NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

Also everyone is good enough to do a 20, and not in anyway the core reason the key failed. :smiley:

That does happen yeah and if I realise thats what happened I make sure they learn IF they survive.

*Healing PuGs

Also mostly how weak Heals feel outside of cooldowns and this awful playstyle of playing Wack-a-mole on health bars becauseBlizzard listened to the “Healers should only heal” crowd.

Nope recently swapped back to my old main after jumping around classes a bunch currently catching up on gear literally been a week but nice try hon.

I’ll add 1 more because I’m still salty with that boss cost how buggy it can be. Last boss of NL the boss decided to cast his golem and never cast the crystal wall >.>

So I guess those achievements are on another account then :wink:

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weird. If talking bugs, the chain boss in Neltharus is most complained about of all. Saw it brick my 25. (kinda, cause we wiped once before that.)

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Oh yea that happened to us a couple of times. Not sure what causes that. I made a bug report about it but dont know if blizz ever will fix it

first time hearing a complaint about last boss in Neltharion’s lair though.

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Guess I’m the lucky 1 >.>

Lil hard too heal keys when your jumping around different classes, leveling and barely gearing them up before you go “yeah nah” once again nice try.

So it’s a “you issue” gotcha.

so you don’t heal, and shouldn’t complain about difficulty related to healing. Got it?

As I said before:

Can’t get CE by stepping into mythic. Failed at gladiator when someone killed me in 3v3. Oh, +20? time to complain cause I can’t make the cut.

I have a solution!

At the beginning of every dungeon, add 2 mechs that you hop in (like a siege tank), one that can heal and another that can tank.

BOOM! Now anybody can heal and/or tank!

Problem solved.

Blizzard, just mail me some in game gold as payment for my wisdom.

It’s called being indecisive but can see that you’ve ran out of Arguments now your acting like a child like once I get a damn Trinket to replace this trash catch up one I’m using plan on pushing higher :dracthyr_shrug:

What? I do heal where’d you get that from?

+20’s are the current goal now I’m happy back on MW just need gear specifically need a Trinket and a new weapon preferably a Staff but one hander would do so I can swap out Healing Darts for a different Embelishment.

Like seriously making assumptions and trying to shame me because I haven’t pushed high yet like I care lol I’m perfectly fine and a capable healer I’m just not going to stay silent on blatantly bad and outdated game design or my preferred healing spec being in an awful spot compared to other healers.

What? I do heal where’d you get that from?

You just said you were too busy to focus on a class because you’re playing so many alts.

Not alts was indecisive about a main :dracthyr_shrug:

Point stands though. It’s not someone who’s seriously tried to ascend from say +9s, and can’t do 11s or something despite the effort.

You haven’t really “tried” and healing is more difficult than you like. And you’re doing relatively high end content.

Again a “you issue”. But hey keep blaming everyone else for your lack of capability because that’s what will make you a better player right :wink:

It’s not just too hard to heal PuGs cause people don’t do mechanics why I only really heal for my Guild or Friends usually maybe picking up one or two pugs at most although preferably zero.

I am very capable PuGs however are not which is why I don’t really heal them as to answer OPs question like grow up acting like a pathetic child.

you’re the 1 acting like a child now hun.

If being called “bad” trigger you so much then make you should gitgud :wink:

but I thought your group of friends is why you haven’t done higher keys?

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