NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

Yea the AoE tick is brutal. But even on a +20 on Tyrannical. The healers can keep up as long as the DPS dont do stupid crap like stand behind the broken ice blocks, gets hit by the tornados she shoots at you or stands in the circles. Also the DPS need to be mindful or the type of healer. Some like Paladins and Presevation Evokers work better when players stay in close to the healer. IF they dont understand this, well they dont need to be in a +20.

And we’re reminded yet again that devo aura doesn’t show up on HPS.

Yea the AoE tick is brutal. But even on a +20 on Tyrannical. The healers can keep up as long as the DPS dont do stupid crap like stand behind the broken ice blocks, gets hit by the tornados she shoots at you or stands in the circles.

Fairly certain even on tyrannical, the healer can go afk for a minute before people die.

Reap what you sow. Healers found friend and guild groups to run with and don’t have to tolerate PUG abuse anymore.

nah, people are just busy being declined for not being holy paladins, then probably going off to do something else.

Look either you are a healer player or you are not.

All my alts are healer, preservation, holy pally, priest, shaman I have them all. I AM a healer, there havent been any changes to the gameplay or group community style which has changed that since I started healing in BC.

If you are a true healer player, your going to play healer no matter how many names people call in you in a failed run. Also 9/10 times DPS failed a mechanic or CC / Interrupt /Purge is the intended mitigation, and not raw healing throughput.

There are few instances of raw healing checks. Altarius of VP. Cragmaw in UNDR.
Trash example is Dragon mini-boss trash (green circle) in VP.

Even then, DPS has things they can do to survive like DR cds health pots and personal healing CDs. So healing is not too hard IMO.

Then we have the name calling. I just LOL at this. I think once all expansion someone called me out in a failed key. He was toxic AF I challenged his position, said I thought he was wrong, reported him and moved on.

Most people just take the L and move on with silently, but even if they did it is never going to turn me off from playing healer wut

I don’t know what personal private proclivities mean that you think accepting abuse is some kind of twisted virtue, but you can keep ALL OF THAT “true healer” garbage. That’s your garbage can, and you can carry it all by yourself. I’m not picking that trash up.

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what abuse?

Maybe the should stop nerfing healers and just give heals higher mana pool.


or just do content that you’re ready for.

No, speccing healer doesn’t mean you get a free +20.

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I just disagree that healer is this abused thing that shambles from key to key with its head held low, meek and afraid of the other players in the group. That is garbage.

We are a proud people.

Even if healers were abused for failed or perceived failures, its a grouping problem not a healer problem. If you have a DPS who dies every boss pull, you might hear some chatter about that in the party chat… so its nothing that is unique to healers

if people swiftly uninstalled as soon as someone said something mean, I wonder if this game would be better off?

Meanwhile, people act as if healers who do receive mean comments will get off the role, while dps would just keep on playing.

If people don’t want to heal, then don’t.
If people don’t want to tank, then don’t.
Don’t act as if you’re doing a public service and everyone has to be nice to you as a result, because the same isn’t so if someone plays a dps.

If by a few choice words, some people would reconsider doing m+, sign me up. I do believe we have finally defeated Legolas, and his clones.

The days of “Healer let me die” are over.

Most players I’ve seen actually apologize if they die. It is very easy to tell if you got healed, and what killed you now.

So if the entire group agrees the healer messed up, there might be some merit to that. If it is just one dude it is probably some toxic a-hole

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You seem to be implying that people who are mistreated by strangers in-game will just quit playing. That’s hardly true. I think it oversimplifies what happens. Healers who experience a lot of bad behavior among strangers do continue healing. They just heal for people on their friends’ lists or for people in their guilds, because there’s a better chance they’ll be treated with a base level of decency.

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We did, but then you had to mention his name, which means now 2000+ more will pop up.

The entire party except the tank would be dead in about 15 seconds without a healer is my guess just due to the high rot damage.

The last time I did it I healed a 20 tyrannical and did about 160k hps.

It’s probably my favorite fight to heal.

That’s what i was able to pull off with 420 GS and in the 18s after that, 95 was enough for the same encounter 1 Key Level higher and that one also was timed

The healer can keep up if their play is absolutely perfect, you mean. I’m not talking about mechanics. That is an incredibly difficult fight to heal, and if the dps is low; you’ll wipe because you’ll run out of CD’s for it.

I stand by what I said. HOI is ridiculously healing intensive. It’s whatever, I’ve finished pushing keys this season but 90% of the damage in that fight is absolutely not avoidable.

Every-time I queue LFG as my 444 ilvl 2,400 io holy priest, one of the following happens:

1). I get declined since I don’t have natural lust (not a shaman nor evoker)
2). I get kicked when they realize I’m Holy, not Disc
3). I get yelled at for something

I got to 2,430 io on my holy priest, and then grinding 18s & 19s with pugs quickly started to feel like pulling teeth.

I personally don’t jive with Disc - and I enjoy Holy Priest. So I just play what I enjoy. That healer is mainly a raid healer anyways. So I swapped over to my tank to snag KSH, and got it within a week - especially made fast by the fact that I was nice to my healers.

I always laugh at these posts, since the number of times my holy priest has been kicked / declined from a mythic group due to the fact that I’m not a meta healer class has been frankly annoyingly high. So, I guess there are enough healers to go around since people can be picky.

I just stick to raid healing now. And when guildies or friends need a healer, I jump onto my healer. But I’ll prob never PUG Mythic+ as a healer for the rest of this season unless its a lower key.


The game was simply more enjoyable for the vast majority of players when healing was somewhat irrelevant in M+. In Dragonflight, they decided to make the game more engaging for a single player (healer) while simultaneously making the game drastically less fun for the other four members of the group.

It feels much worse to just die to rot damage on a fight like the ice lady in Hall of Infusion than to fail a DPS check.

If more dps is required, the healer can shift more of their globals to damage abilities to achieve the higher DPS threshold; if more healing is required, the vast majority of DPS specs in the game cannot shift globals to healing because they literally can’t heal.

or maybe pink skirt to make you look way cooler.