NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

And the fact that no other healer has the utility or the “awesome” factor that paladins do is a big problem. I swapped to paladin as well, and while it makes things easier… it also makes me angry that they have the answer to everything my priest doesn’t, and I’m sure more than a few other healing classes are feeling that same crunch.

I’m not saying that every healer has to have the answer to every problem, that’s what different playstyles are for. But that there is only one “correct” class right now for anything above a 23 says a lot about the balance and viability of everyone else. In a perfect world there would be more than one obvious pick for healer for high-end m+, and that’s just not where we’re at rn… and that’s why I’ve quit. It’s not fun to struggle on a priest when I could just play a paladin… but I don’t want to play a paladin. I want to play a priest, and I don’t want to play disc- I want to be holy. See where I’m goin here?

TL;DR Why is only ONE healer of 7 “meta”? That’s not the definition of “fun” to me personally.


I think no one would argue with that.

Probably why the h pal nerfs are here. Wont answer the toolkit question, blizz needs to get in gear and look at other healers kits.

The meta comes and goes. What about two seasons of holy priest dominance in Shadowlands?


See that? That was the point flying right over your head.


Something is inevitably best. Not really preventable.

So do people rage in high keys or don’t they?


People rage in all content of the game.

Just not everyone who plays any particular content of the game rages equally to another player of equal caliber.

Well - to be fair - when people start reaching skill plateaus and summits in any game, raging does tend to go down a lot, but so do tolerance levels. Instead of toxicity you are simply removed without explanation. People who are at a level of “good” at something know they don’t have to tolerate a whole lot, and typically they don’t. This behaviour gets mistaken as rage, but it’s simply the higher level player moving on and not even bothering with a discussion because it is a waste of their time - and they know it. It’s not worth the emotional investment to straighten things out - especially when they know they have their own issues to work on (and they’re simply more focused on that).

None of this is to say raging never occurs at the highest levels - it’s more to say that people at those levels sometimes get too distracted to rage.

People love to frame this as healers dont want to dps, so we got this. The reality is, its such a multi faceted problem now. Many healing specs have become increasingly complex which require to you to track multiple buffs/charges/hots/cds while monitoring player hp, healing, interrupts, cc, mechanics ontop of mechanics ect. Then they did an HP increase without properly compensating resource bars.

Now to top it all off, they arent designing dungeons that every healer is properly setup to heal(its not that they cant do it, its that its often very suboptimal). And then youve got extra dps to do ontop of that all into the mix like there isnt enough already to do and its just too much to be bothered. Complexity isnt difficulty its stress, and there is no real reward for all the extra effort spent even if you really enjoy healing. There’s no real fun left, blizzard just sucked it all away cause the designers hate the player base.

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It’s not the keys, it’s the people running the keys. As a healer, I am tired of the stress being dumped on one role, while the dps get to run around standing in stuff having fun. Healing isn’t fun anymore because of the other players making it more difficult than it needs to be.

Most of us are just over it.


If there was only one damage pattern type, that’s called boring.

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We need to unionize as healers

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Dps that stand in stuff tend to die very quickly, sometimes with a 1 shot, and do 0 dps.


Me now!! LOL I kid. I don’t group unless I have to, but my first intent is NOT to be a burden on the group.

well the devs decided to convince DPs to reroll healers by making healing more like DPS.
DPS didn’t like it, Healers didn’t like it. TaDa here’s their sign.

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Honestly most people I know that like to play healers like the whole being in support of a team thing. Nothing about pugging feels like being in a team.

Good point. Some people do rage, but they are called out because there is a 0% chance they were playing perfectly (because there is a 0% chance any of us were playing perfectly). I find it especially true when I play a healer, sometimes all 3 in the rest of the group will have my back and I appreciate that.

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my best memories are running dungeons with new guildies screwing things up as they learn. True story. I didn’t know my first character a Resto Druid was broken and unplayable in vanilla till I got to 60 and discovered the forums.

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I’ve been healing since the start of WoW.

but as expansions have progressed, I’ve healed less and less and tanked more and more. Then in DF, S1 I played Resto a few runs and was like “F This” and stuck to tanking. Tried resto again in S2, after I got my KSM, tried healing a 5 or 6, and was like “F This” again.

It wasn’t the group. It was the fact my heals on every healer I have, feel like wet noodles. I can line up all my heals perfectly and I can bring a tank up 10-15%. That doesn’t feel good. Having no good heals outside of CDs just isn’t fun.

Now I have made a new go at it in S2 with the changes to HPal. That is fun. Know why? Not my DPS. not even the melee play style. The fact my heals (until today, so we will see), actually did something. My CDs are short so I don’t need to hoard them because I can pretty much always have something available, and I can choose what I like to use based on the conditions.

DPS, no DPS. Don’t care. Its more about healing feeling impactful. If the group makes a bone head move, my ability to help recover the group just isn’t there like it used to be. Not saying it can’t be done, but its not the same as before. Those are the moments that are fun as a healer (to me). being able to rescue a group that did something stupid. Now if someone plays wrong, there are too many one shot mechanics that I have no way to counter if the DPS did something wrong. That’s not a fun position as a healer.


No, not really. You can just play those MMOs instead.

It wasn’t the group. It was the fact my heals on every healer I have, feel like wet noodles. I can line up all my heals perfectly and I can bring a tank up 10-15%. That doesn’t feel good. Having no good heals outside of CDs just isn’t fun.

You missed the memo that tanks don’t need healing now.

Those are the moments that are fun as a healer (to me). being able to rescue a group that did something stupid. Now if someone plays wrong, there are too many one shot mechanics that I have no way to counter if the DPS did something wrong. That’s not a fun position as a healer.

The ability to recover from mistakes varies, and it’s just not a “just heal through it” meta anymore. There’s still plenty of healing to be done while people do the dance correctly. DPS don’t need to play remotely perfectly to survive.

there is a severe lack of healers in certain key levels, i dragged a priest through a 16 vortex who has never even done the dungeon because i had no other options, and somehow we timed it, and somehow we taught her the mechanics along the way.

i dont heal low level keys on my priest and anything above a certain key level im last in line because everybody wants holy paladins, the game is just extremely flawed rn.