NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

My issues aren’t with what Blizz has done to healing or the dungies. I’m tired of people telling me what to do while their face is in the dirt after eating their third swirl or getting domed by a frontal everyone else avoided. Best part is when they are objectively wrong in what they say.

Stopped pugging; best decision of my life.


This. Yes, it does more upfront damage (pop a defensive), but there is a reason Mass Dispel is good on that fight and it isn’t to dispel one person…

And all of which have the same problem of the enemies randomly being out for someone’s head like they are a healer in arenas. None of these would be an issue if a general rule was made of not picking the same person twice in a row. I’ve been bit 3 times in a row by Talondrus as a survival hunter. That is simply not possible to live through on a 20.

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Dargrul has spell queuing issues around the 4th or 5th add spawn where you coin flip on if the add spawns before or after the wall since for some reason the add gets pushed back every cycle.

But you’ll need external help to live anyway, don’t see what being a hunter has to do with it. (Healer has to heal you.) And sure it’ll be slightly harder, but definitely livable.

Because Hunter has 2 mediocre defensives compared to something like SPriest having a permanent 19% DR (Fade and Flash Heal for 10% each) and Dispersion as a last resort of Fire Mage having actually near infinite defensives including a cheat death?

Yes, you will need help on all of them, but pretending all classes can handle it equally is very disengious. It’s also a boss which has very little lethality if you bring an Evoker to outright delete every other bleed with cauterizing flame and can handle the bleed mostly on their own when targeted on the ones that slip through due to Scales+Renewing Blaze.

Not every class will be able to handle it equally well, but hunter shouldn’t be dying on a 20. (Damage not high enough.)

This has been my experience as well. Virtually no talking is done during the run good or bad. And I’d say it’s better that way because talking, especially making a negative comment during the key, just makes it likely someone leaves and the key disbands.

Very rarely I’ll see a negative comment at the end. I had one yesterday where we missed the timer by about 1 minute on a 21 VP despite only 4 deaths and no wipes and the tank at the end said something along the lines of the shadow priest damage being low is why we missed the timer.

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Got flamed as healer i should deinstall the game after a wipe in a 17 HoI 3rd Bosswith an alt healer char, had 120k HPS and they still died.

Shrugged, reported that Evoker and timed an 18s

why do people think hps is some measure of achievement. 120k seems low.

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I swore off key runs in BfA. Did a lot of them in Legion and they were a terrible experience in general for me.

That being said, I still do lots of non-mythic dungeons especially in older content, and I’m healing my hiney off more than I should, usually because DPS is pulling, or because the tank doesn’t stop moving to start taunting like they should. I just go with the age old policy that’s never failed me: Make it a miserable enough run for me, and you’re down a healer. Do it enough times and then wonder why you aren’t getting any healers.

I’m not one to jump ship at the slightest inconvenience, but after 2 or 3 pulls I have a pretty good idea of the kind of group I am in and whether I want to stay in it or not. Sometimes I grit my teeth and bear it, and sometimes I don’t.

Also whoever came up with the concept design for Dragonflight dungeons needs to be taken out to the back behind the sheds and shot. With a paintball gun, nothing dangerous, but shot none the less. Dragonflight dungeons are absolutely awful - I am tired of every second of every waking moment there being a swirly on the ground that I have to move out of.

But without any top-end content then FF14 becomes a casual erp mmo lol

Ultimates are already designed around casual ERP. You just slog through a fight “progression” for 3 weeks, then get a shiny new weapon that has absolutely zero combat stats for you to stand in Limsa with.

Yep and that crowd is the people who dont do content past Heroic dungeons…

90% of the dmg in that fight is avoidable… kewk…

dungeon is also way too hard. I healed it in both weeks for the first 2 months and it was so hard. every second counted. before that I would have to think long and hard about how to proceed. because in the groups there was never a single offhealer.

the same was also in vortex in tyr week. and that too with ghosts that you have to cc. I actually managed to SOLO interrupt/cc this garbage to the end boss. and then we actually had enough time for 1-2 tries. only these brainless and very toxic animals still haven’t used a single cc and the ghosts also spawn too far and kick is no longer possible…
and then I can just about heal the first spark. but after the second comes the third spark… and of course I can’t heal something like that at all! because the spirits already have 2x heal debuff!!!
do you know what comes next??? healer is to blame!!!
omg…! the game still has too much disrespectful, clueless and very dumb scum that extremely ruins the game’s reputation…

This is true. I find that when keys go wrong, it’s almost always a combination of faults. Things like that priority cast going off because none of the 3 people who had a way to stop it did so. It’s very rare for a wipe to come down to the mistakes of a single person.

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I think that if your team didn’t get hit by anything you just didn’t push enough hps. that fight is just a slow burn

im sure it’s a multitude of problems considering it’s a +17 but 120k hps is like pretty average on that fight considering it’s constant slow burn damage

The AOE tick damage isn’t avoidable, and accounts for over 90% of the damage in that fight.

Until the gauntlet and the last boss, HOI is a very healing intensive dungeon.

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that’s not true at all. because I mostly have 80k and it depends on def skills/selfheal and max dps. and i never play with people under 3k. so this druid was very good. it’s just about lousy and embarrassing balance.

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