for sure, but im honestly not gifted healing and have always had a hard time with it, and even if I start healing on my paladin will there be any more healers queing into my dps keys?

ff 14 doesn’t have this problem.


do you mean if you get higher rating?
may be. because even 2700-2800 is causal. Even my friend as a hunter has that and he hasn’t played for 2 months.

maybe that scares the people.

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Because in FFXIV, and in logic, ‘healers’ don’t exist. Support classes do, and those classes still DPS when time allows.

For whatever reason, support specs in this game are allergic to yellow numbers.


Yeah. The button bloat is bad.

I only heal because of Healium, even then that’s 12 buttons on my healium bar.,

So there is a healer surplus at +21? So if we find a way to incentivize healing under 21 that might work? And also make other healers as good as Holy Paladins from the sound of it.

Hmmm :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

This is where I run into a Violent circle, I can’t pug higher keys because my rating isn’t high enough, but I can’t find anyone heal my key’s to get higher rating past 18-20, and im driven absolutley mad for being in this violent circle for so long that I am here begging for some kind of solution, maybe blizzard will listen to one of you if something is found they like enough.

well id offer but i prob dont have the gear score or the knowledge to help with those . i dont really pve i only pvp so

Make healers a thing you can buy off the Trading Post.

Win-win situation, since that’s where most of Blizzard’s effort is going lately lol.

I healed in Season One. I stopped because there’s not much inventive to keep going, once you have what you want. Got my 1800 full set, didn’t see much reason to keep going.

Also, it’s stressful. For no real reason, we play games to de-stress.

If there was a random battleground ranked queue, I’d still be playing them.

Healing Shuffle straight up sucks.


It’s because Mythic+ was made for and is engaged by the bottom barrel of the playerbase. Such a joke of content.

Most volume of rewards. Rewards with the most versatility. Can farm upgrade resources endlessly. Most forgiving content. Etc.

It’s the most efficient content for literally no good reason other than Blizzard made it so. If you have a short attention span and hate socialization in an MMO, this is the premier mode for you.


let the record show, healers exist.

healers willing to pug, however…

which brings the question, is it Blizzard’s fault, or is the community behavior forcing them into guild groups?

when is it time to point the finger at Blizzard, and when should we point it at ourselves?


The problem w/ +19 is they share a vault loot table w/ +18. Unless people are actually doing it for score they won’t join the group it’s better to either do a +16, +18 or +20 for the weekly vault. Funny enough it’s easier to fill on a +18 and hope you 2 chest it and get a +20 key


This makes a ton of since, thank you