NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

is this a clown show?
I wait at least 20-30 minutes for any healer! and not even a good one!


Whelp, no point continuing this conversation I guess. You can keep telling everybody that there is no healer problem and that we just need to get good…but it doesn’t seem like many people agree with you.

Like this person.

Yes, it seems it is. It seems that some people live in a different reality than the rest of us.

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never encountered this, then again, I realize tanks and healers attract each other like magnets. With a healer, more likely to find a tank, with a tank, more likely to find a healer.

Oh, and leader having a good score helps too

Have left groups over people not taking someone because it wasn’t the meta class, and they were content to wait 15 minutes. (And someone fitting standards still didn’t show up.)

then you have to go into detail. because my holy pala gets insta invites everywhere. I don’t even wait 30 seconds for a group. but there is already a lot of practice, ilvl and rating.

but with my trash aug twink i’ve had adventures for a long time. because there are hardly any healers! and I don’t want to take an unsuspecting noob either, because people expect a timed run.! point!

Aug gets insta invited in 20s, people wait in 17s. Had to go preservation for crests initially with my “alt.”

Linking mains etc, at like 1k rating ,people had no issue taking me into 20s. Cause I got bored of doing 17s

20s I have not tried. Also, it’s a trash spec that I’m sure I won’t play.

but if i want to play my keys, then i have to wait an extremely long time. In that time I can easily face-roll a 20s key ++. something is wrong here!

So with some gear, you’ll have better luck in 20s than doing lower ones. Easier to heal for a bit of score I guess or gear then skip to 20s.

Not like 1k rating is much, but it’s not an actual zero.

Couldn’t get into a key as pres 22-24s so I gave up and went back aug. Tried for like 30 mins.

Im sure blizz could come up with a way to make the classes unique and have “your dps provides a basic heal tick”

Healers that need to dps to heal, healers that need to heal to dps, healers that need to weave between both to function. That’s 3 basic heal types that could easily be changed by added themes holy/nature/elemental

There would be plenty more options out there but the main issue is button bloat and target switching, they would need to be creative with their smart targeting in order to ease the general population into it.

I quit healing in PVE and arena due to the horrible abuse from people. People keep saying the ranked modes don’t cause toxicity, but I beg to differ.

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People say this yet they don’t quit dpsing lol. Would be great if all the “bad” players quit.

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I have pugged all my keys except for 2 this season over 70+ keys and no one says jack (redacted) minus can I get a summon, pull timer plz, and lust on pull…and last season it was the same…

GD extremely exaggerates people being toxic/mean…it might be 1 out of 20ish keys someone might say something during the run…

Most just quit without saying a dam word during a key if it goes south


some send angry whispers if you leave first.

Alt+F4 always solves that issue :rofl:

I’m talking about arena here, too. People are nasty to their healers.

Congrats on getting lucky on your runs.

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At some fights there’s no difference between 10 and 20.

That last Boss in UNDR seem to require always the same amount of healing more or less regardless if it’s Tyrr, fort, 10 or 20 I always end up with 75-85k HPS on that fight.

And doing this with 401 GS is way harder than with 444 but why should I do a 10 Key with Max Gear. And if a healer realize he can’t satisfy healing checks he will stop healing earlier or later.

And doing this with 401 GS is way harder than with 444 but why should I do a 10 Key with Max Gear.

Maybe so you know how to heal? Just because you have gear, doesn’t mean you have the skill. It’s like people who don’t tank, suddenly decide to start at +20 and well… die.

no fun playing healer, mythic plus affix is all about the healer, get trash talked all the time, why bother when you can play a mage and have more fun lol

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If you do that boss properly there’s hardly any healing in that boss.

Nobody wants to do a 19. That’s a big part of it.

From my perspective, as a healer who can get into any key I want, basically, the quality of players doing 19s is well below that of 20s, so I avoid those keys entirely. They tend to be literally harder to time than 20s because of skill issues.

If I’m going to run a 19, I might as well just run a 17, since the rewards are functionally identical and the content is easier and faster, and therefore more likely to be timed (and give me 12 crest fragments instead of 5).

19s are dead keys, basically.

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This is largely because when you go down in key number, the skill and knowledge of the players in your group also generally goes down. People timing 20s know these dungeons quite well and are much better at avoiding taking unnecessary damage because they know the mechanics. People running 8s often do not, so they stand in everything, making more work for the healer, and causing deaths (or as a zug zug dps might say “Uh… healer??”)

If you had the same group run an an 8 and a 20, the 8 would be much easier than the 20.