NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

Again sounds like you’re stuck playing w/ bad players. This mentality alone says alot of things. If you honestly think that dps/tanks have barely anything to learn then I dont know what to tell you.

Any another bad player mentality. Letting people die because they done goof is another word for DIVA. If you’re a healer keep people up until you can’t heal them anymore.

Well, when you play with people from your guild/community that really isn’t an option…

But you do you.

That’s not what I said at all…but sure, make my argument up for me.

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Yes it is an option. I willingly do some organized fail 20s. My expectations are super low, and we probably won’t time, and I’m okay with that.

Or if I’m not interested, I just say that.

I’ve run some no leavers w/ friends and help carry alts. But if the run gets to bad that we all know we’re miserable I just man up and tell them I’m calling this because we’re just going to rip each other’s throat trying to complete this s-show

had to call it on an underrot 21 even though timed 20 the same day. I think it was two different people for comp changes.

Wasn’t even able to complete. Orbs too hard. Then I convinced myself that I can actually play the game by timing a 22 sometime later.

No it’s called refusing to be your Baby Sitter I’m not your mother if a DPS starts making my Job harder I’ll make their job harder see how well they DPS as a corpse.

How about if your a melee DPS and get Power Overload in HoI you RUN OUT

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if dps starts making your job harder then leave the group.

And pug mentality. If you have poweroverload you stack together that way healer can heal the group better and you all run out together when the poweroverload finishes and you get the stuff on the floor. Having a dps run to narnia while they have a ticking debuff on them which the healer cant heal is a BAD CALL Learn the ability :wink:

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People make my job harder when they don’t know how to dps, not that they get hit by stuff or stood in something.

Also ate three battle rezes in a 22 uldaman I think.

How the hell is that gonna help me heal better? Not a Prevoker so none of my Heals are cones and I use VuhDo not mouse overs literally just making my job harder cause I have to heal 5 people through the damage rather then 2 and will have to move my Faeline which relies on it being off cooldown.

because most healers can’t heal people that are too far away.

Priests like mass dispelling and we move as a group.

Worse is strat indecisiveness. One person runs out, another stacks on tank, puddles everwhere.

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so you rather have 2 dps running away w/ pulsing debuff in opposite direction easier to heal rather than them being stack together so you dont have to chase after them? Think about it

Don’t know if I have a preference yet to how its done. Shadow priest decides sometimes.

yea w/ run I do I just tell people to stack power overload and move together. This is on P3 when everything hurts more. P1 I cant careless what dps do. I just find it easier that way.

Edit: The worst is having 2 dps run in opposite directions and find yourself stuck in a corner trying to avoid swirlies


Yup they can take care of themselves with defensives and a health pot if necessary and will have a Renewing Mist on them skill issue :dracthyr_tea:

I thought you were busy playing with dps that get hit by frontals, so you’re complaining about how hard healing is?

And is that why youy’re stuck doing low keys then :wink:

So since you both seem to share the “git gud” mindset about healing…

What is your solution to the OP’s problem of there not being enough healers? Because telling people to “git gud” isn’t going to convince more people to heal.


3 bosses this season arguably have too much RNG.

  1. Sentinel Talondrus (to be fair, l2p issue, stun on aoe damage if needed)
  2. Freehold first boss. (Boss can shoot someone twice in p1.) But that’s also like the only challenge.
  3. Naraxas. The pelters which do exist, and may target the same person.

Advice to op: Don’t run 19s, and make friends.

If you do a 21, you’ll have enough patience for a holy paladin because they show up sooner or later.

I’ve explain to the OP why he’s having a hard time finding healers on +19s