NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

Just speculation: healers are fine pushing into higher keys, the good ones at least. That leaves dps who lack confidence in the lower keys because it’s easier.

I’m healing on Preservation, Disc, Holy Pally, and I have a 441 resto shaman but I really despise shaman (both elemental and resto) so I gave it up

I think that people can expect decent treatment just by showing up. I think that decent treatment is the baseline, absolutely bare minimum that can or should be expected of anyone in group content. Sure, things can devolve if there are one or two jerks, but out of the starting gate, people just deserve to be treated decently in social gaming situations. And healers are also people.

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im not saying it should be perfect, but as it is now, we have constant fotm rerolling because design doesnt fit well with classes. It’s at a point where if you arent on a fotm you’re just feeling like a pure peasant working twice as hard for half the reward. It can and should be better. I was fairly happy with s1 overall, and just gutted on s2. i dont feel like ill come back till they get things back in order.