NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

No one wants to heal that key, its not hard to figure out

Not really no :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

If I was “triggered” there’d be a lot of swearing and ToS violating stuff being said but oh wait there is none.

No? Where did I say that? I clearly stated I’m trying to get a better Trinket but having no luck so far like gotten to the point I’m more lenient on taking PuGs.

yup definitely “trigger”

No amount of gear will make you a better player babe :wink:

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No? Where did I say that? I clearly stated I’m trying to get a better Trinket but having no luck so far like gotten to the point I’m more lenient on taking PuGs.

Fair, it was the other monk.

sign of a true child

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ahh another butthurt. I guess bad players flock together to defend themselves

Apologies if that “triggered” you “Babe :wink:
You make it hard not to point out your overreaching flaws when you lay them out so nicely.


No but a better Trinket will add to my kit and make meeting heal checks easier and faster as for a different embelishment one I’m after will also do damage as well as healing rather then just a ton of overhealing which well already get enough of from my Fistweaving to trigger Molten Hearts versatility buff.

Yup very much so

not at all babe ;). Keep going. It’ll be entertaining this way

You’re doing 10-12s there’s hardly any healing checks in those levels. You’re 20 ilvl above that level of content. Again it’s a “you issue”

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and by waiting for three expansions to come out, I can finally say, that I completed the raid.

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content would be easier with moar gear, but per current gear, nowhere near the limit.

I always find it funny how alot of these people think gear is their issue that’s why they can’t do the content. I guess it’s hard to look inside and figure “I need to improve and gitgud so I can do this content better”

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I like how this thread has devolved into two high IO people just saying “git gud” over and over again…while disregarding the experiences of other players.

We get it. We suck at the game, lol. And you’re right, we should just stop healing because, obviously, we are not cut out for it. The DPS can wait in queue until a good healer has pity on them and joins their group.

But anyway, that’s just the forums for you.

easier to throw gear at something than to get better, but I don’t think they’re even at the throw gear at stuff point. More like don’t rerun keys because it doesn’t give score and you win anyway.

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yea the amount of times I would reflect on a route that I do and wonder if I can make it better. The hardest part if being self aware that you’re not good enough yet or there are flaws in your playstyle that you need to fix

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I know there’s stuff I can do better, but don’t care yet cause I’m still succeeding. (For augmentation.)

yea I’m the same. Until I hit my limit I’d probably keep doing what I’m doing. If I reflect what change for me for season 1 to season 2 is taking charge of my group and shot-calling as much as I can. I’m now at a point that my group trust my judgement when I call for defensives and we’ve improve alot more as a group

is there something wrong with healing +8s or 11s? Not everyone is fit to do 20s.

That’s what I said. Some skilled healer will come along and heal them if they wait long enough. But not me, because healing isn’t fun and apparently I’m bad at it.

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