NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

The problem is less that healing is hard, but rather people who don’t care about healing want it to be some role they can afk on.

Free + 20 pls.

Although with changes, now its free +17 pls.

Back to this tired argument. It’s fine. You’re just wrong.


How am I wrong? +2 is extremely easy, and anyone and everyone can do that. Not everyone is good enough to do +20s, and that is perfectly fine.

Can’t get CE by stepping into mythic. Failed at gladiator when someone killed me in 3v3. Oh, +20? time to complain cause I can’t make the cut.

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No which is bad game design :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

And next season what then?

Mistweaver Monk DPS is pathetic and needs to be increased also no it isn’t bad it’s fun just wish they’d give us more DPS buttons to fistweave with like Fists of Fury from WW or even something new like think 2 more buttons would be nice :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

No it isn’t if it was there’d be MW monks all over the place but guess what isn’t and requires a lot more thinking then any of the other healers if you don’t want to die.

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It’s called learning to sneak a drink whenever you can. You dont need to be healing 24/7 in a dungeon. If anything there are hardly anything to heal other than some burst dmg here and there

Very much this we should have damage numbers that compete with the tank like even Blood DK tanks do tons more damage then me and I’m a MW Monk like seriously?

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if DPS pull bosses at 10% mana, you learn, that you can somehow make it work.

solution: make a easy dumb healer and tank class. make it edgy like a voodoo doctor or something yet, still easy.
bam. im signing up.

If that is your experience with healing this season, our game experiences are very very different.


Yea I had that happen to me on my healer. I just look at it as how can I regenerate mana w/ using small amount of heals. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t but yelling at the dps/tank isn’t the answer. That’s where the bad healer and decent healer gets separated

I did complain about a tank that pulled Sha of Doubt with plenty of time left on timer, and single-handedly bricking the key. Was a 22 I think?

sounds like you’re stauck playing w/ bad players then :person_shrugging:

The forums are somehow simultaneously saying there is so little healing needed that healers are useless and people can do no healers runs while also saying healing is so intense and stress inducing it’s causing massive amounts of people to stop healing because it’s so hard to keep up.

I understand it’s different people, but still.

That would have been fun :rofl:

Also so many holy paladins that they’ll wait for one.

Well that’s another huge problem for healers. They have to worry about boss/trash mechanics as well as deal with how well their group executes boss/trash mechanics.

It’s not like DPS/tanks where they just have to learn choreographed fights.

Again, healers have the most stressful and challenging role in the game.

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I want to heal I just don’t want to only heal cause that is boring as hell I want to heal ASWELL as do respectable damage and provide damage Mitigation which I currently can with Life Cocoon and Celstial Harmony.

Like gonna quote an earlier reply cause it applies once again.

Yeah by letting them die :dracthyr_tea:

Learn to make the DPS learn


I mean this season since 10.1.5 is a perfect example of how insanely fast players fotm reroll.

idk, when I’m dpsing and group sucks, I leave. When I heal, and group sucks, I also leave.

You act like dps and tanks somehow enjoy wiping in easy content.

Oh, time to add the mandatory complaint of someone pulling trash in heroic dungeons, cause that’s serious business.

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