NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

Stop being pricks to healers.

only half truth. because 2400 is super causal. even 2800 is very causaul.
I even play 17 only with 3200-3400 people.

healing has become so brainless and absurd. do you remember academy in s1? the tanks have run to the tree and after the wipe the group will be dissolved. how disabled is the whole thing??? as a tank/healer it might not be a tragedy.
but the dds are waiting for such a garbage waste of time run for hours!!!

Monk’s biggest problem is it’s perception. I think it has an exceptional healing profile for M+.

I would like to see the mass dispel effect become part of monk toolkit in addition to or replacing revival mass dispel. Potentially even giving it to ww/brew would be refreshing for monk class desirability.

Only other thing is the chi cocoon effect needs to be increased. It’s sad to see the augmentation evoker AoE shield or mass barrier from mage produce a much meatier absorb. This AoE absorb is nice to pre plan but right now it hardly shields much. Again, make it so that the celestial produces shields for ww/brew to increase their desirability. These would be better capstones than current ones universally hated by monks.

Otherwise, monk has a ton of great control
-ring of awesome
-paralysis (2nd interrupt for most mobs via stun)
-AoE stun

and survivability
-healing elixir
-life cocoon
-fortifying brew
-dampen harm
-diffuse magic

Between celestial cocoon and life cocoon as well as the multiple defensives, monk is pretty good need more people to try it

Only play 17-18s with 3200-3400 people lol, what a joke. That terrified of content, huh.

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Got tired of mdi-wannabes gigapulling dungeons with no kick assignments then getting pissed when their party falls apart from a constant stream of deaths I had no way to prevent. They’re not blaming me for these problems, but the frustration of having no control over how the run goes (because I can’t save a guy from a one-shot) has become too much. I haven’t logged in for almost two weeks.

It’s fine, though, I guess. Got my portals on two healers and got much further this season than last. Hopefully they start thinking about these things for the next expansion- healing feels utterly unfun (and at times pointless) at all levels right now.

10.1.5 Holy Pally is the most fun I ever had as a healer. Other healers need to be brought up to this level.

I agree to a point. Some keys is uber challenging, and on some healers its not fun. My 2300 disc priest struggles in DotI. Need to have the right cooldowns, need other players to be playing well. Set up the atones and ramp. Some healers have really basic or old playstyles like resto shaman. Wave,chain,rain,rip. Thats it, not much interplay, not much depth. Cast a heal when someone is hurt.

The holy pally just has tools to respond to whatever. Its jacked, and I am loving it. You feel in-control.

We need some fun factor. Something that lets us do more damage or contribute to the party more then just topping people up when needed. It’s dull and boring most of the time.

Aug evoker is fun and OP in M+ because it buffs other players and acts as a great support class. Ideally it would have been good if Blizz worked something similar like that into the role of healers so aside from healing, we actually bring something else to the party. Even increasing our damage could make it more fun. Tune our abilities to hit more in M+ the way they tuned some healing CDs (Tranq, Healing Tide, etc…) to heal for more in dungeons.

The M+ affixes make it annoying too, alot of them this season (Incorporeal, Afflicted, Spitefull) are there just to annoy healers. It’s tough to balance, but being a healer is boring, especially on weeks such as this one where you can’t even drink because you have adds chasing you between pulls.


every fix they’ve ever done for healers made it worse. It started all the way back in Molten Core vanilla. They retuned all the encounter’s because healers were using healbot. Then they banned healbot. They’ve been doing YOYO stupid stuff like that ever since. And Healers catch the most flak whether or not they screw up. That and every new expansion a crop of DPS players decide to play healers so they can get into groups faster, whine about how boring it is on the forums and then devs try to make healing more like DPS’ing and are shocked when healer numbers drop.

nope this is what happens to most healers who don’t stay on the fast track curve. In the early game with the actual good players they don’t care they just run and deal with mistakes. Then the catch up crowd doesn’t want to waste time so they start checking gear and then whine because it takes so long to get a group. Oh the irony of their tears.

problem is also that there is no trust for a healer with such a rating.
I actually wanted to take it chilled. all timed to 21, then 22. but after patch it was rock n roll.
and i only see people with 3200-3400 in the list. and the list is long. and i only go to the group that has top classes. and I also get an insta invite. and the irony is that people somehow just barely time their 20s. but such people almost always have ++.

Yes. holy pala is fun. but is also hardcore. because the way of playing requires high skill.

and actually every healer should be able to heal/support that well. and of course have unique advantages!!!
because holy pala is not the problem with the story! healing is finally possible! and it’s not a sick walk into an insane asylum and a lot of frustration…

pimp your own keys? I even timed 20s with 300k hp aug in tyr week. with enough experience anything is possible.

Yes. the search can take time. but it is definitely possible.

I’m a healer and I’ve left for FFXIV. Not only is the healing gameplay a lot less stressful and more rewarding, but the community is infinitely more friendly and I don’t feel like I’m about to get told to off myself if I make one single mistake in a raid or dungeon.

Even if I did ever decide to come back to WoW, I just don’t think I could ever bother to heal again, even if they change the gameplay for healing. The community is just too awful to bother, it’s not worth it anymore to try to be a team player in WoW. It’s way less stressful to be a selfish DPS player and never say anything in chat.

I used to think maybe the WoW community could change for the better, but I’ve given up on that because I’ve also noticed a lot of other people who got tired of the crappy behavior of the WoW community moved to FFXIV, as well.


Well you are keeping up on the WoW forums so probably means you’ll be back.


I enjoy healing. I don’t enjoy the toxicity in pugs.


My experience with healing this season in some pretty average keys is you can legit heal through 99% of the mistakes until like 23 keys. Then it’s not your fault because people die in one hit anyway if there’s mistakes

I think learning to pug as a healer is a skill in it’s own, you can actually control more than you think as a healer, you’re not really a passenger in the key anymore. Your utility and damage alone can make a key significantly easier

I found last season to be more difficult to heal imo. This season u have an aug that holds your hand while you’re healing

Even stuff like BH first boss you can just blast through as a healer until like 23s because you just have enough throughput with an aug

It’s important to know as a healer that you seriously can have so much of an impact on the key these days.

Yeah, I said that in my post ?

You can definitely still play WoW nowadays and just play a DPS and not bother interacting with anyone else. That’s pretty much the only way I’d be willing to play WoW going forward.

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This is true. FF has a far better behaved userbase than WOW. I’d even go so far as to say the best behaved in any game I’ve ever played in.

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We have healers who don’t want to heal.

Maybe they should simply not heal, instead of changing healing to be something anyone and everyone can accomplish with ease. The same applies to tanking.

Report them n put on ignore don’t let them make u not want to heal . Idk maybe I’m just petty but if they complain I usually super focus them n then once they die I’ll be like oh oh no what was the problem here ? O right :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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