NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

The way gearing has been this season has actually encouraged me to play more healers than just one, because it feels rewarding getting to pound some gear.

But, I’ve also noticed that my lower ilvl (410-420) healers are having a hard time getting invited above 6, despite the fact I have KSM on 3 other healing classes, and KSH on one of them. Some of this is indeed the community’s fault. Too many people think that magic ilvl number will result in them getting carried. I joined a PuG the other day with a group leader who was 437 ilvl 1800+ M+ score that wanted to do their 14 Vortex. The healer I was on only had a 10 tyrannical, so figured for score I’d just do the 14 rq since it’s about to be my 4th healer at KSM level. Well, group fell apart at first boss because the 430+ mage couldn’t avoid any mechanics and died repeatedly and the 437 WW monk group leader was doing 14.8k OVERALL dps. 14.8k… So the tank, me, and the other DPS that actually contributed all said F this and dipped. Too many people in low keys just wanting to get carried lol.

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Healing is a chore.

In a mythic key of any level if a dps dies from something the fight goes on. Sure, I could be blamed, but we can still continue the fight. If a tank dies most of the time it is the tanks fault for pulling to much, not using cool downs, etc.

But, as a healer if you misstep and get hit by something you shouldn’t have it usually results in a wipe. I would go as far to say any wipe before the mobs health hits 15% is unrecoverable without a battle rezz.

When you get to the logic of it. Most if not all dps your about 8 keys on a constant bases ( this doesn’t include support keys, or cooldowns ) while using these keys they are either clicking or pressing a button to preform an action. Healers has to either click the player then click the ability then click the next player, or they use a mouse over macro where they click the player then press the action button.

This means healers have to move more than essentially any other class.

Either way there is no way to fix healing, it’s a role where people rise to the challenge

Blame blizz for nerfing healers.

I am one of those and that’s not what I wanted(healer nerfs), healers should not be expected to do damage but it’s a nice bonus because the party is doing well so the healer can dps instead of healing.

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You can actually reduce travel a lot by having player health bars as raid bars close to your action skills. This can reduce travel time for your mouse sometimes moreso than some DPS players. And with mouse over you can do this while DPSing.

(Only exp as a MW this season though)

For sure. Healing as a role in pugs is just crazy sometimes. Most 13s are as hard as 20s to heal, because in a 13 they take more damage, interrupt less, use defensives badly if at all.


Problem is people on GD think 18 is a high key

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What did you want to do with your time then? lol. They also had a 40% swing in season 1, and that people played most of all.

I don’t mean im decked out, I mean I get a ring over and over or I get legs in the vault when I’m already rocking good legs. Not crying that this is always the case, in fact on 2 characters I got the exact item I needed, but they both happened to be DPS… ><

18 IS a high key until you are comfortable with them. What level do you think a higher percentage of players are at, +18 or +8?
The real problem with GD and this game as a whole is that everyone likes to compare everyone else to themselves, when the fact is that everyone is their own person, with their own playstyle and level of skill / desire.


I’ve been saying this for years. People don’t listen.

the game is based on guilding, good healers get into guilds or established groups and why should they pug ?

pugging is self abuse …

Honestly the only good thing I will say is when I talk before dungeon starts to related matters people listen and don’t complain as much anymore.

I think they’re just glad a healer was in their key.

I would heavily recommend utilizing the ignore feature with that person, and when you do - the inevitable ~435 Dev Evoker alt with an incredibly similar name that comes in somehow echoing the same opinion, liking every one of their posts, and flaming you would be a great choice to use that feature on as well.


Ah yes, the person who casually insults others, and never backs up their claims. Great advice to follow. Public profile hidden because you insult too many people.

Probably not a bad idea, but I typically find that extremely stupid people aren’t really worth the effort. I just stop reading what they type instead.

What’s it like to live in an echo chamber? Population you, and yes men.

Then you shouldn’t play XIV. Fight design in XIV is all burst damage. There aren’t rot fights. It’s get hit for 70% of your health, get topped in like 2 globals because heals have absurd potency and tend to also be OGCD, and then get hit a few seconds later for another 70%.

That’s just the unavoidable damage. In savage+ fights if you get hit by avoidable damage you simply just die.

The difference in XIV is that all of that burst damage is very predictable, to the point you can wind up a long heal cast to match the bosses’ cast bar, and top everyone off instantly. Zero stress once you learn the boss.


Too many people wanting to get carried even as far up as +17 keys many times i get into a group and the keyholder is around ilvl 400.
The other crazy thing happening is the amount of people demanding you give them loot, while the majority of people will ask “hey you need that x item” lately i have had several people that either run up to me and open a trade window or outright say “gimme that x item”.

I had one person that other week that was running a +17 their key at ilvl 402 it was a hard carry who then demanded the mage give him the ring they got and i give them the belt i received which for me was a slight upgrade. They then went on to whisper me afterwards demanding the item which i ignored as i was logging off anyway but the next day they had sent me an in game mail telling them they had reported me for not giving them “their” loot. The crazy part is had they been civil about asking for the item i would have given them the belt as it was only a 0.2% upgrade for me.

Someone insulted me because I chose to keep boots that had leech on them, might use em over 447s at some point.